Age of Sigmar/Tactics

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Hello, this is the general Tactica dump for the Age of Sigmar armies, units and rules.

2nd edition Age of Sigmar

2nd edition coming soon! While we do know that the warscrolls are going to be the same, we also know that new things (shuch as command points) are being added that will change tactics.

The Rules

The first thing you'll realize about AOS is that it's a very different system compared to Warhammer fantasy Battles, gone are the days of ranks and flanking but that is then and this is now. It starts off with a four basic page rule set for easy to learn quick play but can get very complicated by applying terrain rules, Scenario objectives and Times of War rules to add more character to the battle(s) which can be viewed in the corresponding Battletomes being released for each race/faction.

Battle Rounds

After the first initial round where either yourself or the Opponent takes the first turn subsequent rounds are randomized on who will take the initiative for that new battle phase. How it is randomize is by both players roll a dice each and the highest one can pick to start the next round or let the opponent start, so in other words you have a 50/50 chance of going first again if are lucky enough so a good general will always keep that in mind when positioning units on the board for those 'just in case' situations.


The game is split into multiple phases, like Fantasy, but these splits are a bit different. Also take note that modifiers are now applied AFTER re-rolls are made.

  • Hero Phase: Here's where your wizards can do wizardy shit and heroes do leadery shit. Unlike the complex strategies of the old game, your magic spells are SEVERELY cut down. Like, cut down to only at most 3-4. Why that many? Because ALL wizards learn the following two spells by default. And don't worry, spells are cast in the same manner, but all of them only use 2d6 to cast. But don't count your non-wizard leaders out, though! Some have a Command Ability that they can still use in this phase. Its also worth noting that many other abilities can also take effect or expire during this phase.
    • Arcane Bolt - Cast on a 5+. One enemy unit within 18" takes a Mortal (Read: Unsaveable) wounds. D3 if the casting was 10+
    • Mystic Shield - Cast on a 6+. A friendly unit within 18" of the caster rerolls saves of 1
      • Unbinding - If you have a wizard within 30" of another wizard that's casting, you can roll 2d6 to repel it. All you need to do is beat his roll by rolling an equal amount of dice (2d6), which can be laughably undoable if the other guy managed to roll real high after modifiers if any.
    • Command Abilities - These are abilities that Heroes can use in the Hero Phase (unless said otherwise) that give buffs that cannot be stopped. They cost 1 command point each, which you start the battle with 1 plus 1 for each battalion you have and 1 for each 50 points you didn't spend on your army (for example, 2000 point game, spent 1900 points on army, get 2 bonus command points at start of game). You also gain 1 point at the start of each of your hero phases. You can use as many different Command Abilities you want as many times as you want a turn (unless specified) as long as you have the points to do. Some models have Command abilities that they can only use if they are the general so plan accordingly. Everyone has the following 3.
      • Inspiring Presence - This is used at the start of the battleshock phase. Pick one unit within 6 inches of a friendly hero or 12 inches of your general. That unit auto-pass any Battleshock tests that unit takes until your next Hero phase.
      • At the Double - This can be used after you make a run roll for a friendly unit within 6 inches of a friendly hero or 12 inches of your general. That roll is treated as a 6.
      • Forward to Victory - This can be used after you make a charge roll. Pick a unit within 6 inches of a friendly hero or 12 inches of your general. You can re-roll the charge roll.

Take Note: A wizard can only cast one type of spell per Hero Phase unless the warscroll somehow allows you to spam it X amount of times, an example is a wizard that can cast 2 spell per Hero phase will know 3 spells - Mystic Shield, Arcane Bolt and one is unique spell to the unit/warscroll. The player decides to cast Mystic shield and fails so can not cast it again this turn (it's on cooldown or something) and so decided to cast arcane bolt for extra damage instead.

