Exalted/Exalted 2nd Edition Character Sheet Template

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(italicized text is just a comment, don't keep it in your sheet) originally from [1]


  • Campaign: Something Exalted
  • Name: Cathak Sihrate
  • Concept: Warrior-Poet looking for distractions.
  • Caste/Aspect: Fire
  • Motivation: To forget about his past.
  • Positive intimacies: Money.
  • Negative intimacies:
  • Anima:
  • Experience: 0/0

(write experience points as "unspent / total" plx)




Strength  ●●        Charisma      ●●●●     Perception   ●●
Dexterity ●●●●●     Manipulation  ●●●      Intelligence ●●
Stamina   ●●        Appearance    ●●●      Wits         ●●●


Linguistics ●●●       Awareness   ●●●      Athletics ●●       Bureaucracy             Archery   ●●   
Lore   ●●            Craft             Dodge     ●●●●●       Investigation  ●●       Medicine  
Occult             Integrity  ●●●       Melee   ●         Larceny              Performance  ●●●●●
Stealth            Resistance        Presence ●●●        Martial Arts ●●●●●      Ride    ●     
Thrown             War      ●         Socialize  ●●●      Sail                 Survival     

Languages: Old Ream, Low Realm, High Realm, Flametongue.


Martial Arts +3 (Dual-wielding flamepieces)
Dodge +3 (Unarmored)


Breeding: ●●●●● Family : ●●● Artifact : ●●(Jade Bracers) Mentor : ●●● Resources : ●●●


1st Martial Arts Excellency. 1m for two dice. Reflexive. Etc etc.

One Eye Follows The Birds 1m Reflexive. Combo-OK. Until attack. Increased maximum bonus to aim by 3. The exalt may then take another Aim action.

Mother Disobeys Father 2m Supplemental Combo-OK. Doubles the range of an attack. (At ess 4+ an additional mote can be spent to triple the range.

Garda Takes Flgiht 3m Supplemental Combo-OK. Allows the exalt to divide a single attack among (ess) foes as long as they are within a 90 degree arc of the initial target.

Golden Exhalation Form 5m Simple (Speed 4) Form-type. One scene. Increases Lethal Soak by 2. +2 further versus flames. Defense +2. May also reflexively spend one mote to load a firewand, rather than a bit of firedust and an action.

3rd Dodge Excellency 3m. Combo-OK. Instant. Allows the exalt to reroll a pool based on the ability, OR add half the relevant ability to a static score.

Safety Among Enemies3m 1wp. Combo-OK. Instant. Shunts an attack off of the dragonblood and onto a new target.



Essence: ●●
Regeneration: (twice the rating of your hearthstone(s) when active, 4/hour more when relaxed, 8/hour more when sleeping)
Personal Essence Pool: /
Peripheral Essence Pool: /
Committed Essence: 4
(write your essence pools as "current / maximum". current should be lower than maximum if you have motes committed to artifacts or if we finished a session while you wasn't at your maximum essence. commit from peripheral.)


Willpower: ●●●●●●
Temporary: 6/6



Compassion ●
Conviction ●●●
Temperance ●●
Valor      ●●●

Virtue flaw: RAEG (Valor)
Limit: □□□□□ □□□□□
Limit Break Condition: Seeing flamebait.


2x Flame Pieces Speed 5. Acc +1 Damage 8L. rate 2. Range 8. F, S.


Jade hearthstone bracers

Manses and Hearthstones

(write what hearthstones (if any) you have, and write some stuff about the manses too: a bit of description, where they are and so on)


Dodge DV: 8. 9 if unarmored.
Dodge MDV: 5
Soak: 0A/1L/2B (add armor and 0A/(Sta/2 round down)L/(Sta)B)
Pierced: 0A/2L/2B (add half from armor and full from stamina)
Hardness: 0A/0L/0B (armor only)


Example Attack (Speed X, Accuracy X, Damage XL, Parry DV X, Rate X, Tags X, Y, Z)
Clinch (Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage +0B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags C, N, P)
Kick (Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +3B, Parry DV -2, Rate 2, Tags N)
Punch (Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +0B, Parry DV +2, Rate 3, Tags N)


□ -0
□ -1
□ -1
□ -2
□ -2
□ -4
□ Incapacitated
□ Dying

one Dying level per dot of Stamina


4bp on breeding
2bp on Martial Arts
2bp on Dodge
2bp on Performance
3bp on specialties
2bp on mentor

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