Harem Knights: Engineer Fatwelder

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Engineer Fatwelder, Metalworker, Inventor, Armorer. Obsessed with firearm related technology and using magical means to replicate 'Old Realm' industrial technology.


Before Summoning

Mick, a 23 year old Australian Laborer, was getting ready for work when he opened the image that cast him across time and space, thus he was thrust into the new world wearing only his work pants and steel capped boots.

After Summoning

Mick threw himself at the wizard with the rest of the angry mob, trampling the wizard beneath steel capped boots. The hard months saw much of the former laborers muscle and fat waste away during the starvation and deprivation, but he tried to busy himself in the Forge at the base of the wizard's castle, though once food was once again plentiful, his energy returned, and his working hours increased.

Fat-Elf Wars

A time Mick, now calling himself Fatwelder, made many of the makeshift weapons used to fight the Elven Garrison, and he took part in the slaughter, something that he has caused him nightmares since, the close quarters brutality of the massacre stripping away all notions of honor or glory in battle, replacing them only with a desire to be as far from the front line of such events as possible.

Inventions and Innovations

Fatwelder and other like minded individuals turned their minds to bringing old realm technology to the new realm in the months and years that followed the first Fat-Elf war, their creations ranging from Flushing toilets and running water to Steel armored Carriges powered by magic rather than combustion engines, of these inventions, Fatwelder made a series of suits, heavy, thick steel plates designed to look much like terminator armor from an old realm tabletop war game, and enchanted to make the suits practical.

it was during the suit invention period that Fatwelder attempted to bring old realm industrial machinery, such as grinders, saws, punches, presses and anything else he could think of that related to the manufacturing of steel, wood and stone.

some were more successful than others, and accidental inventions happened along the way, such a primitive typewriter being created during the design period of the magic powered industrial press.


Fatwelder has traveled to the dwarf holds and to isolated towns in the deserts of the Caliphate in his obsession with technology and industry, he has detonated prototype shells of huge size and employed his Steel Carriage design in a multitude of occasions, all the whilke trying to steer clear of battles and wars.

Personal Life

Fatwelder has yet to find a partner in this new world, although he has made numerous freinds, the best of these, an Elf woman by the name of Alesia, frequently helped him with the magical side of his inventions in their earlier days.