  • Movement Phase - Each unit still has a movement range described in their profile/warscroll, which they can walk. Running adds d6 to that result (but can't shoot or charge afterwards) and can't move within 3" of an enemy unit. Flying units can move within 3" of enemies as they ignore intervening models and terrain but cannot end within 3".
  • Shooting Phase - Here's where the changes come up in the old system. It runs the same way as before...
    • Pick a unit to shoot.
    • Roll to-hit, which means seeing if you roll over your chosen weapon's To-Hit score on a d6. This isn't modified based on any armor or other factors, meaning that if you have a weapon that hits on a 3+, ANYTHING will get hit. Unit positioning and cover should be taken into consideration during this phase after turn 1 or during setup.
    • Roll to-wound, which means using a d6 to roll over the chosen weapon's To-Wound Score. People complain about there being no modifiers to the roll due to how tough a creature is now, don't worry about that as it is reflected by how many wounds each model has in a unit now.
    • Roll to save, which are now all covered in one stat. After all hit and wound rolls are resolved then armor saves needs to be taken. Roll as normal then apply modifiers such as rending, cover saves etc. and see if you passed or failed the roll.
  • Charge Phase - For each unit within 12" of the enemy, roll 2d6 and if you can get a model with 1/2" of another unit with that roll, you can charge that unit. Means if you have 2 targets in range, you can pick which one you hit, positioning is key for successful charges.
  • Attack Phase - Combat phase. Now this is where things are a little different. For hitting and wounding it is the same thing as shooting however the main differences is which unit shall you pick to attack first. So if it is your turn you pick 1 unit in a combat, they attack, then your opponent picks 1 unit in combat, they attack, and you continue until all units attack. You have to be tactical if you have multiple combats as you have to try and maximise the amount of attacks your guys get before your opponent maximises his. Also two other differences is that 1) each weapon has a range (normally 1") so you actually have to pay attention to the poisitoning of your guys. And 2) your units can only use the selected weapons they have equipped on them (monsters can bite and swipe in the same attack) so read the units warscroll first and decide what they are going to have BEFORE the game starts but generally the model would show what they are wielding anyway.
  • Battleshock Phase - This is the panic phase. Any unit who lost models during ANY phases has to test Bravery on d6, adding 1 for every model that has slain from the unit during that turn and subtracting 1 for every 10 models the unit has. Failing this test means a model leaves for each degree it fails by. An example would be a basic unit of 10 model count Blood reavers with a bravery of 5 suffers (no upgrades for example sake) 3 casualties and made a Battle shock roll which ended up being an 4. Now you add the amount suffered in the combat phase(3) and add it to the roll you just made during the bravery phase(4) which equals to a total of (7). Compare this to the bravery profile (5) and you failed by 2 so the result is two more models running away leaving 5 left out of the original 10.

Army Tactics

Technically, nothing in the rules limit your model choices and thus can field anything from any army alongside each other. You should expect players to be grizzled sex pests, and prepare to fight fire with fire (if you know what I mean). While this can create interesting thematics, such as oldschool Morathi armies using Dark Elves and Daemons or Chaos Magic Sigmarines, most players will limit themselves to one of the four major factions or stick to the old tactic of choosing just one race army. Also you can now play with points since GW has released points for your units to create a more balanced game, and even the Bretonnians, Tomb Kings, and the removed units from the old warscrolls have points so you can still field them.

Age of Sigmar Tactics Articles
General Tactics

Here you can find the old version of the tactics anterior to the new armies subdivision created with grand alliances books and battletomes.


Death Note: As the armybooks don't even begin to correspond to the new factions, I'm making faction pages and let you guys deal with the shit of organizing which unit goes where.



Each race (in the 8th Edition sense) have several formations which if taken grant bonuses to those troops, giving incentive to take specific things. Most often these lean towards thematic choices (such as three Units of Crypt Ghouls, one of Crypt Horrors, and a Strigoi Ghoul King) or in existing groupings (such as the Island of Blood High Elves or the components of a Battalion Box). While its still better to min/max yourself by simply taking massive gobs of the best models available to you (the "ten Nagash army" example is thrown around quite often in disparaging discussions of crunch), players looking to be a bit less...douchey will aim for these bonuses instead.

Time of War

As of the General's Handbook, the Time of War rules allow you to play games under the conditions of a particular time and/or place. Providing additional benefits, penalties and often spells.

Strictly speaking, they are not restricted to any particular game mode, so can be used in Open, Narrative, or Matched Play games. Though most of their rules are found in the narrative sections as they tend to provide benefits to particular army builds or keywords, rather than being balanced for both sides, so many competitive players may decline to use the rules for them.

Particular campaigns have many more rules than those found in this section, such as the Realmgate Wars, which often come with their own victory conditions and may not be suitable for pick-up games. They can be found by clicking on their links.

The Storm of Sigmar

This are the general rules for the first round of the Big Guy ride in the mortal realms. Don't bother if you are using a DEATH army.

