Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Chaos/Hedonites of Slaanesh
Slaanesh rises again...
Why Play Hedonites of Slaanesh?
- Hands down one of the fastest armies in the game and with the right maneuvering and synergies first-turn charges really shouldn't be that difficult in a lot of instances.
- Unlike other god focused armies Hedonites of Slaanesh have many abilities that work of "Chaos Slaanesh" keywords. Meaning its easier for things like Slave to Darkness and Beast of Chaos to benefit from army specific abilities and synergies. However, there is a good chance this was done because they didn't include new mortals in this battletome so they had to compensate somehow.
- at the moment Hedonites are the only God faction that has not gained any new Mortal units on release and have actually lost two mortal Hero's. Despite this, Slaves to Darkness still works with this army and will have to hold you over until cycle back to Slaanesh's time in the spotlight. Though hopefully this could be a sign we are getting a complete revamped mortal line. Hopefully.
The Hedonites of Slaanesh book has all the Warscrolls, Battations and Allegiance Abilities.
- This should be supplemented with the Hedonites of Slaanesh Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
As with all factions you'll want:
- The core rules are either downloadable or in the Core Book.
- Games taking place in a Realm need the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book.
- In you want to take advantage of realm specific artefacts you'll need the Artefacts Of The Realms section from the Malign Sorcery book.
- Matched play battleplans are split across the Core Book and General's handbook 2018.
- All books should be supplemented with any updates from the FAQs.
Allegiance Abilities
Feast of Depravities
You can summon units of SLAANESH DAEMONS to the battlefield if you collect enough depravity points. Each time a friendly SLAANESH HERO inflicts a wound or mortal wound by an attack or spell (and is not negated) on an enemy model but that model is not slain by that wound you receive 1 depravity point. In addition, every time a wound or mortal wound is inflicted on a friendly SLAANESH HERO but that models is not slain by that wound (and is not negated) you receive 1 depravity point. Depending on which host you belong to, you can generate more through other means.
Remember that since wounds are applied one at a time this counts for wounds inflicted by multi-wound weapons (for example if an attack with a 2 wound damage characteristic insa-kills a Liberator you recieve 1 depravity point, even though the weapon inflicts two wounds you apply them one at a time to the unit, the first wound to the Liberator granting the depravity point, but not the second wound lost that kills the model). Rule of thumb, two wound models will grant you one depravity point; 3 wound models will grant 2 depravity points, etc. One wound models will grant you nothing (so you will have let your heroes get hurt to get points when facing things like Grots, Skaven and Free Peoples).
Note that when you spend these, you retain any excess depravity points. e.g. If you have 14 and you summon an Infernal Enrapturess for 12 you will have 2 left over.
- 1 Keeper of Secrets - 30
- 3 Seeker Chariots - 30
- 30 Daemonettes - 25
- 1 Contorted Epitome - 18
- 1 Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot - 18
- 3 Fiends - 18
- 20 Daemonettes - 18
- 1 Bladebringer, Herald on Hellflayer - 15
- 1 Exalted Chariot - 15
- 1 Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh - 12
- 1 Bladebringer, Herald on Seeker Chariot - 12
- 1 Hellflayer - 12
- 1 Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh - 10
- 1 Seeker Chariot - 10
- 5 Seekers - 10
- 10 Daemonettes - 9
Summoning Efficiency Ratios
Top down, the units you want to leave out of your roster and summon instead BY EFFICIENCY OF DEPRAVITY POINTS:ROSTER POINTS ALONE:
- 1. Herald on Seeker Chariot, at 13.3 points/DP
- 2. Herald on Exalted Chariot, 10 Daemonettes, or 20 Daemonettes at 12.2 points/DP
- 3. Herald on Hellflayer, Herald on Foot, Keeper of Secrets, 30 Daemonettes, 3 Seeker Chariots, 1 Seeker Chariot, 1 Exalted Chariot, or 5 Seekers at 12 points/DP
- 4. Infernal Enrapturess, 3 Fiends, or 1 Hellflayer at 11.7 points/DP
- 5. Contorted Epitome, at 11 points/DP
If you summon them near the Fane, the list is as follows:
- 1. Herald on Seeker Chariot at 16 points/dp
- 2. 10 Daemonettes at 15.7 points/dp
- 3. Herald on foot, 1 Seeker Chariot, or 5 Seekers at 15 points/DP
- 4. Infernal Enrapturess or Hellflayer at 14 points/DP
- 5. Herald on Hellflayer and Exalted Chariot at 13.84 points/DP
- 6. Herald on Exalted Seeker Chariot or 20 Daemonettes at 13.75 points/DP
- 7. 3 Fiends at 13.1 points/DP
- 8. 30 Daemonettes at 13 points/DP
- 9. Keeper of Secrets or 3 Seeker Chariots at 12.9 points/DP
- 10. Contorted Epitome at 12.5 points/DP
In short, if you want a Contorted Epitome or a Keeper of Secrets, you want it in your roster. If you want Heralds on Seeker Chariots, you're best served summoning them in.
