Infinity/N3 Tactics/Qapu Khalqi
An overview and tactics for the Haqqislam sectorial army, Qapu Khalqi
Why Play Qapu Khalqi
Qapu Khalqi(QK), or The Men of the Gate, is a very versatile army with a very diverse selection of miniatures. This army has more linkable units than any other army (except for Tohaa). There is a linkable option for just about any type of team from a KTS toolbox team, Djanbazan MSV2 hunters, and even Sekban or Odalisque Haris Teams.
The Sultanate's control over the Silk trade makes them very wealthy, so they can hire mercenaries to help guard their Silk routes. This means the army has many different aesthetics and features to choose from including Haqqislam, Nomads, and Mercenaries.
Faction Features
Special Skills
- Fireteams: QK has many options for Core, Haris, and Duo fireteams.
- Don't forget to read up on the Fireteams rule and their bonuses!
- Hafza Linkability: Up to two Hafzas can join a Core fireteam, and 1 can join a Haris team. This can greatly reduce the costs of the more expensive teams, or add additional Specialists or fire support.
- Hafzas Cannot link with KTS or Druze.
- Doctor Plus and Akbar Doctor Same as in the generic army, Haqqislam doctors are just superior to any other doctors in the Human Sphere. Doctor Plus gives a +3MOD to healing rolls. Akbar Doctor lets you fully recover a multi wound model as well as including the Doctor Plus skill (they cannot be combined). QK introduces them to fireteams.
Unit Overview
Light Infantry
- Ghulam Infantry: The Ghulam Infantry are the basic Haqqislamite troopers perfect for cheap orders, hiding the Lieutenant, and a fantastic Doctor Plus option.
- Core However, in QK they gain Fireteam:Core. Without a mid ranged weapon, Ghulam fireteams are best deployed as a cheap (mostly stationary) defensive unit. The HMG is the active turn weapon, but he can be supported by just about anything: Snipers, Missile Launchers, and even Panzerfausts. Including a Doctor in the team or nearby will help insure their survival.
- Odalisques: The beautiful Odalisques are bodyguards to the Sultanate. They come equipment with an assortment of short-mid ranged weapons, and have 360 Visors/Sixith Sense L2. They can lock units up in close combat thanks to i-Khol L3, and they're hard to put down due to V:No Wound Incapacitation. In QK, they have the Fireteam: Core and Haris options. Their shorter range means they want to move forward to engage the enemies, however they do not have specialists options to bring with them for ITS missions.
- Core Both Core and Haris will undoubtedly be centered around the Spitfire either from the Odalisque herself or a Hafza. A Core team would be made up of the toughest girls in Haqqislam with essentially 2 Wounds a piece thanks to V:No Wound Incapacitation. In a full team, the 4th member grants the team SSL2 automatically, which means they can choose the 360 Visor from their equipment instead, and with the 3rd member Contenders become extra vicious. You can add a little twist to the team by substituting up to two Hafzas: Make the team cheaper, add Forward Observers (specialists), cheaper Spitfire, and/or even include a Heavy Rocket Launcher.
- Haris A Haris must include the option with the Haris Skill. Because they cannot take a 4th member, they don't gain the automatic SSL2 skill forcing you to decide between that or 360 Visor. Both are strong choices and it will depend on your strategy with them. SSL2 is a must for any small strike team. However, 360 Visors are great if you plan on running them up to mid field and drop all three into Suppression Fire. Usually these small teams include a Spitfire. You may substitute a single Hafza in with all the same options as stated above.
- Bashi Bazouks: Bashi Bazouks have both Holoprojector L2 and Parachutist, an incredible combination really. In QK, they are a great disruption unit. However, AD:Parachutist requires some foresight. They are irregulars, but dirt cheap - low investment and losing them does not hurt the order pool.
- Be sure to read the Holoprojector L2 and Parachutist rules!
