Dark Places & Demogorgons
A retroclone by Bloat Games, DP&D is based on older versions of D&D (Basic D&D in particular) but makes several major adjustments.
- There is a new 7th ability attribute, Survival, which is a pool of luck points you can burn to do rerolls.
- There are no races, everyone is human. This makes sense because...
- The game is set in the 1980's in a small town outside of Louisville, Kentucky.
- Classes are based on classic 80's high schooler tropes such as Bully, School Princess, Geek, Rocker, and Jock.
- Other classes one can be are Telepaths, Pyros, Experiment X and others that can use magic and psionic powers.
The leveling scale is rather small, the absolute level cap being 7 (but that is option, core rules say 5 should realistically be what you cap the players at and levels 6 and 7 are found in one of the splats). Healing magic (and magic in general) is incredibly rare since all of the magic and psionic classes are at the GM's discretion.
- Core Rulebook - Gives the majority of the rules and some adventure hooks, pretty much standard fare.
- Player Options and GMs Guide - More classes, rules for higher level play, guidelines for the GM and a lot of 80's schlock to flesh out characters and NPCs.
- Jeffersontown Setting Guide - Lots of information about the setting as well as a shit ton more adventure hooks, all based on key locations from the setting. NOTE: This is based on a real life town from real life but heavily altered for 80's horror-comedy goodness.
- Vampire Sourcebook - Extra rules for vampires and how to run the different varieties.
- Werewolf Sourcebook - How best to get your furry on.
- UFO Investigators Handbook - Has some silly shit in about UFO, including new classes so you can be a horny teenage alien.
- Ghost Hunters Handbook - Sort of like the UFO handbook but all about ghosts. No rules for properly bustin' them though...