Hosts of Slaanesh
You MUST select your HEDONITES army to be to be INVADERS, PRETENDERS or GODSEEKERS. Which host you belong to will affect your battalions, command traits, artefacts, etc.
Basically, Hedonites are 3 armies that share units.
Locus of Diversion
For each HEDONITES HERO in your army, at the end of the charge phase roll a D6. You get +2 if your hero is a GREATER DAEMON. On a 4+, on the subsequent combat phase you can pick an enemy unit within 6" and it will fight last. If it has a trait that allows it to attack first (e.g. Gristlegore Command Trait or Idoneth High Tide), the two effects cancel each other. Note the sequencing above is slightly wrong. You select a HEDONITES HERO, target a unit and then roll a d6. One enemy unit may not be targetet more than once per phase. So if you fail a roll for a locus you can not target the same unit in the same phase with the locus.
Euphoric Killers
Exploding 6s, Slaanesh edition. Unmodified attacks of 6 do 2 attacks instead of 1, and if you have 20+ models in the unit, the 6s do 3 attacks instead.
Spell Lores
Lore of Slaanesh
- 1. Lash of Slaanesh. Casting Value 5. Pick a point within 12" of the caster that is visible to them. Draw a straight line 1mm wide from the closest part of the caster's base. Roll a die for each enemy model passed by this line. On a 4+, they take a mortal wound. Reliable way to generate depravity points, if not particularly strong.
- 2. Pavane of Slaanesh. Casting Value 7. Pick an enemy hero within 6" that is visible to the caster. Roll a number of dice equal to the enemy hero's movement characteristic. For every 5+, they take a mortal wound. Punish those fast units! Remember to use it on enemy heroes that are fast, especially if their speed is further buffed. An FEC Blisterskin Infernal Courtier with Deranged Transformation has a move characteristic of 20, which means it takes 6.67 damage from this spell. Not very strong in general, though. Does 1-2 mortal wounds on most targets.
- 3. Hysterical Frenzy. Casting Value 7. Pick an enemy unit wholly within 18" that is visible to the caster, and roll 1 die for each model in that unit. For each 6, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Wreck those grots, but not a spell that usually generates depravity points.
- 4. Soulslice Shard. Casting Value 5. Pick an enemy unit within 18" that is visible to the caster. Roll 2d6. If the roll is higher than the enemy unit's bravery characteristic, it takes mortal wounds equal to the difference. Keeper of Secrets' signature spell, but worse. Use after Phantasmagoria for greatest effectiveness.
- 5. Phantasmagoria. Casting Value 7. Pick an enemy unit within 18" that is visible to the caster. Roll 6d6, for each 5+, the enemy's bravery is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1. Use before Soulslice Shard and Cacophonic Choir for best effect.
