High Elf Army List
The High Elves despite being a dying race still possessed great armies reinforced by powerful monster allies and great war machines. You can see detailed entries for the elf armies below.
Generic Characters
- Princes: Princes represent the highest ranking of the nobility of Ulthuan. Some are government officials or even the leaders of the kingdoms, some are badass heroes known for getting shit done, some are military commanders, some are just Nobles who bought a fuckton of magic crap and intend to get a medal so they can elevate themselves in society. Whatever their backstory, they're the finest amongst the elves who can fight in melee.
- Archmage: A spellcaster of great renown amongst the High Elves. Most Archmages come from Saphery or have a home in Saphery. Invariably every Archmage has spent time at the Tower of Hoeth. While there's some indication that there's an official way to become an "Archmage" or that it is a title awarded by somebody (likely the High Loremaster of Hoeth), it's unknown presently. For now just assume they're Mages who you could probably recall the name and lore of choice of with an average difficulty Knowledge: High Elves skill check.
- Anointed of Asuryan: Not much fluff to go with these guys, other than they're badasses amongst the Phoenix Guard. Interestingly, despite the fact that Caradryan is the personally hand selected champion of Asuryan he is a Hero choice while these guys who are likely in his inner circle are Lords. Chock it up to the fact that Caradryan is a bro who's a lot more likely to show up and lend aid than a redshirt officer perhaps?
- Loremaster of Hoeth: While Archmages have specialized in a specific lore, these guys want to learn everything. They know a good amount of knowledge about each lore (fluff has them knowing more than the tabletop, where they only know the single most important spell that all casters in that lore should know) in addition to the art of war as described in billions of fucking scrolls penned by elven generals over the years, as well as the kind of martial arts badassery that makes House of Flying Daggers look like House of Plastic Forks. Loremasters primarily focus their energies on the Tower of Hoeth itself, training new Mages and defragging the magic computers there. They also wander Ulthuan (with Swordmasters accompanying them of course) to reinforce the magic of the land, to root out Dark Elves and those tempted by Chaos, or to offer the kind of sagely advice that only a High Elf Monk/Bard can to whoever will listen.
- Noble: Not much to say, they're bluebloods amongst the elves but in your army are probably the bitch to whatever Lord choices you've made, just carrying their flag and looking pretty.
- Mage: It's a High Elf spellcaster. Has more magic in his toenails than Empire wizards can even call upon when TRYING to miscast, but on the tabletop he's just a spellcaster. That being said, it's the upgrades that make the elf caster more than that. Also worth noting how the boon from Asur spellcasters "Lileath's Blessing" that grants a bonus to the Lore of High Magic has the subtext that the more elf casters you have in one place the more the gods are paying attention and lending support.
- Dragon Mage of Caledor: So while most dragons hibernate and prepare themselves for the final battle where their race will be wiped out and the coin that decides if Chaos can be truly beaten or it Warhammer Fantasy becomes just another section of the Warp will be flipped, there are dragons with ADD or headbutted the egg too many times while hatching and are a little too wound up to care about that. Said dragons cannot be counted on to not do a barrel roll because some smartass Beastman shouts to and drop their rider straight onto the cock of a Minotaur, so as a result it's only the elves with ADHD and are more likely to blow themselves up than actually do something useful that are put on them.
Of course, such elves invariably come from Caledor*SLASH* SLANDER FROM THE MOUTH OF A LOWBORN FROM ONE OF THE UPSTART KINGDOMS! In 7th edition, these were a gamble worthy of the Skaven but with 8th they now can take magical equipment, and are cheap for what they can do making them a very nice option. If this is reflected in the fluff, it's due to the Dragon Mages who survived being essentially a nuke with a flamethrower on top for so long that enough blunt force trauma from ranged attacks to the head rendered the dragon and the rider to be of average intelligence, and thus worthy of riding the regular sized ships to battleinstead of the short ship with the Ellyrians*Crunch* HOW'S THE VIEW FROM UNDER MY SWEET MOUNT, MON'KEIGH?
- Lothern Seahelm: These guys are the commanders of Lothern's forces, and represent everything from the captain of a single ship all the way through the Prince of Eataine (and thus Lothern) himself, Sea Lord Aislinn. However if you field one, you can fluff it as the naval forces of whatever kingdom you're fielding, as a Cothique escort from the ship that brought your army to wherever it is away from home, or just proxy another kind of elf in it's place if you aren't into naval themes at all since really all they represent is a Hero level elf with a spear and shield who can take a bow and shouts commands at his underlings who obey without question (note that no BLAMMING is required to get this to happen, once more proving the superiority of the Asur to the mon'keigh).
- Handmaiden of the Everqueen: Formerly (and still in the fluff) called the Maiden Guard, they are the 100 best and brightest amongst the females of the High Elves. There's literally no higher honor other than this to be had. In prior editions they were a combination of Spearmen and Archers who were like a buffed Lothern Seaguard. They were pretty good, but Alarielle was not and she had to be in the army to take them so they were often pined for but saw battle rarely. Thank goodness that's changed. She's the top ranking member of the Sisters of Avelorn, and after being selected (either from being best in the Sisters or by personal appointment by Alarielle) she breaks all allegiances except to Alarielle for 7 years after which she can go back to civilian life as a hero of Ulthuan forever or continue until she retires or dies. This is actually new fluff, since formerly the Maiden Guard were rotated every year before. There are 100 at any given time, and they are the official representative of the Everqueen and Avelorn wherever they go be it to send a message or be on a council of some kind. They get MAJOR respect from any High Elf, even Caledorians, due to the fact that if they're around then your army has the support of the Everqueen. If all 100 show up in once place...well, it's time to write a will and stock up on bodybags. Korhil is to Finubar what the 100 Handmaidens are to Alarielle