D&D skills
Dungeons and Dragons has had skills for a long time. Over the many editions what skills have been included have changed.
D&d 3.5E
- Appraise
- Balance
- Bluff
- Climb
- Concentration
- Craft
- Decipher Script
- Diplomacy
- Disable Device
- Disguise
- Escape Artist
- Forgery
- Gather Information
- Handle Animal
- Heal
- Hide
- Intimidate
- Jump
- Knowledge
- Listen
- Move Silently
- Open Lock
- Perform
- Profession
- Ride
- Search
- Sense Motive
- Sleight Of Hand
- Speak Language
- Spellcraft
- Spot
- Survival
- Swim
- Tumble
- Use Magic Device
- Use Rope
D&D 4E
- Acrobatics
- Arcana
- Athletics
- Bluff
- Diplomacy
- Dungeoneering
- Endurance
- Heal
- History
- Insight
- Intimidate
- Nature
- Perception
- Religion
- Stealth
- Streetwise
- Thievery