Harry Potter
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy books written by J.K. Rowling about an orphaned boy who one day finds out he's a wizard and so goes to a Wizard boarding school where he makes friends, learns magic, does magical sports, learns about his family and gets wrapped up in affairs involving a Dark Wizard version of Hitler called Lord Voldemort and his associated assholes.
The books sold really well, got a series of very popular movies which grossed higher than any other series of movies in history, probably got a fair bit of people interested in fantasy literature (given that they were mainly targeted to young adult readers) and generated a moderate about of skub back in its day before the haters moved onto things which were more uniformly panned. Not the worst gateway drug to the world of fantasy literature a young kid could have, even if traditionalists would favor Tolkien.
Eh, no reason you can't try both.
Harry Potter stuff relating to tabletop games
Harry Potter and the Tabletop RPG
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