Geist: The Sin-Eaters
A New World of Darkness RPG, roughly analogous to the Old World of Darkness's Wraith: The Oblivion and The Orpheus Project. Once, you were human. And then you died. But in the underworld, you were approached by a creature, a Geist, a hybrid of a human ghost and a death spirit, who offered you a bargain. Go back to the land of the living, and get to live your life again. But, in exchange, you gotta share your body with the Geist, who wants to experience life again. Naturally, you accepted. Now, you have a crazy-weird ghost sharing your body and you can talk to ghosts, but you have all sorts of awesome necromantic powers and you're not dead anymore.
Like Changeling: The Lost, GtSE is a case of White Wolf reversing the moodset of the old edition and thusly managing to make a formerly unpopular idea popular. Indeed, GtSE is a pretty welcome breath of fresh air in the NWoD, since its themes are a huge difference to the general Wangsting that is so prevalent in the game.
Is one of the only two NWoD games, pre the upgrade to the God Machine Chronicles, where supernaturals had morality meters that actually managed to make them feel inhuman, instead of just being ridiculous hamhanded "tack on soem extra race-appropriates 'sins' and call it done". The other was Werewolf: The Forsaken.