  • LEGIONS OF CHAOS: once per battle your CHAOS general has 5/6 chance of summoning from 1 to 1d6 units of DAEMONS, or, when things go south, suffer D3 mortal wound and eventually turn into a CHAOS SPAWN if he manages to die because of it.
  • OVERTHROW THE TYRANTS: with an ORDER or DESTRUCTION general you can try to evoke a unit of STORMCAST ETERNALS for every dice roll of 3+. Remember, you roll an amount of dice equal to the battle round you're playing, so use it at least at round 3.
  • RAIN OF SIGMAR: a PRIEST of ORDER once per battle can use this prayer instead of his. If D6+complete battle rounds is at least 6, ORDER models gets +2 Bravery and CHAOS models gets -2 Bravery until the end of the battle.

Aqshy: Realm of Fire

    • Clouds of Smoke and Steam: Models cannot see targets beyond terrain features.
    • Flaming Missiles: At +1 to wound rolls of ranged attacks if the target is 20" or more away.
    • Fireball: Wizards can cast this spell in addition to any other spell they can use.
      • Casting value 5, pick a visible enemy unit within 18". If the unit is a single model it suffers 1 mortal wound. Units of two to nine models suffer D3 mortal wounds. Units of ten or more models suffer D6 mortal wounds.
  • Spells known: Wizards know the following spells in addition to any other spells they know.
    • Stoke Rage: Casting value of 6. Pick a friendly unit within 12" of the caster that is visible to them. Add 1 to wound rolls and charge rolls for that unit until the your next hero phase.
    • Inferno Blades: Casting value of 6. Pick a friendly unit within 12" of the caster. Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of melee weapons used by that unit until your next hero phase.
    • Fiery Blast: Casting value of 7. Pick a point on the battlefield within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Roll a dice for each unit (friend or foe) within 3" of this point. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
    • Glare of Vulcatrix: Casting value of 8. Pick an enemy unit within 9" of the caster that is visible to them. Roll a dice; if the result is higher than the unit’s Wounds characteristic, a model from that unit is slain.
    • Parch: Casting value of 6. Pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster. That unit must halve its Move characteristic until your next hero phase. In addition, roll a dice each time that unit completes a charge move until your next hero phase. On a 5+ the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
    • Incandescent Form: Casting value of 6. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target the caster until your next hero phase.

Ghyran: Realm of Life

    • Spontaneous Growth: Roll a dice at the start of each hero phase. On a 6 you may set up a Sylvaneth Wildwood anywhere more than 1" from any other scenery or models.
    • Lifebloom: If a unit rolls a 1 for a battleshock test, no models flee and all wounds suffered by models in the unit are fully healed. (This does not bring back dead models)
  • Spells known: Wizards know the following spells in addition to any other spells they know.
      • Shield of Thorns: Casting value 6, select a friendly unit within 18". Until the next hero phase, enemy units within 3" of that unit at the end of the combat phase automatically suffer D3 mortal wounds.
      • WHIPVINES: casting value of 5. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Roll a dice for each enemy unit within 3" of this point. On a 4+ the unit being rolled for suffers 1 mortal wound.
      • MIRRORPOOL: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, remove the caster from the battlefield and set them up again anywhere within 18" of their previous position, more than 9" from any enemy models.
      • REALMBLOOD: a casting value of 7. If successfully cast, heal D3 wounds allocated to the caster
      • BRIARSTORM: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 18" of the caster. Until your next hero phase, any unit that finishes a move within 3" of that point suffers D3 mortal wounds.
      • FLESH TO STONE: casting value of 7. If successfully cast, re-roll successful wound rolls for attacks that target the caster until your next hero phase.
      • SICKLEWIND: casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 12" of the caster that is visible to them and draw an imaginary straight line 1mm wide between that point and the closest part of the caster. Each unit other than the caster that has models passed across by this line suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Chamon: Realm of Metal

