Imperial Army (Hektor Heresy)

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Notable Imperial Army Units

The Auron Infantries

Main article: The Auron Infantries

(I'm thinking a mix of "everything", like, drawing on ANZAC elements from the world wars, but also from the Vietnam wars (hence a sprinkle of Catachan), but also blended in with sci-fi to keep it consistent with 30k. Still in the early stages though, so could change later on.)

The Auron Infantries are known affectionately among themselves, and those who know them, as ‘Aurries’ (an oh-so very original nickname). The formation was founded on the planet Auron, and ever has ever since recruited its numbers from there.

The Auron Infantries have an emphasis, obviously, on infantry. They make use of little heavy weapons or vehicles.

The flavor is ,predominantly, a mix between WWI and WWII Aus soldiers (them Slouch hats, brownish cloths, sometimes pouches across chests), but obviously worked into the future-soldier look, with a sprinkle of Catachan (singlets, bandannas, muscles, knives, etc).

Solar Auxillia pattern armor is incorporated slightly, just enough to blend it with sci-fi. The Auron Infantry/ies will keep mainly with the lightly armored look (for now), as I think it fits well with the theme.

Their behavior is characterized by Mateship, their casual attitude, a strong brothers-in-arms feeling, general larrikinism, a jokey outlook, but also the tendency to get deadly determined and serious if things turn out dire.

The Auron foot soldiers seem more at home in harsher, wild environments than the average soldier, especially in hot climates, as they are used to such conditions on Auron, especially the rural areas.

Living on Auron has also let Aurries develop certain habits and rituals, like checking your boots EVERY time you put them on, NOT leaving clothing on the ground, and the old tried and tested assuming EVERYTHING that moves is a danger. Such practices further add to the Auron Infantry’s resilience to harsh environments.

This doesn’t mean that the Auron Infantry can breathe toxic air and live in deadly temperatures; it’s just that their ‘comfortable fighting conditions’ is wider and more flexible than the average joe.

Select companies of the Auron Infantry have found niches in the theatre of war, specifically jungle fighting, in which the natural habits of the Aurries are extremely useful (like tracking), although these specialist fighters remain as merely an element of the Auron Infantry.

The Auron Infantries' claim to fame is that they are underestimated by other Imperial Commanders (the casualness gives the impression of minimal dedication), but loved by other foot soldiers (friendly, jokey, generally great guys, always ready to share a cigarette).

Auron is a world of farms, bush, and mountains. It is mostly monocultural, with slight variations according to region. Auron was founded just before the Age of Strife, originally as a low-budget attempt at dumping a multitude of systems' criminals onto one planet. Auron survived throughout the Age of Strife, developing efficient agricultural systems to feed their low population and infrastructure. When they were enveloped into the Imperium, Auron took up the role of an agricultural supplier, and simultaneously founded the Auron Infantries to join the Emperor’s Great Crusade.

The Exiran Armored Brigades

Main article: Exirans

So named for the perponderance of tanks and other armored equipment in their divisions, the Exirans are among the most widespread of Imperial Guard units, with Princes fighting on almost every side of every conflict. Hailing from the eponymous sector, Exiran units feature some of the best individual fighting forces in the Imperium. Exirus is home to countless factories spanning entire continents, and based on a tradition of ritualized warfare between local nobles Exiran units have developed a stong tradition of integrated armor/infantry/artillery operations. While the various Princes have since embraced naval and space combat as well, the wargame traditions have often time blinded them to wider strategic considerations.

If left to their own devices an Exiran brigade may quickly run out of fuel, run out of food, run out of ammo in protracted battles. This is not indicative of any sort of wastefulness on the part of Exirus soldiers but a testament to the Kriegspiel traditions of their commanding officers, when a single battle might have dictated the fate of an entire nation. Exiran infantry may require greater resupply but they are well trained professional soldiers rather than the mass conscripts of other parts of the Imperium. Squads train with nearly every weapon available to them. A commanding officer couldn't ask for a better fighting force, but Imperial Commissars often butt heads with them. As such, one will often find Princes of Exirus leading a brigade from the front in the Commissar's stead.

The Markian Corps

Main article: The Markian Pact

Bound in servitude to the Void Angels is the Markian Pact, a military alliance of five planets(and a forgeworld) to the galactic southeast of Ciban. The regiments of Karmia, Atashia, Kouralia, Lemartia, and Thenar are insignificant individually; what the Markian regiments derive their power from is combined arms and unit cohesion, utilizing versatility to attain victory. Instead of going their separate ways, the regiments raised in the Markian Pact unify into a Grand Corps consisting of artillery, infantry, armor, and light elements combined to assault a single stubborn foe. This oddity of unity is accomplished with the approval of their Astartes benefactors, who see the versatility and close ties of the Grand Corps as advantageous in planetary-scale warfare.

The Markian regiments field a variety of distinctive equipment, some of which seems to go against their intended role. From the sniper mantlet used on the frontline in siege battles, to the light but powerful mountain gun artillery in service with light infantry, Markia's forces do not take the phrase "intended role" seriously. In general, besides their specialist weapons and regiments, the Markians are Jack of all trades, master of none: their infantry, while disciplined and professional, are not trained to excel in a specific situation; their artillery gets the job done, but don't expect perfection; their armor is sufficient, but is hardly a match for dedicated tank forces; their drop regiments are simply that, without much renown, their primary feature being the airships they possess; and their mechanized regiments are good enough, but far from the best. Their specialist regiments, however, are the opposite: the mountain infantry and roughrider regiments, while rather heavily armed for their supposed role, are out of their element anywhere besides mountains and open ground; air-mobile artillery regiments are fast, but lack the fortress-busting firepower of heavy artillery; L'Infentarie de Marine regiments' vessels are useless without so much as a lake; and sapper regiments are slow and of questionable utility outside of trench warfare and sieges.