Goblins are evil. That means you can kill them with no remorse.
They are fun and easy to kill. Plus they are short, have low hit-dice and are ugly. Attack away adventurers! Goblins are the low-hanging fruit of the experience point orchard!
Unified Setting Description
Goblins are perhaps the most widely-spread race. Formerly a powerful race, centered in the Sea of Ghosts, they were masters of the world. A talent for necromancy doomed their race though and in a great cataclysm their continent was sunk, leaving only scattered islands.
The goblins adapted. On the mountains remaining above the waves dedicated goblins made their new home, while refugees settled in the cities of other races. The goblins who still brave the Sea of Ghosts split their time between hunting the undead created during their fall and pirating the ships of other races crossing above their former home.
Goblin religion includes a legendary king-figure, known as Jareth, who will return to unite goblin kind and return them to their former glory. All of the above is considered to be self-aggrandizing crap from a beaten and broken race by most. But goblin skill in sailing, gunnery and zombie-killing is respected.
Goblins have created a gunpowder-like substance called boom jelly. Their warships mount actual cannon, a feat no other race has equaled on land or sea. Boom jelly is also used in the matchlock pistols carried by pirate raiders. Boom jelly requires an ingredient found only on their home islands.
The gunpowder used by the Lawless Human Cities is considered a piss-poor substitute.