Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite Gitz
The Bad Moon is rising and it's bringing an alliance of Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots and Troggoths with it.
Why Play Gloomspite Gitz
- You get Moonclan Grots, Spiderclan Grots, Troggoths and even the old Giant under one roof!
- New Models for a load of old classics, like Squig Riders and Fanatics!
- Some units have a degree of RNGesus involved.
Allegiance Abilities
Battle Traits
- The Bad Moon: At the beginning of the game, you choose one of the corners of the board as the Bad Moon's starting point. Starting from the second turn, it will start to move from corner to corner. Units in the same section of the board (which is split in 4 sections of equal size) get the subsequent boosts:
- A GLOOMSPITE GITZ GENERAL will generate an additional command point in each battle phase.
- GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARDS get +1 to casting rolls. Every other WIZARD gets -1 instead.
- MOONCLAN units can reroll every 1 to hit.
- SPIDERFANG units's Spider Venom ability will activate on a 5+.
- SQUIG units can run and charge in the same turn.
- TROGGOTH units can reroll the Rigeneration rolls, or double the result.
- Any other unit will take damage.
Command Traits
Artifacts of Power
- Moonface Mommet: At the beginning of every combat phase, you pick a unit within 12" from the bearer, which gets -1 to save rolls.
- Spiteful Prodder: Use in your shooting phases. Pick a unit within 18" from the bearer and roll a number of dices equal to how many GROT units of 5+ models are within 12" from that unit. It suffers D3 mortal wounds for every 5+ roll.
- Headdress of Many Eyes: -1 to hit rolls against the bearer.
- Glowy Howzit: Saves from wounds or mortal wounds on a 4+ roll. If you roll a 1, you can't use it anymore for the rest of the battle
Spell Lores
- The Hand of Gork: CV 7. Pick a GROT unit within 24" and at least 3" away from any enemy unit and warp it away, at least 9" from any enemy unit. The unit can't move in the next movement phase.
- Sneaky Distraction: CV 7. All the enemy units within 12" from the caster get -1 to hit rolls until the next Hero Phase.
Endless Spells
- Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron:
- Loonboss:
- Grot Big Boss on Gigantic Spider:
- Loonboss on Great Cave Squig:
- Loonboss on Mangler Squigs: It's a hero that rides a pair of huge-ass Squigs chained together. You can't get any crazier. Is kinda like standalone Mangler Squigs, except with 5 more attacks, a once-for battle ability to reroll failed hit and wound rolls (but only for the aforemented attacks of the Loonboss, not the Squig ones) and a command ability that gives +1 to wound rolls to every friendly SQUIG units within 18".
- Fungoid Cave-Shaman:
- Madcap Shaman:
- Grot Shaman on Arachnarok Spider:
- Gobbapalooza:
- Shroomancer:
- Spiker:
- Boggleye:
- Scaremonger:
- Brewgit:
- Dankhold Troggboss: Your Hero option for a Troll solo army. Gets 4 good melee attacks plus a Crushing Grip (Pick the closest enemy model and roll a dice: if you get more than that model's wounds is dead) and an additional ability that allows you to roll a dice for every enemy unit within 3" and deal them a mortal wound if the roll is higher than the number of models in that unit, regenerates D3 wounds at the beginning of each turn if you roll a 4+, ignores effects of spells (Endless ones too) on a 4+ roll, gives +1 Bravery to every GLOOMSPITE GITZ friendly unit within 18" and his command ability allows TROGGOTHS within 18" to reroll every 1 to hit.
Named Heroes
- Skragrott, The Loonking: The Great Poobah of the green weirdos himself. He goes around with a staff that can both shoot and hit in melee, and if he damages a model with multiple wounds by using it that model will suffer an additional mortal wound at the end of each Battle phase. Speaking of other stuff, he also gets a +4 invulnerable save and a +1 to cast and dispel roll, and if he is your General you get D3 extra command points on a 4+ roll at the beginning of each phase. His command ability can be used once per battle and manipulates the Bad Moon movement for a turn, by making it not move or even more twice in the same turn. And then there is his spell, that is basically an Arcane Bolt that targets single models instead of units... unless you rolled a 10+ to cast it, in which case it will also get the additional ability of destroying artifacts of power if the targeted model had one.
- Zarbag: A kinda generic Shaman with a once-per battle that gives him a +2 to casting rolls if he rolls a 2+ before trying to cast a spell and an exclusive spell that forces an enemy unit to retreat (or suffer D6 mortal wounds if unable to do the retreat movement)
- Mollog:
- Moonclan Grots:
Other Units
- Arachnarok Spider:
- Loonsmasha Fanatics:
- Sporesplatta Fanatics: New variant of Fanatics, which are not hidden in other units but get some additional abilities, such as blocking the enemy's line of sight (except for Monsters and flying stuff) and giving an extra attack to every MOONCLAN GROT unit within 12".
- Cave Squigs:
- Grot Squig Hearders:
- Grot Squig Hoppers:
- Boingrot Bounderz: Squig Hoppers with spears. Get +1 to wound rolls in the turn they charged
- Mangler Squigs:
- Grot Spider Riders:
- Zarbag's Gitz: A mixed bag of stuff that comes free alongside Zarbag. You get 3 Grots with bows, a Grot with a Barbed Net, a Squig Hearder with 2 Squigs and a single Loonsmasha Fanatic hidden inside.
- Mollog's Mob:
- Sneaky Snufflers:
- Fellwater Troggoths: Battleline if you have a Dankhold Troggboss as your General.
- Rockgut Troggoths: Battleline if you have a Dankhold Troggboss as your General.
- Dankhold Troggoth:
- Aleguzzler Gargant:
- The Bad Moon LoonShrine:
- A Dankhold Trogboss, 3-9 units of Dankhold Troggoths, Rockgut Troggoths or Fellwater Troggoths and 0-2 Aleguzzler Gargants.
- Every time a model in the Battalion makes an unmodified 6 to wound roll, that attack deals one extra damage.
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