- 6. Born of Damnation. Casting Value 5. Pick a friendly HEDONITES HERO within 6" of the caster. You can heal 1 wound allocated to that hero. If the casting roll was 10+, you can heal D3 instead. A heal to increase the depravity points a hero generates by a small amount. Best cast on a Keeper of Secrets.
Forbidden Sorceries of Slaanesh
- 1. Song of Secrets. Casting Value 7. Pick an enemy unit wholly within 18" that is visible to the caster, and roll 1 die for each model in that unit. For each 6, you get a depravity point. The best way to generate depravity points against horde armies!
- 2. Progeny of Damnation. Casting Value 7. Heal 1 friendly HEDONITES HERO within 6" of the caster that is visible to them for D3. If you roll 10+, you heal D6 instead. Born of Damnation but better.
- 3. Slothful Stupor. Casting Value 8. Pick an enemy hero within 12" that is visible. Until your next hero phase, the hero cannot use command abilities, cannot run, and cannot charge. Amazing. Simply amazing. Use it on slow heroes or on heroes that have an important command ability like the Glottkin and watch your opponent rage.
Lore of Pain and Pleasure
For the MORTAL SLAANESH WIZARDS. Not that you'll ever have any.
- 1. Battle Rapture. Casting Value 5. Pick 1 friendly MORTAL SLAANESH unit wholly within 18" that is visible. That unit does not take battleshock tests until after your next hero phase. If the cast was 10+ you get to pick 3 units instead. Not the spell you're going to pick most of the time.
- 2. Dark Delusions. Casting Value 5. Pick an enemy unit wholly within 18" that is visible to the caster and roll 2d6. If the roll is EQUAL TO or GREATER THAN the target's bravery, attacks targeting them get +1 to hit. Use in conjunction with Phantasmagoria to increase your chances.
- 3. Hellshriek. Casting Value 5. Roll a die for each enemy unit within 6" of the caster. On a 5+, that unit takes a mortal wound. It's... something?
Endless Spells
Predatory Spell with 12" flying movement. Casting Value 5. Set up within 6" of the caster and immediately make a move with it. Roll 6 dice for each unit passed. For each roll that is lower than the unit's save, they take a mortal wound.
Predatory Spell with 6" flying movement. Casting Value 6. Set up within 18" of the caster. Does not affect CHAOS SLAANESH. Units that start a move within 12" of the model suffer D3 mortal wounds unless they end closer to the mirror than when they started.
In addition, after the model moves or is set up, roll 6 dice for each hero within 6", rolling separately. For each 6, the hero takes n-squared mortal wounds. Even though this part of it can do 36 mortal wounds to an enemy hero, the odds of that are 1 in 46656. Don't bank on it. Does 1.83 mortal wounds on average and has a 33.5% chance of doing nothing, with a 60.3% chance of doing 1-4 Mortal Wounds and a 5.35% chance of doing 9 mortal wounds. You will note that it has about a 6% chance of killing a footslogging hero and less than a 1% chance of killing a 10+ wounds hero.
Predatory Spell with 8" flying movement. Casting Value 7. Set up within 12" of the caster and immediately make a move with it. After it moves, pick the enemy unit and roll 6 dice. For each 4+, they take a mortal wound.
In addition, this model gives -1 bravery to units within 12" unless they are CHAOS SLAANESH, in which case they get +1 bravery.
Battle Traits
Figureheads of the Dark Prince
You have 3 generals instead of 1. Only 1 gets a command trait, but all 3 are generals for the purposes of command abilities. Unfortunately, they can't use their trait OR command abilities while within 12" of either of the other generals. This lets you spread out your army, or get mileage out of Syll'Esske's command ability without losing access to a command trait. You also get a command point whenever a general is slain for the first time. You can therefore get 3 command points out of this max, even if one of your generals dies and comes back.
Escalating Havoc
At the start of your hero phase, you gain D3 depravity points if any of your units are wholly within enemy territory. If 3 or more of your units are wholly within enemy territory, you get D6 instead.
