Hotline Miami

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Revision as of 08:06, 9 December 2013 by (talk) (Created page with "Some good /v/idya that came to us by the grace of Dennaton Games and Devolver Digital. In it, you are the human equivalent of a fucking Eversor, who brutally slaughters his wa...")
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Some good /v/idya that came to us by the grace of Dennaton Games and Devolver Digital. In it, you are the human equivalent of a fucking Eversor, who brutally slaughters his way through a horde of Russian goons at the behest of someone leaving strange messages on your answering machine.

The game, set in 1989, is known for its relentless pace, horrific violence, fantastic neon-soaked soundtrack, and eye-rapingly colourful art. It is unanimously praised by all of 4chan, including /v/,/mu/, and even /b/. It might just be the best damn game ever.

You should go buy it. Right now.