Ian Miller
Ian Miller is an illustrator who has worked on many tabletop gaming works throughout the years, not the least of which was Warhammer Fantasy and Rogue Trader in the earliest days of Games Workshop, Shadowrun in the early editions, and more modern Tolkien works.
Miller's work is similar to that of John Blanche, although while Blanche's style is focused on the feel of an image and an over-the-top "metal" look with lots of blended (red) colors creating a sketchy look, Miller's is focused on massive amounts of detail and sharp lines. Both are very similar in composition.
The cover to the Terror of The Lichemaster and Blood On The Streets campaign books (the image being cut in half as the cover to Blood on the left side, Terror on the right), which introduced among other things Heinrich Kemmler as the first Warhammer villain.
Ian Miller artwork of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.