Invaders Hedonite Host
A Hedonites Host belonging to the INVADERS must contain 2-4 Epicurean Reveler battalions and 0-2 Seeker Cavalcade battalions instead of 1-3.
Command Traits
- 1. Best of the Best - You can reroll wound rolls for this general while they're within 6" of another hero.
- 2. Glory Hog - At the end of the combat phase, if any enemy units were destroyed in that combat phase and your general is on the field, you get a command point.
- 3. Hurler of Obscenities - At the start of the Combat phase, pick 1 enemy hero within 6" of the general. Until the end of the combat phase, add 1 to hit rolls made by that enemy hero that target this general, but that hero gets -1 to save.
- 4. Territorial - Add 1 to the depravity points generated by Escalating Havoc if the general is wholly within enemy territory.
- 5. Skintaker - At the end of the combat phase, heals D3 wounds the general killed any models.
- 6. Delusions of Infallibility - General gets an extra wound.
Magical Artefacts
- 1. Rod of Misrule - At the start of the hero phase, roll a D6. On a 1, your opponent gets a command point. On a 2-5 you get a command point, and on a 6 you get D3 command points.
- 2. Rapier of Ecstatic Conquest - Pick a melee weapon. If a wound roll by this weapon is an unmodified 6, you deal a mortal wound in addition to any normal damage.
- 3. Whip of Subversion - At the end of the combat phase, pick an enemy hero within 6" of the bearer. Pick 1 melee weapon that the enemy hero has, and another enemy unit within 1" of that hero. The other unit suffers mortal wounds equal to the Attacks characteristic of the weapon you picked.
- 4. Icon of Infinite Excess - Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, the bearer can use this artefact. If they do so, all units that were wholly within 12" when this artefact was used get +1 to hit.
- 5. Fallacious Gift - After setup but before battle, pick an enemy hero and one of their weapons. At the end of each battle round, if that hero used that weapon, they take a mortal wound.
- 6. The Beguiling Gem - At the start of the combat phase, pick an enemy hero within 3" and roll 3D6. If the roll is greater than the enemy's bravery characteristic, they get -1 attacks with all their melee weapons to a minimum of 0 until the end of the phase.
Battle Traits
Heir to the Throne
If the general is a hero, they have 2 command traits instead of 1. No duplicates. In addition, all units can reroll hit rolls of 1 with both melee and missile weapons if they have 10 or more models.
Warlord Supreme
At the start of the hero phase, generate D3 depravity points if your general is within 3" of any enemy units. If your general is within 3" of 3 or more enemy units, receive D6 instead of D3.
Pretenders Hedonite Host
A Supreme Sybarites Batallion in a PRETENDERS HOST must have only 1 CHAOS SLAANESH HERO instead of 3-6.
Command Traits
- 1. Strength of Godhood. Once per combat phase, in step 4 of the attack sequence, you can add D3 to the damage inflicted by one attack made by this general.
- 2. Monarch of Lies. At the start of the combat phase, pick one enemy hero within 3". That hero gets -1 to hit rolls for the rest of the phase.
- 3. True Child of Slaanesh. At the start of the first battle round before determining which player has the first turn, roll 6 dice. You get a depravity point for each 5+.
- 4. Strongest Alone. If there are no friendly models within 6", you can reroll hit rolls made by this general.
- 5. Hunter of God Beasts. Add 1 to the damage characteristic of all attacks by this hero that target a MONSTER.
- 6. Inspirer. Friendly PRETENDERS HOSTS units wholly within 9" don't take battleshock tests.
Magical Artefacts
- 1. Crown of Dark Secrets. At the start of first battle round, pick one enemy hero. You can reroll attacks made by the bearer that that target that hero. You can also reroll unbinding rolls made by the bearer for spells cast by that hero.
- 2. Pendant of Slaanesh. At the start of your hero phase, you heal D3 wounds allocated to the bearer.
