Dive into the Sky/Char

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Now in Alphabetical format.


== Name ==
'''Ace Style''': <br>
'''Archetype''': <br>



Name: Hailey Markane
Aircraft: MiG 1.44
Callsign: Ember
Age: 20
Ace Style: Top Gun
Archetype: Bravado
Attributes/Quirks/Features:Goggles, Hat, Unlucky
Weapons: M197 machine gun, AIM-9 sidewinder, Colt .44 pistol
Personal: Hailey is a spunky girl who was labeled as borderline retarded by earlier teachers. They couldn't be farther from the truth. She was a very smart girl, just bored out of her skull and always daydreaming. When the call came for volunteers to fly, she was one of the first to sign up, showing remarkable prowess and knowledge despite lack of formal training. She likes to think her method of flying is the best way to do it, even if it means getting into arguments with her superiors and colleagues.
Apperance:Hailey could be called cute, but never to her face. Short red hair, bright brown eyes and a slim body that she could care less about.


Name:Susan Goldstein
Ace Style:Cool
Ace Point: 1
Friend Points: 1
Attributes/Quirks/Features:Glasses, Scarf Weapons:Personal scale Personal:


Name: Akilina "Ice Queen" Romanov
Aircraft: MiG 1.42
Age: 14
Ace style: Veteran
Character type: Tsundere

AtA: 3
AtG: 1
Mobility: 4
Wits: 4
Speed: 2
Defense: 1
Stamina: 18
Ace Point: 1
Friend Points: 1

Attributes/quirks: Eye Patch, Hat, Small Breasts, Short, Sickly
Weapons: Russian Imperial Court Sabre, Tokarev TT model 1933 Pistol, Mosin Nagant M 1891-30 Sniper Rifle

Personal: Akilina is the daughter of Russian aristocracy, her family having fled The Revolution just ahead of the bayonets and flames, but with the presence of mind to do a bit of looting of the family's treasury before they left; her great-grandparents were the ones to actually have lived on Russian soil, her great-grandmother a decorated veteran of the Russo-Japanese war, serving as an officer amongst the artillery pieces. They produced her grandmother in the late 20s from their exile within England (the first plane in the family, who was decorated for her service in the Battle of Britain, despite her young age), who later married another child of the 'dispossessed' Russian aristocracy. They produced her mother in the mid-60s (the first jet-powered plane in the family, with a record in the Falklands and later Kuwait and Iraq), who married yet another ex-pat Aristocrat from a noticeably less illustrious, but still impeccable, family, the two of whom produced Akilina herself.
Coming from a proud and storied tradition of military service, her family stripped of their rightful rank and status in all but their own hearts, her entrance into military service was a foregone conclusion, and she was raised appropriately (with a lingering side order of bitter deposed nobility's attitudes toward the common folk), entering combat for the first time at eleven. Originally a considerably more cocky and rash spectacle in the air, being shot down a year into her service and barely surviving the ordeal (inheriting the family's haemophilia didn't help much) tempered her attitude, producing a surprisingly seasoned, and at times outright cautious, veteran. She has a tendency to scold her fellow pilots for careless or reckless behaviour, when she isn't barely skirting the line of abuse in her treatment of rookies when a pilot she's known for any length of time needs to be 'replaced'.

Appearance: Akilina is a rather short, slim girl of 14, with a pale complexion, blonde hair generally worn in twintails, and blue eyes that reflect a somewhat chilly Russian beauty. She's generally found wearing a double-breasted dark green waist-length coat, trimmed with black fur at the neck, wrists, and hem, black sheer stockings, variously colored striped panties beneath them, and shining black boots that reach her upper calves. While on a mission, or when the weather is cold enough, she often dons a black fur-lined Russian cap, and no matter the weather or position, is found wearing a scarlet red eyepatch over her right eye, decorated with a golden representation of the Romanov Imperial Eagle. Finally, she rarely sets foot outside her quarters without an antique sabre strapped to her hip.


Name: Alice "Shatterer" Wintermarrine
Aircraft: Eurofighter Typhoon
Age: 25
Ace Style: Veteran
Archetype: Bottle Fairy
Stamina: 14
Attributes: Short, Scarf, Small Brests

Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Captive Bolt Pistol

Personal: Alice enjoys a good smoke every now again, even though it has stunted her high. She enjoys ended battles with kegs of beer. Anyone who can handle their drink can't be bad in her books. She prefers to hang back and deal with things from a distance, but if required she can go in head first, hoping to strike an enemy with her captive bolt.

