Fish of Fury

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Revision as of 18:01, 22 February 2011 by 1d4chan>Jaimas (How it Worked)
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This is why people hated Tau players with a burning hatred rivalling the rage Angry Marines have for Cultist-chan. Every single bad joke made about Tau players forevermore is pretty much entirely justified due to how annoying, stupid, and prevalent this was until the ruleset and codex updates.

Even veteran Tau players (the ones that aren't faggots anyway) openly criticized this bullshit after it swept tournament after tournament after tournament. Most players that aren't retarded are glad this shit is gone, and cheerfully tell those who used this trick to enjoy their AIDS.

How it Worked

Previously, the Devilfish transport for the Tau caunted as a skimmer at all times. It was also very large for a transport (a Devilfish is notably longer than a Chimera, for example). The general gist is that a player would park 2 devilfish close togther in a chevron formation, have the troops disembark, and fire from a basically assault-proof bunker caused by the pair of Devilfish. Units couldn't charge around the 'Fish (because they were too big and due to the rules on assaults), and couldn't assault the 'Fish itself (because it was a Skimmer).

This naturally led to thread after thread of "HOW THE FUCK DO I STOP FISH OF FURY" and "FUCKING NERF MECH TAU" threads on every Games Workshop official forum (and, of course, /tg/). The bullshit saw no signs of abatement and saw use with just about every Tau army in the official tournaments. The hate for it was not limited to non-Tau players, either: It was so prevalent and so hated that large numbers of Tau players went to increasingly-absurd lengths just to avoid any association whatsoever with it; players would openly footslog Fire Warriors just so they would not be associated with Devilfish-induced cheese.

Suddenly Updates

The bullshit finally stopped with the new ruleset and how it covered line-of-sight, paired with the fact that the Devilfish now automatically lands if it's immobile for a turn, losing skimmer status. A textbook example of how occasionally Games Workshop gets its head in the game and stops sucking for a few minutes, it's now possible to blow the fucking things up with Meltabombs and the onslaught of RAGE brought about by this tactic is now a thing of the past, making the tactic only about as effective as Mechanized Guard Chimera attacks (which was frankly how it fucking should have always been).