- 3. Sliverslash. Pick one melee weapon, add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of that weapon.
- 4. Scepter of Domination. At the start of the hero phase, if the bearer is within 12" of any enemy heroes and your opponent has any Command Points, roll 1d6. On a 4+, you steal a command point from them. (They lose one, you gain one.)
- 5. Breathtaker. You can reroll Locus of Diversion rolls.
- 6. Mask of Spiteful Beauty. At the start of your hero phase, pick an enemy unit within 6". That unit gets -2 bravery until the start of your next hero phase.
Battle Traits
Thundering Cavalcade
All units get +1 to charge rolls.
Maniacal Hunters
At the end of your charge phase, you get D3 depravity points if a friendly unit charged this turn. If at least 3 charged, get D6 instead.
Goodseekers Hedonite Host
A Hedonites Host belonging to the GODSEEKERS must contain 0-2 Epicurean Reveler battalions and 2-4 Seeker Cavalcade battalions instead of 1-3.
Command Traits
- 1. Hunter Supreme. Reroll hit and wound rolls of 1 made by the general if they charged this turn.
- 2. Thrillseeker. General can run and charge. If they can already run and charge, they get +3 to run rolls.
- 3. Into the Fray. The hit roll for the first attack made by this general is a 6. Do not roll for this.
- 4. Trail-sniffer. If this general is wholly within enemy territory, roll a die. On a 3+, this general's melee weapons get +1 attack until your next hero phase.
- 5. Symphoniac. At the start of the combat phase, roll a die for each enemy unit within 3". On a 2+, they suffer a mortal wound.
- 6. Speed-chaser. The general can retreat and charge.
Magical Artefacts
- 1. Cameo of the Dark Prince. Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can activate this artifact to gain 1 command point and friendly CHAOS SLAANESH units wholly within 18" of the bearer don't take battleshock tests.
- 2. Girdle of the Realm-racer. Decrease the bearer's wound characteristic by 1, but the bearer can fly.
- 3. Threnedy Voicebox. At the start of the combat phase, pick an enemy hero within 3". Subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic of their melee weapons to a minimum of 1 for the rest of that phase.
- 4. Lash of Despair. At the start of your shooting phase, roll for each enemy unit within 6". On a 4+, deal a mortal wound.
- 5. Enrapturing Circlet. Enemy units within 3" cannot retreat. At the start of your hero phase, roll a die for each enemy unit within 3". On a 3+ they suffer a mortal wound.
- 6. Bindings of Slaanesh. At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy hero within 3" and roll 2D6. If the roll is greater than the enemy's movement characteristic, they get -1 to hit until the end of the phase. If the roll is greater than their wounds characteristic, they take D3 mortal wounds.
Shalaxi Helbane: Your hero Magnet and killer. Cheaper than a run of the mill Keeper of Secrets since they lack a command ability, but their unique spell grants themselves rerolls to hits and saves against heroes, which makes their already great 3+ save against heroes even better. Arm them with the whip to take down those pesky MONSTERS.
Syll'Esske: A Herald riding a Daemon Prince (though not that way). They get 2 activations per combat phase, each time using one weapon. The second activation gets to reroll all hits. Use the KoS' command ability to give them 4 activations, 3 of which will reroll hits. Their unique spell has a casting value of 7 and prevents an enemy hero from using command abilities until your next hero phase.
The Masque: Named Herald beatstick. Trades spellcasting for the ability to choose to heal D3 or get +D3 attacks each round. The Masque is deceptively tanky, with a 4+ FNP. Best used against slow enemies to maximize the benefit from their Endless Dance ability, which grants them an extra 3" of piling in, rerolls to hit against targets slower than 10" and rerolls to hit and wound against targets slower than 5".
