Emil Darkhammer

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Darkhammer in BFGA2

Emil Darkhammer was an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor. As a follower of the Monodominant philosophy, he is insanely anti-xenos tech, which puts him at odds with Inquisitor Valeria.


In his pursuit of extreme purity, Inquisitor Darkhammer has personally ordered the Exterminatus of more than thirty worlds


Emil Darkhammer was introduced in the 5th Edition Grey Knights codex as part of Inquisitor Valeria's background fluff as a rival.

In Other Media

Inquisitor Darkhammer is an important part in the third part of the Imperial Campaign, after he BLAMM's Fleet Commander Drax for being an Alpha Legion double-agent. As mentioned, he is ridiculously anti-xenos, and takes a lot of glee when Spire puts down Aeldari Craftworlder and Corsair raiders.

Interestingly enough, in the timeline that BFGA2 follows, it is he that eventually gains the upper hand over Inquisitor Valeria, with the latter being executed for being compromised by Xenos (likely due to being a penpall of Trazyn the Infinite). He is rather smug about this fact.

Spire is eventually forced to either ally with him in destroying Craftworld O'Stara, or put down the mad inquisitor to save the Space Elves.

Famous members of the Emperor's Holy Inquisition
Ordo Xenos: Amberley Vail - Bronislaw Czevak - Kyria Draxus - Gregor Eisenhorn - Kryptman
Solomon Lok - Jena Orechiel - Gideon Ravenor - Velayne Ramaeus - Helynna Valeria - Emil Darkhammer
Ordo Hereticus: Adrastia - Katarinya Greyfax - Fyodor Karamazov - Anton Zerbe
Ordo Malleus: Hector Rex - Mordecai Toth - Torquemada Coteaz - Jaq Draco
Thadus Valconet Horst - Covenant - Ivixia Dannica - Ghankus Dhar
Other Ordos: