Advancing the Storyline
Advancing the Storyline is what a great number of neckbeards believe that Games Workshop need to do with Warhammer 40000. Complaints and grumbling about how the storyline never moves on are frequently found on /tg/, as well as other 40k discussion forums.
Why they're wrong
Many people - Aaron Dembski-Bowden being one of its most frequent proponents - hold the view that this attitude is a load of shit, and that it completely misunderstands the nature of the 40k setting.
This is because 40k isn't a story, and in fact, doesn't have a "storyline"; while events from it, such as the Black Crusades and the Badab War have had their stories told, there's no one story that the setting exists to tell (unlike with universes such as those of Star Wars or Doctor Who; even though other stories exist in those settings, they're based on a single one). 40k is a setting in which stories take place, and has 10 thousand years and a whole galaxy in which to set them, so expecting the timeline to "advance" to "continue" or "finish" the "story" is a stupid idea - not to mention, it would be an awful business plan, since if 40k ended, Games Workshop wouldn't be able to sell toy soldiers to children any more.
Additionally, whilst some settings - such as those of Dungeons and Dragons - do have such "metaplots", they are generally derided and disliked by players, since they stop them from being able to tell stories in the way they intended.
See Also
- Your dudes, an explanation as to why this is a bad attitude to have.