Golden Aquilas

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Golden Aquilas
Battle Cry Unknown
Number XXI
Founding 31st Millennium
Successors of Everyone
Successor Chapters Unknown
Primarch Lady Jessamene Integra Isabella D'Arcelle Dawnshadow
Homeworld A sector with every possible world
Strength ~999
Specialty Being perfect in every way
Allegiance Imperium
Colours Darkest black, silver, midnight blue, crimson red, regal gold

The Golden Aquilas are the result of fa/tg/uys attempting to create a chapter made entirely of Mary Sues. This has caused a noticable amount of rage among devou/tg/uardsmen due to the following reasons:

1.The mere fact of Female Space Marines.
2.Female Space Marines being Mary Sues, compounding 2 sources of rage together is enough to send your everyday fa/tg/uy into a basic Angry Marine-esque rage
3.Half-mutant/Xenos marines who willingly consort with Chaos WHILE serving the Emperor and not being considered heretics/mutants?! EXTRA HERESY!

Brief Summary

The Golden Aquilas consists of female psyker marines who were created by Lady Jessamene Integra Isabella D'Arcelle Dawnshadow (a female Custodes and sister-figure to the Emperor) after the Horus Heresy to stop such an event from ever occurring again. The Aquilas were made using geneseed from ALL the original legions, so to create the ultimate marines. The battle sisters frequently work with xenos and use Chaos to their advantage, but are never questioned by the inqusition because they are too pure to possibly be corrupted.

You may now weep/rage.

Chapter Organization

The Golden Aquilas follow their own unique and special organization. This may appear to be almost exactly like the Codex Astartes, but this is only because the Ultramarines and their successors attempted (and only somewhat succeeded) at copying the amazing Aquilas organization.

1st Company: The greatest and most ultimate warriors. Everyoen in this company has Aegis Runic Tactical Dreadnought armour and function similar to the Custodes in honor of their past.
2nd Company: The most cunning of tactical geniuses are found here. So strategically brilliant are these marines that allied Eldar seek their counsel.
3rd Company: The darkest of the Aquilas make up this force. They spend much time being poetic and broody outside of combat, and black is a popular colour amongst their ranks.
4th Company: The rudest and most brutal Astartes can be found here. They use cruel methods such as torture to get the job done, but are never questioned or forced to face consequences for their actions.
5th Company: The purest and most innocent of them all. Most of these marines can't even comprehend the concept of corruption and are beyond faithful in their bliss.
6th Company: The most beautiful marines in existence. So charming and gorgeous that they can turn the enemy to their side. Frequently sent on diplomatic and peacekeeping missions.
7th Company: The wildest battle sisters form this company's ranks. These girls have loose personalities like free spirits and have quite the cocky attitude. Mostly assault units.
8th Company: The greatest psykers in the entire chapter. These marines are brilliant and wise beyond all others, and can rip fortresses apart with their minds.
9th Company: The most righteous and courageous marines. These warriors are paladins of valour, seeking to protect the weak and crush the wicked at all times. Very honorable and serious lot.
10th Company: The agile scouts and silent assassins of the chapter. The battle sisters in this company move like the wind and strike like lighting.

Notable Marines

Lady Jessamene Integra Isabella D'Arcelle Dawnshadow, Mistress of the Custodes, Paladin of the Emperor, Saint of Courageous Loyalty, Lady of the Golden Sector, Bearer of Light's Truth, the Pious Heart and Rider of the Astral Fire: Founder of the chapter. The only female custodes who also fought alongside the Emperor during the Unification Wars and was like a sister to him. Later she developed the defensive system around Terra, wrote the Codex Astartes together with the Emperor, thereby creating Space Marines as we know them. During the Horus Heresy she fought side by side with the Emperor, defending him from the forces of Chaos, even after he fell. When Dorn got there, she set out in a crusade of righteous fury, single-handedly driving the forces of Chaos back into the Eye. She then returned to create the Golden Aquilas to prevent such a terrible thing from ever occurring again. Her sacrifices and accomplishments eventually allowed her to ascend and become a Saint. Other notable accomplishments: Single-handedly defeating a daemon prince, then turning him back into a human and purging the taint of Chaos from him by sheer power of her will and benevolence. Her armor and that of the Emperor were used to create a mighty hammer, the holy relic of the Golden Aquilas. It has the power to wipe out the taint of Chaos from an entire planet with a single blow.

Susan Superbus: Current chapter mistress. A half-ork, half-tau, half-human with a bit of tyranid thrown in. Former leader of second company and generally amazing. Totally screwed Marneus Calgar.

Serena Starhawk: Half-eldar and captain of tenth company. Has tightly-fitted wraithbone armour and witchblade katana fused with her father's soulstone. Great girl to be around and totally kawaii.

Yiffle Wolfstein: Assault sergeant of seventh company and Fenrisian half-cat with holy ceramite claws/teeth. Very loose personality and also a lesbian.

Logistia Lamperouge: Captain of second company and tactical genius. Capable of outsmarting a Lord of Change.

Veronica Bellastasia: Captain of the sixth and most beautiful of all marines. Launcher of a thousand ships, wears gorgeous armour that changes colour based on her mood.

Ebony Dementia: Captain of the fourth and half dark-eldar. Is a total bitch but everyone still likes her. Foe yay with her and Serena.

Helveticus Archival: Only male in the Golden Aquilas. Interned in a Icelus Golden Aquila Pattern Venerable Dreadnought, equipped with a plasma sword, storm shield and an Assault Pack. Has had sex with just about every member of the chapter.

Gallery of Perfection

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