Gotrek & Felix

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The characters and name of a classic series from GW's Black Library, the series is on the top tier of the library's publications alongside Gaunt's Ghosts by Dan Abnett. It is pity then the quality of the series has gone downhill somewhat in the most recent books, as BL is milking the series now and stringing it out in the name of the noble profit.


Gotrek: The most manly dwarf ever (ironic turn of phrase noted), he's butchered his way through so many legions of monsters, horrors and demigods it just makes your balls shrivel in honest to gods jealousy (and more than a little fear). Armed with a mighty rune axe that was probably forged and used by the Dwarf ancestor god of war and vengeance in the first big throw-down with Chaos, which is also mutating him into some sort of super-Dwarf, Gotrek is a mythical ass-kicker of truly earth-shattering proportions. He wants to die in battle, but is just too good at winning. Also, the axe won't let him.

Felix: The Robin to Gotrek's batman, the Samwise to his Frodo, Felix is, despite appearances and his occasional obnoxiousness, the real hero and narrator of the series. Felix is the dwarf's pet human/toy/best friend/memoir writer who is travelling with the dwarf to record his death poem. Constantly in terror he is going to get killed one of these days to the extent it get annoying. Constantly picks up a new busty wench for nooky in nearly every book. His long golden hair must have a magic appeal.

Various monsters/villains of the week whose purpose is only to be axe fodder for Gotrek and amusement for our reading.

The series

Written first by William King (before it taken off him by BL for some random reason) and then given to a bunch of other writers to continue, the series at first followed the ingenious idea of naming the book after whatever is going to feel Gotrek's axe thumping into their heads. So you ended up with titles such as Trollslayer, Skavenslayer, Dragonslayer etc. Recently though they have dropped this brilliant approach to whack any old title on the cover. This can only confirm the fact BL and GW is stretching out the series as far as they can, as they have literally used up all the possible names to slay things with that they can.

Feats of the Dwarf

Gotrek's feats are legend. Read this and wet yourself in terror/awe/appreciation:

  • Killed a Bloodthirster of Khorne in single combat
  • Sank a Dark Elf ark
  • Stop a pair of mad Tzeentch wizard twins from blowing up the world
  • Has slaughter countless skaven and rat-orges and practically destroyed a skaven army intending to take Nuln
  • Killed a chaos lord of Tzeentch in hand to hand combat
  • Constantly giving a middle finger to the chaos gods and spoiling every plan they try to put in motion
  • Causing Grey Seer Thanquol countless loses and headaches
  • Making Teclis walk carefully around him (yes one of the most powerful spell casters in the world is wary of him and his axe)
  • Slaying a vampire lord in the seat of his power