Cybernetic Revolt

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There goes the neighborhood...

"Worlds were overrun by bloody uprisings within their own populations, much of which were mutated beyond sanity and recognition. Gene-wars consumed entire star systems, while a psychic apocalypse drowned the stars in fire. The vast empire of Humanity was shattered amidst horror and anarchy, and the oppressive shroud of Old Night settled over all"

– Custodes 8th edition

The Cybernetic Revolt can arguably be stated to be the bloodiest, most destructive conflict in Human history. While it may pale in comparison to the War in Heaven, it still makes the Horus Heresy seem like a joke in comparison. And while the Horus Heresy was more relatively split between Loyalists and Traitors with few outliers, the Cybernetic Revolt can only be described at a total clusterfuck. Painting this conflict as only Man vs machine would not show the full picture, as many more factors were in fact in play here. Factors that helped bring a brutal and crushing end to the Dark Age of Technology, and a horrific beginning to the Age of Strife.

Perpetual Prelude

We begin in Age of Terra, a time in which humanity is still confined to Terra and its orbit. Since ancient times, nigh indestructible and immortal super humans known as [[Perpetual|Perpetuals] had roamed the earth, born/created from unknown means. Thanks to their incredible power, much of these superhuman beings were able to claim positions of power, becoming kings, chieftains, Warlords, and potentially even presidents, dictators, and oligarchs. The most powerful of the all however was the yet to be God-Emperor of Mankind.

The Emperor had dreams of accelerating the evolution Mankind by into beings like that of Homo superior (Perpetuals). He personally requested every Perpetual of old earth to assist in achieving this difficult task. The reaction to the Emperor's from the Perpetuals was mixed. Some agreed to join with the Emperor. Some refused to assist this and/or have anything to do with them. And some got absolutely fuck ass mad with this request, and chose violence. As a result of pissing off these violent Perpetuals, many of the wars in the age of terra ended up being created by them in a attempt to stop the Emperor. However, eventually all Perpetuals had decided to reject the Emperor, whether by leaving him, or betraying him. The Emperor himself however seemed glad about their rejections, as he seemed be tired out from the build up of complaints and arguments from the rest of the Perpetuals. The Perpetuals overtime left the home world, covered themselves in the shadows, or went into other lives. We don't know exactly when the majority of the Perpetuals left the Emperor's side, we however certainly know the dark truth behind humanity's history: The destiny of humanity was out of the hands of humanity itself for (at the very least) the majority of its history, instead being held by illuminate-esque organizations and secret society run by nigh invincible and immortal beings who may or may not have malicious and atrocious intentions. Truly a grim start.

The Steller Exodus

During the Age of Terra, a (potentially) new mysterious groups of individuals appeared in Human history, the Men of Gold. While it is unknown exactly when they first appeared, we do have this transcript from a scholarly Imperial journal:

"And so it was that in the First Age of Man, the Golden Age, there is the Emperor Unseen and unheralded he prepares the Old Earth for the coming of Mankind and he watches and he waits. He is joined by the First Men of the Golden Race, fine of limb and strong of mind, yet still the Emperor is content to wait in shadow. To watch and learn from Mankind, the Golden Race spreads across the face of Old Earth, multiplying and establishing Order and Civilisation on the anarchy of Nature"

– Keeper Cripias (Library Sanctus of Terra)
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