    • Iron Trees: If the target of an attack is in a Citadel Wood or Sylvaneth Wyldwood then reduce the rend value of the attack by 1.
    • Rust and Steel: In your hero phase, roll a dice. On a roll of 1, inflict Rust Plague on an enemy unit. On a roll of 6, inflict Steel Rain on an enemy unit.
      • Rust Plague: Pick an enemy unit that is in cover. That units suffers -1 to save rolls made for the rest of the game.
      • Steel Rain: Pick an enemy unit that is not in cover. The opposing player must make a save roll for each model in the unit. Inflict a number of mortal wounds on the unit equal to the number of failed save rolls.
  • Spells known: Wizards know the following spells in addition to any other spells they know.
    • Transmutation of Lead: Casting value 7. Choose a visible enemy unit within 18". Until your next hero phase, halve (rounding up) the Move value of all models in the unit. In addition,you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made against that unit in the combat phase.
    • RAIN OF LEAD:casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 12" of the caster that is visible to them. Subtract 1 from hit rolls and save rolls for that unit until your next hero phase.
    • MOLTEN GAZE: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 12" of the caster that is visible to them and draw an imaginary straight line 1mm wide between that point and the closest part of the caster. Each unit other than the caster that has models passed across by this line suffers 1 mortal wound.
    • RULE OF BURNING IRON: casting value of 8. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 12" of the caster that is visible to them. Roll a dice for each model in that unit. For each 6+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
    • GLITTERING ROBE: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, re-roll save rolls of 1 for the caster until your next hero phase.
    • TRANSMUTATION: casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them and roll 3 dice. For each roll that is greater than that unit’s Wounds characteristic, 1 model from that unit is slain.
    • CURSE OF RUST: casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 12" of the caster that is visible to them. Subtract 1 from hit rolls and save rolls for that unit until your next hero phase
    • MOLTEN GAZE: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 12" of the caster that is visible to them and draw an imaginary straight line 1mm wide between that point and the closest part of the caster. Each unit other than the caster that has models passed across by this line suffers 1 mortal wound.

Shyish: Realm of Death

    • Domain of Silent Decay: In your hero phase, roll a single dice. If you roll a 1, inflict Life Leeching on a unit (friend or foe), if you roll a 6, inflict Winds of Death on an enemy unit.
      • Life Leeching: The unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. DEATH units instead heal D3 wounds.
      • The Winds of Death: Roll a dice for each model in the unit; on a roll of 6 the model is slain outright (no saves). DEATH models are not affected.
    • Haunted Realm: DEATH units gain +1 Bravery, +1 to Casting/Unbinding rolls. MALIGNANT units gain +1 to save rolls.
    • Doom and Darkness: Wizards can use the Doom and Darkness spell on top of all their other spells while in Gothizzar.
      • Casting Value 6. Pick an enemy unit within 18", all models in that unit are at -2 Bravery until the caster's next hero phase.

Hysh: Realm of Light

    • Domain of Symmetry and Purity: Subract 1 from the Bravery of DAEMON and DEATH units.
    • Dazzling Glow: Units in cover gain a -1 to hit.
    • Speed of Light: Roll a dice in the hero phase. If you roll a 6 you can pick one friendly uniy and redeploy it anywhere on the battlefield more than 9" from the enemy. This counts as moving.
    • Pha's Protection: Wizards know this spell in addition to any other spell they know.
      • Casting value 5, select a friendly unit within 18". That unit can reroll failed saves until the next hero phase.

Ulgu: Realm of Shadow

Ghur: Realm of Beasts

  • Spells known: Wizards know the following spells in addition to any other spells they know.
    • THE AMBER SPEAR: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 12" of the caster that is visible to them and draw an imaginary straight line 1mm wide between that point and the closest part of the caster. Each unit other than the caster that has models passed across by this line suffers 1 mortal wound.
    • BESTIAL SPIRIT: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, if the unit suffers 3 mortal wounds from this spell, subtract 1 from its Bravery characteristic until your next hero phase.
    • FLOCK OF DOOM: a casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them and roll 12 dice. For each 6+ that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
    • IMPENETRABLE HIDE: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, you can re-roll failed save rolls for the caster until the start of your next hero phase.
    • COWER: casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick an enemy MONSTER within 12" of the caster that is visible to them and roll 2D6. If the result is higher than that MONSTER’s Bravery characteristic, it cannot make a charge move in your opponent’s next turn.
    • PRIMAL HUNTER: casting value of 8. If successfully cast, pick a friendly HERO within 12" of the caster that is visible to them. Re-roll failed charge rolls and hit rolls for that HERO until your next hero phase.

Realm of Chaos


Age of Sigmar is less of a traditional sandbox-style wargame setting, and more of a single ongoing narrative story. Each Battletome focuses on a number of battles set in in the Realms, usually a new location within them for special rules to be added, between major named characters (of which there are few now in comparison to Fantasy).

