Hordes/Tactics/Circle Orboros
Druids, furries, animals, sticks and stones.
The Circle's playstyle is quite trolly, run up through terrain, strip off your defensive buffs, smack you really hard, then run back through terrain while creating more to pin you down. Circle frequently causes headaches for armies like Skorne and Searforge who already struggle against terrain, have issues with armies with lots of Pathfinder and then the Circle which has near universal Pathfinder and can create terrain and cloud cover because its important you can totally justify our trollface than letting them play a game with their models. That said Legion of Everblight and to a lesser extent Cryx can shrug off your terrain and cloud creation as well as some of your other tricks making those 2 factions demand a different playstyle.
Circle warbeasts come in 2 distinct flavours, Living and Construct. You can run a mix, in fact its quite useful as they cover each other's weaknesses, but its often a case where you will see Circle lists being either Howl Of The Wild or Sticks And Stones. Howl means running Warpwolves, Griffons, doggies and other beasts, it plays very rampagey, running up fast and going nuts, it does have a tendency to frenzy a lot and Living Circle beasts lack Pathfinder, both issues being non-existent with Constructs. Itrequires certain choices like the Warpworlf Stalker and the Gorax to cover things. SAS on the otherhand tends to look like a very grindy list but is actually a quite a good control and scenario archetype. SAS uses Druid units, Waystones, Sentry Stones, the Woldnoun warbeasts and a few druid solos. Its got a lotmof options and