Keeper of Secrets: Absolutely amazing. You can choose between the Ritual Knife, Sinistrous Hand, Living Whip, or the Aegis. The Hand is probably your best bet. Has a watered down Feeding Frenzy for a command ability (instead of attacking immediately, it gets a second activation), though with Locus of Diversion the difference should be minimal. Can also tempt an enemy hero, doing D3 mortal wounds if they decline. If they accept, the enemy hero gets +1 to hit rolls until the next combat phase, at which point you roll. The tempted hero instantly dies on a 4+. Doesn't matter if it's Archaon, the Celestant Prime, Nagash, or Vorgaroth and Skalok. They drop dead.
Soulfeaster, Keeper of Secrets: A shittier Keeper of Secrets form foreword. Has a way to generate depravity points and debuff enemy heroes, but losing the command ability is way too costly.
The Contorted Epitome: Your support piece and magic specialist. Ignores mortal wounds on a 2+ and does Locus of Diversion to ALL units within 6", though only after Locus of Diversion goes off.
Infernal Enrapturess: Your artillery piece. Keep one near the Fane to get the maximum benefit from the refund. Makes the lives of enemy wizards hell, and generates depravity points just by existing.
Viceleader: Herald on foot, now a wizard but with no option for a mount. 5+ FNP.
Bladebringer on Seeker Chariot: Herald on a small chariot. On a 2+, does D3 mortal wounds when charging, and can retreat and charge to land those extra mortal wounds.
Bladebringer on Hellflayer: Herald on a Hellflayer. Does D3 mortal wounds at the start of the combat phase to enemies within 1" on a 4+, and gains +1 attack for 4+. More for when you want your Herald to stay in prolonged combat.
Bladebringer on Exalted Chariot: Herald on a big chariot. Basically the Seeker Chariot + Hellflayer + Herald, but can't retreat and charge, unlike the Seeker Chariot version. It's more like the Hellflayer than the Seeker, where you want your hero's mount to deal as much damage as possible.
Deamon Prince:
Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore:
Daemonettes: One of the best battleline in the game, with the ability to run and charge, a 5+ save, a Hornblower that forces enemies to reroll battleshock, an Icon Bearer that regenerates models on a battleshock roll of 1, and a Banner Bearer that lets you reroll charges. At 11 points per model and the only HEDONITES unit that can realistically maintain the triple exploding 6s, they are the cornerstone of most Slaanesh armies.
Hellstriders with Hellscourges: Hellstriders with a 3" weapon. Come in 5s, and every 5 can have a Hornblower that forces battleshock rerolls for enemies, and either a Banner Bearer that lets you reroll charges or an Icon Bearer that gives +2 bravery. With a 4+ save, 14" movement and 2 wounds, these are best used to harass enemy backlines and jam their artillery (or equivalent) units. If they kill any models in a combat phase, they get +1 attack in the next combat phase.
Hellstriders with Claw Spears: See above. They trade 3" range for -1 rend.
Seeker Chariots: Only battleline with GODSEEKERS alleigance. Does damage on the charge, and can retreat and charge. You'll probably only really use them in a GODSEEKERS army.
Other Units
Fiends: Probably our most complicated unit. They disrupt enemy spellcasters within 12", and enemies targeting them have -1 to hit, and if they have at least 4 models, -1 to wound as well. They're best used to hit higher wound models, as the Barbed Stinger does more damage if the target has more wounds.
Seekers: The fastest unit in the army. They have 14" of movement, can run and charge, and run for 2D6, giving them a threat bubble of 14+4D6 inches, averaging 28". Every 5 models will have a Banner Bearer for rerolled charges, a Hornblower to force enemies to reroll battleshock tests, and an Icon Bearer which lets you regenerate D3 models and prevent models from fleeing on a battleshock roll of 1. Much like the Hellstriders, they also have the same +1 attack ability if they killed a model in the previous combat phase.
Hellflayer: Blender, Slaanesh edition. A respectable 14 attacks, 12" of movement and a 4+ save with 7 wounds means that these aren't too bad... but at the start of the combat phase, they can damage each enemy unit within 1" on a 4+ for each unit, and you add an attack to all melee weapons for each 4+. Stick them at the junction of 2-3 units and watch them go to town.