After each story there are Battle Plans that recreate the plot-battles for any armies rather than the ones canonically involved, much like older Warhammer scenarios like Grudge Of Drong and Idol Of Gork used to. Each battle has special rules for the setup phase, for the actual battle itself, and command abilities for both sides which can be played as a stand-alone game or as part of a campaign.


Of course, in a setting like this where the flow of magic is entirely weaved into the land, there are plenty of setpieces with curious rules dependent on how you play. However, most terrain rolls off the following list, which you roll for before the game begins.

  1. Damned: Suckers within 3" can opt to take d3 Mortal Wounds in exchange for adding +1 to all hit rolls until the next Hero Phase. Mobs can especially benefit from this since the damage won't mean so much to them and they get more guaranteed hits.
  2. Arcane: Wizards within 3" of this piece add +1 to all casting and unbinding rules. The use is pretty obvious.
  3. Inspiring: All within 3" add +1 Bravery. While wasted on Duardin and Stormcasts, this can mean the difference between a pack of Orruks holding on or breaking for the hills.
  4. Mystical: Now here's a wildcard. All units within 3" have to roll d6; on a 1, the unit becomes stupefied and can't do shit until your next Hero Phase, but on any other result, you can re-roll wound rolls.
  5. Sinister: The units within 3" now trigger fear (Inflict -1 Bravery against any other enemies) until your next Hero Phase. Pretty much your go-to for deleting mobs with the fist of a spiteful god.

Most of the official scenery kits have specific rules. However, most of the weird and crazy rules have vanished as of AOS2.

  • Arcane Ruins: Use Arcane rules.
  • Azyrite Ruin: None.
  • Baleful Realmgate: A unit within 6" of the gate and 6" of a friendly wizard can teleport to another gate instead of moving.
  • 'Barbed Venomgorse: Consists of exactly 3 Barbed Venomgorse models. Use Deadly rules.
  • Citadel Wood: Blocks line of sight. If you are Sylvaneth you can use these as Sylvaneth Wyldwoods.
  • Dragonfate Dais: Use Damned rules.
  • Magewrath Throne: It's a giant command throne. If your general is within 3" and the enemy general isn't then +1 command points in your hero phase
  • Numinous Occulum: Use Mystical rules.
  • Ophidian Archway: Use Sinister rules.
  • Shardwrack Spines: Consists of 2-5 Shardwrack Spine models. Use Deadly rules.
  • Sigmarite Mausoleum: A catch all for everything you can get in the Mausoleum kit. Counts as a garrison for up to 30 wounds worth of models. And counts as a Legions Of Nagash gravesite.
  • Walls and Fences: This is pretty stupidly obvious. No specific rules.
  • Warscryer Citadel: Counts as a garrison for up to 30 wounds worth of models plus a flying monster if you've built it right. Once inside Heroes inside can roll a dice and on 2+ get one command point in your hero phase and Heroes can unbind one spell per turn, whilst Wizards get an additional unbind.

Endless Spells

  • Balewind Vortex: (Casting Value 6) Remember those little tornado-platforms that wizards could grab back in Fantasy and gave them a couple neat perks? Yeah, that's back. It's also only available to squishy solo wizards with less than 9 wounds (Though if you think it's ever possible for Nagash or Archaon to even sit on that with their fat asses, we'd love to see it work). It unfortunately can't move, but considering your wizard gets a free spell, a range increase of +6" to all their spells, and a +1 to all saves, they'd be hard-pressed to find a reason not to.
  • Aethervoid Pendulum: (Casting Value 6) This is something you set up if you want a disposable weapon to kill. It doesn't even attack in the traditional sense, it just moves in a direction and anything it passes just eats d6 mortal wounds as do those near it after it stops. The one issue it has is that it's mobility is locked in straight lines, so you have to prioritize your targets.


  • Chronomantic Cogs: (Casting Value 7) This is a setpiece for any wizard. It can't move, but it allows any wizard on the caster's side within 9" to either speed up time (adding +2" to movement and adding +2 to charge rolls for the entire board) or slow down time (allowing the wizard to cast another spell and re-roll saves) during the Hero phase. One has very limited applications that require a frontline caster, the other pretty much relies on one side capitalizing on the speed boost.


