Enjou kosai adventure

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Enjo kōsai - RPG


  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Bust:
  • Ass:
  • Belly:
  • Haircolor:
  • School uniform:


  • Your character is not a normal girl. You might have demon blood in your veins, or you might be male.
  • Does not grant any advantages, must be incorporated to fit with background
  • If you are a complete monster(think monstergirl), you must have set points into illusion or desillusion to hide it. Japan is xenophobic.
  • Sexual orientation is also under this stat: Bisexual, lesbian or straight male must be listed here.

Final Goal:

  • (we need to make a 1d100 list of some sort)

Initial purity:

  • (i like the proposed ideas, affects rate of gained surplus magic and cap)
  • "No, not a stat - it's a measure of corruption. the higher your purity value, the less power you have, but the more attractive you are to men." -anon
  • Actual stat will be alongside your HP and combat ability, if we create a char sheat.

Social standing:

  • Your social standing, defines your allowance and your starting money.
  • Also defines your purity levels. High class means you can must start out almost pure.
  • High class means that you can only start with 1 mundane skill, while the poorest of the poor can start out with 4.


  • You gain 1 stat point per 100 exp?)
  • Gained via dates, or achivments for your character

Surplus magic:

  • basically how much whore points you have in surplus, can be burned in order to perform greater acts


You get to take specialisation in 1 skill, starting with 5 points in it, and you get to take 3-5 subskills with 2-3 points in them depending on background.

Suggested stats:

  • Illusion(optical mirages)
  • Desillusion(hallucinations instead of mirages)
  • White magic(Heals HP and ability to restore purity, manipulated unpure)
  • Dark magic(Heals all non-stat wounds and ability to reduce purity, manipulate pure)
  • Weapon proficy (pick 1 specialisation, any weapon imagable, you also get new proficies per 5 stat points, martial arts counts as a proficy)
  • Conjuration- other(summon and control planar beings)
  • Conjuration- alter(ability to warp yourself, such as becoming a tentacle monster until spell is cancelled)
  • Psychich(free ability to warp reality without magic)
  • Anti magic(ability to dispell magic, or get heighted andrenalin from being around magic)
  • Enchant (the ability to grant unnatural strenghts or feats on a item, for example turning your school uniform into a something as sturdy as a iron wall, or levitating shoes)

Mundane skill:

(abilities that are not skills, but side abilites. Can be aquired 1 per 4 levels The purpose is to get higher rewards from dating, without offering stats to some dark god)

  • Easy Blusher (your purity is considered higher, also higher with skill amount)
  • Innocent (character may not be accused of anything, each level also negotes evidence against characters crimes)
  • Manipulative (Are allowed to ignore conditions that would normally block your characters progress, but only 1 time per skill level per NPC)
  • Theft (The ability to steal)
  • Common sense (Lack of it will result in your character getting raped, or failing to realize that blackmails can be stopped at a toes distance)

Gameplay mechanics


  • Losing virginity results in you permanetly losing purity points, the amount depends on how you lost it.
  • If you for instance dated your childhood friend, and it became romantic, it is only a dent that can be spotted with a sharp spyglass.
  • If you lost your virginity to a random stranger you where dating, you lose 30-60% depending on how lewd it got
  • If you get raped by a monster or gangraped, your common sense determines how much you lose. High common sense equals lower losses
  • You may start out without virginity, but that lowers your purity points
  • If your character gets married, there is no loss of purity for losing the virginity.

Trap general:

  • You lose roughly all your social status if found out, but can be surpessed and ignored if your character has enough ranks in Common Sense and Manipulation
  • Higher chance of sex during dates
  • Trap on girl dates plays by same social reputation rules as yuri
  • Same mechanics for purity and virginity as normal girl

Yuri general:

  • Same mechanics for purity and virginity
  • Less social stigma for getting caught than normal girl, but can be surpessed and ignored if your character has enough ranks in Common Sense and Manipulation
  • Can perform shameful acts without instant purity loss

Monster general:

  • You lose social status based on how human you are if found out, but can be surpessed and ignored if your character has enough ranks in Common Sense and Manipulation
  • Monsters have a chance to attempt to rape their date, depending on breed.
  • Tentancle monsters don't have virginity, but can lose purity for exessive rape.