Appearance: Short for her age and tends to have a cigarette in her mouth, whether it's lit or going to be lit soon. She has blond and eyes that seem to reflect most of her surroundings. Always wears a white scarf even in the summer.


Name: "Big Sis"
Aircraft: F/A-18 Hornet
Ace Style: Soldier
Archetype: Older Sister
Weapons: 20mm Vulcan, AIM 120 AMRAAM

Pantsuru Man

Name: Kriska "Amethyst" Saichi
Aircraft: Su-35BM
Age: 17
Ace Style: Knight
Archetype: Rookie
Attributes/Quirks/Features: Lots of hairclips, Zettai Ryouiki, white thigh highs
Weapons: GSh-30-1 30mm Cannon, AA-12 "Adder" AtA Missile Launching System
Personal: A young civil aviator turned fresh military recruit, Kriska is an Eastern Russian born girl from a multicultural family, one part Russian and one part Japanese (mary sue). Although she has a great deal of flight experience under her belt she’s relatively new to combat and has yet to experience a battle first hand resulting in her having an erratic dog fighting style.
Apperance: With long pale lavender colored hair Kriska has counteracted the typical hair in the face syndrome most other female pilots suffer from with an over abundant use of hair clips of varying design ranging from cute to really cute. Often wears a standard military uniform in NATO colors as is expected of all new, unproven pilots but she has added some of her own personality in the form of white thigh high socks to go with her skirt showing more than enough Zettai Ryouiki.


Name: Frances Alice Garbu Gardina Opal Thomason
Aircraft: B 12"flying fortress"
Sex: Female
Age: 17 Nationality: -undecided-
Age: -uncediced-
Ace Style: Soldier
Archetype: Bravado
Weapons:Main: "multi missile launcher", Sub: "single shot rifle"
Personal: Whiny and annoying probably from all the teasing because of her name in school. Not a person you want to be around outside of a fight but when in a battle she's all there and not phased by flack and near misses.
Apperance: She is of hodge podge of Caucasian decent coming out with some of the more attractive features of long blond hair and some sky blue eyes. Her shoulders and hips seem slightly larger then they should be giving her a more feminine figure then her small bust could ever hope to show. Generally her garb is of dull grey vest some sort of plain skirt and a lighter shade of stockings. She would defiantly look with a better choice of clothing and almost seems to pick out the dullest most boring clothes one could wear for some reason.


Name: Symond Whyte
Aircraft: F-22a Streak
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Ace Style: Hotblooded
Archetype: Bottle Fairy
AtA: 1
AtG: 1
Mob: 5
Wit: 2
Spd: 5
Def: 1
Stamina: 16
Scars, goggles, scarf, Unlucky

Weapons: WASP Air Injection Knife, M61A2 Vulcan, .44 Magnum Revolver

Personal:Symond is you're average 25 year old. Born and raised in Indiana fixing cars at the young age of 8, Symond has formed a liking to machines. If you saw him anywhere else you would think he was just any other college graduate trying to make it in the work world. If someone told you he was an experienced ace pilot, you just wouldn't believe it. Over the years the wars he has seen and the pilots he has fought has left not the slightest amount of weathering on Symond's good nature or cheery attitude.

Symond studied to become an engineer throughout his school career so he could help build the fighter jets that his big sister flew. After his sister quit the air force after almost dying so she could go care after her family, Symond hastily picked up the reigns his sister had left behind and has since become a well known pilot. Symond's technical know how and can do attitude aid him when he goes streaking into battle as fast as possible.

Although Symond lacks actual combat skills he more than makes up for it in his ability to help others in and out of combat, his quick speed, and the simple fact that he is known as being one of the hardest pilots to hit. Period.

Because Symond is male in a world were the male populace is ever shrinking he is often the butt of many jokes and the target of pranks from his fellow squadron members. Also because he is the only male on the squad the other members often blame him for whatever problems may arise even if he is in now way responsible. Because of this Symond likes to spend a lot of his time out partying, fixing his fighter jet, tinkering with machines, or generally staying where it is hard to find him.

Appearance: Symond is a 5'9'' male with chestnut brown hair and dark green eyes. Symond has a scar that goes horizontally over his nose (about where his glasses would rest if he needed to wear a pair, approximately from under one eye to under the other) that he got after a malfunction working on his fighter jet. Symond is often seen wearing casual t-shirts and jeans with a wallet chain. The two objects Symond is always seen wearing are his engineers welding goggles when not in combat (either around his neck or on his forehead) and always the worn cross necklace his sister gave him when he joined the air force.