Franken Fran

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This article contains PROMOTIONS! Don't say we didn't warn you.
Should not want...

Franken Fran is fapmaterial comedy/guro manga for sickfucks clever people with twisted sense of humour. Most often the plot circles around Fran, her clients and "operations".


Fran- Mad scientist, though pretty kawaii one. She also has crush on her father, being single proof that incest is wincest. Does everything in the name of "SCIENCE" and love.

Veronica- Flatso killing machine. When she does not kill, she tsunderes. Luckily, she likes killing.

Naomitsu Madaraki- "The Professor", "father" of Fran, Veronica and presumedly few other not-so-pretty freaks. Been around since the first World War, so his pretty old, but still the best biotechnic in the world.

Okita- "The Professor" might be the best biotechnic in the world, but Fran wants to give a try too. And most often, the result is something like this. Cat with man's head (a cat is fine too). Still, maybe the most sane character in the whole series. Yeah, it's pretty mental.



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