Exalted Chariot: The unholy union of a Hellflayer and a Seeker Chariot. They basically are the two units merged, but move slower at 10" and lose the ability to retreat and charge.
Chaos Spawn: That Which Must Not Be Named.
Fane of Slaanesh - Your free terrain piece. Unlike other terrain pieces, this does not need to be placed along an edge, but must be placed at least 3" away from other terrain or objectives. If you summon a unit wholly within 12" of this, you get D3 depravity points back. In addition, at the start of your hero phase, you can choose 1 CHAOS SLAANESH HERO within 6" of this to sacrifice something. If they sacrifice health, they can take a mortal wound and roll, and on a 2+ they can reroll hit rolls for all attacks until your next hero phase. If they sacrifice an artefact (which requires that they have one), it's destroyed, but on a 2+ they can reroll hit rolls for the rest of the battle.
Hedonite Host
1 Supreme Sybarites Battalion, 1-3 Epicurean Revellers Battalions, 1-3 Seeker Cavalcades Battalions. (120 points; Min: 1220; Max: 10400)
- +1 Bravery to everyone in the Battalion. If the army has the CHAOS SLAANESH Allegiance, you get D3 depravity points at the start of your hero phase.
Supreme Sybarites
3-6 CHAOS SLAANESH HEROES (120 points; Min: 480; Max 2280)
- At the start of your hero phase, roll a dice, if the result is less than or equal to the number of heroes from this battalion that are on the battlefield, you receive 1 command point.
Epicurian Revelers
2-6 units of Daemonettes, 0-4 Hellflayers, Exalted Chariots or Units of Fiends in any combination (180 points; Min: 400; Max: 3540)
- If the unmodified wound roll for an attack made with a melee weapon by a daemonette from this battalion is 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target and the attack sequence ends (do not make a save roll).
Seeker Cavalcade
2-6 units of Seekers or Hellstriders in any combination, 0-4 units of Seeker Chariots (140 points; Min: 340; Max: 4460)
- Models from this battalion are eligible to pile in and attack while 6" away from enemy units and can move an extra 3" when piling in.
Depraved Drove
1-4 combination of Beastlord, Dragon Ogor Shaggoth, Doombull, Great Bray Shaman; 3-6 combination of Centigors, Gors, Tuskgor Chariots, Ungors, Ungor raiders; 0-6 combination of Bestigors, Bullgors, Dragon Ogors; 0-2 combination of Cygors or Ghorgons. (150 p, Min: Max: From the Beasts of Chaos Battletome
- Give all units in this Battalion the SLAANESH Keyword and Re-roll failed charge roll if the unit is within 12" of an enemy hero with an Artifact and re-rolls To-Hit if the target has an Artifact.
- This Battalion gives you Gors(more massable Demonets), and large monsters.
- Note that this does not give them the HEDONITES Keyword, so they cannot benefit from the Keeper of Secrets' command ability.
Army Building
Pick up 2 Start Collecting boxes and a bunch of packs of Daemonettes (or split a Wrath and Rapture set if you can find one), and maybe get yourself a few Heralds, a Contorted Epitome, and a Keeper of Secrets (or two, if you can afford them).
With that you'll have yourself:
20+ Daemonettes (you probably want to have at least 60 for a 2k list) 10+ Seekers (Maybe convert them to Hellstriders for a cheaper unit that's also battleline)
along with
2 Exalted Chariots (alternatively, 1 Exalted Chariot + 1 Hellflayer + 1 Seeker Chariot or 2 Hellflayers + 2 Seeker Chariots or.... you get the drift)
Some Heralds, some Fiends, and some Infernal Enrapturesses, along with whatever individual units you picked up. This will form the backbone of a comfortable 1.5k-2k army.
Allied Armies
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