  • The Burning Head: (Casting Value 7) This spell works as part attack-pet, part support. Sure, it deals d3 mortal wounds to anyone it passes or approaches (Adding +1 when in the Realm of Fire), but it also offers nearby allies a re-roll on any attack rolls of 1.


  • Quicksilver Swords: (Casting Value 6) This particular spell is pretty much made to drown enemies with mortal wounds. Once it moves, you select a single unit within 6". You then roll 12 die (15 in the Realm of Metal) and for every 6+ (Or 5+ on Chaos units), that's a Mortal Wound. This is pretty much here to dispose of any mob of elites or monsters, stopping short of felling the really big guys.


  • Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws: (Casting Value 8) This is another pure-offense spell, remarkable for it's big move range of 12" (Adding 1d6 in the Realm of Beasts). Moving it across only deals d3 Mortal Wounds to any models it crosses and -1 Bravery per model that got torn up (I think. The description's real easy to misunderstand).


  • Emerald Lifeswarm: (Casting Value 6) This particular spell is worth it if you lack any healers or ways to resurrect dead models. What it does is heal d3 (d6 in the Relam of Life) wounds or resurrect a number of models with wounds equal to that roll.


  • Prismatic Palisade: (Casting Value 5) This spell is pretty much your emergency cover with perks. Any models covered by it reduce any damage taken by 1 on a 5+ (4+ in the Realm of Light) while the wall itself denies LoS to anyone inside the Palisade, forcing enemies to circle around into a potential trap.
  • Geminids of Uhl-Gysh: (Casting Value 7) Casting this sets up two different models: one of light, and one of darkness. The dark piece deals d3 mortal wounds to all models it passes over and subtracts 1 from the attack value of their melee weapons. The light piece deals d3 mortal wounds to any models it passes over and deals -1 to all hit rolls. When in the Realm of Light, the light piece gets a re-roll on the wounds it deals.


  • Suffocating Gravetide: (Casting Value 6) You can certainly use it to just kill stuff, throwing d3 wounds and -1 bravery to any units it flies over, but it also acts as cover for any missiles attacking those nearby the tide. Using the Realm of Death just makes sure it can do this role better by making it move 12" rather than 8".
  • Soulsnare Shackles: (Casting Value 5) By summoning this triad of towers, you get to make a rather big zone of unsafe terrain to discourage any direct charges. Anyone within 6" of one of these has to roll a d6, halving movement on a 3+ and taking d3 mortal wounds on a 6. If you set up this spell in the Realm of Death, you can make that denial zone even bigger as the coherency range for each of these is 9" compared to the standard 6", but then you risk people sliding through the cracks.
  • Purple Sun of Shyish: (Casting Value 8) BEHOLD, FOR THE PURPLE SUN OF XEREUS RETURNS TO RUIN SHIT! This giant purple ball of fun isn't quite as broken as before, as it can only instakill models if the sun passes over them and they roll a 6, and if the model has over 6 wounds (read: most named heroes and monsters), they just take 2d6 wounds. Of course, it also helps that the sun deals -1 to any unit's Bravery when they're within 6". As an added bonus, placing this spell within the Realm of Death gives the sun a 12" move rather than it's standard 9".
  • Malevolent Maelstrom: (Casting Value 7) Here is a giant whirlpool of death and destruction, useful only if you point it away from your side. It'll suck up any spells cast around it and steal the souls of any destroyed units and gain points, with an additional point for every turn when you're in the Realm of Death. After every round of fighting, you then roll a d6, add your points to the result and if you get a 7+, it blows up and deals d3 mortal wounds to everyone within 3d6".


  • Umbral Spellportal:(Casting Value 5) You get two doors that connect to each other (The doors have a range of 18", but the Realm of Shadow pretty much makes the range unlimited). You can cast a spell from one to have it shoot out the other side and endless spells just jump through the doors.
    • Note that as per an Errata, only one spell a turn can go through.
  • Geminids of Uhl-Gysh: (Casting Value 7) Casting this sets up two different models: one of light, and one of darkness. The dark piece deals d3 mortal wounds to all models it passes over and subtracts 1 from the attack value of their melee weapons. The light piece deals d3 mortal wounds to any models it passes over and deals -1 to all hit rolls. When in the Realm of Shadow, the dark piece gets a re-roll on the wounds it deals.

Age of Sigmar Tactics Articles
General Tactics