
From 2d4chan
Revision as of 07:28, 11 January 2018 by (talk) (It was decided and agreed on to remove this page a long time ago, when the page for mods was made. It was subsequently deleted, but now, restored for no reason. I notice that the fanboy who originally wrote the article didn't restore the discussion.)
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This article has been flagged for deletion.
Comment on the article's talk page.
Reminder: Do NOT blank pages when flagging them for deletion.
Reason: It was decided and agreed on to remove this page a long time ago, when the big-ass page for mods was made. It was subsequently deleted, but now, restored for... No reason. Conviently, I notice that the fanboy who originally wrote the article didn't restore it's last version, where the whole discussion was actually held, and even newerfag came in to stop the nonsense. This article should not be here, and it was mutually agreed upon and decided. End of story.