- Hafza Unit: Hafzas are a VERY versatile unit especially in QK. Individually, they can be used as a disguised Lieutenant, specialist, or attack piece. In QK, they have the Fireteam:Core skill, but with only AVA4. They can never make a 5-man team...However, that's not why they're taken. Up to 2 Hafzas may join any Core team (except for KTS and Druze) and up to 1 may join a Haris team. Hafzas can reduce the cost of otherwise expensive fireteams, add addition fire support, and even Forward Observer specialists. The Spitfire is generally cheaper than most of the other options and the Heavy Rocket Launcher becomes very deadly in a team.
- KTS, Kaplan Tactical Services:KTS are the Sultan's tigers. They are a robust toolbox unit, and in a Core fireteam, they are deadly and they have an answer for any target. Mimetism helps put the modifiers in your favor and V:Courage keeps them focused in combat. The Spitfire is the usually the cornerstone weapon platform. Multi Sniper Rifle is a great long ranged support and it's low burst is rectified by the extra burst. ADHL and Blitzens are also options in the team to glue down or E/M TAGS and HI. Unusually, the Doctor does NOT have Doctor Plus but he and the Engineer are both a solid WIP14 specialists. The ADHL also comes with D-Charges for the Sabotage classified. Unfortunately, the KTS cannot link with Hafzas making the team pretty expensive. Even still, they are an incredible and one of the best fireteams to include.
- Corregidor Alguaciles: They are the basic troopers of the Nomad Nation and come with all the usual options for basic troopers: Hackers, Forward Observers, etc etc. AVA4 is plenty to add to your order pool and, even though it costs a whole 1swc, consider Lieutenant as a cheap option.
- Najjarun Engineers:Are the very competent basic support pack engineer.
Medium Infantry
- Sekban, Naval Unit: The Sekban is another one of the best and versatile fireteam options. They have both Fireteam:Core and Duo as a standard skill, and have a Haris team option. ARM3 and BTS3 makes them fairly tough especially in cover, and their slow movement is mitigate in a fireteam. Though the KTS are prepped to take many different unit types, the Sekbans' have a wider selection of weapons; The Doctor Plus option adds to the survival of the team. Also they all have 360 Visors.
- The Sekban all come with Stun Pistols. Stun ammunition has gotten a great improvement. Be sure to read the rules.
- Core: In a 5-man team, the Sekban can reach the highest BS value at 16. They have both high burst spitfire and long ranged Heavy Rocket Launcher options. They have 360 Visor as standard and the 4th member grants them SSL2. Up to 2 Hafzas can substitute for any of the reasons already mentioned.
- Haris: The Haris skill is not in the skills line, so the small team must include the option with Haris. They can form a small aggressive strike team with a spitfire or a defensive team with a Heavy Rocket Launcher. A Doctor Plus can accompany either team adding further support and a specialist in the team.
- Duo: The Duo fireteam adds mobility for a very small team. This is perfect
- Djanbazan Tactical Group:The Djanbazan are the only MSV2 unit in QK. They make for good ARO Snipers or aggressive HMG platform. Regeneration grants the Djanbazans Shock Immunity in addition to the chance to revive himself (though at only PH11). They also have the Fireteam:Core skill.
- Core: A Core team of Djanbazans are one of the most resilient choice in QK. The HMG excels as an active turn shooter, but they also have a mid ranged Shock Marksman Rifle which is more relevant mid field. They have 2 specialists options: Hacker and Doctor Plus. With a Doctor Plus in the team, unconscious troopers can heal more reliable instead of gambling on the PH11. Though a pricey, up to 2 Hafzas can substitute in to greatly reduce costs while maintaining their numbers.
- Druze Shock Teams:Druze are a decent mid cost medium infantry. ARM3 and BTS3 are respectable. Some options include a handy X-Visor. They also have an Assault Hacker and Killer Hacker choices. The 19pt Boarding Shotgun choice comes with a rare weapon, E/M Grenades. Fireteam:Core and Duo are both standard skills.
- Core: The Druze are fairly inexpensive fireteam choice. The 4-2MOV is migitate by the fireteam's efficiency. Despite the lack of a long ranged weapon, the Spitfire option is equiped with an X-Visor to reduce range penalties, and in a 5-man team the +3MOD to BS further nullifies those penalties. The Druze with the Boarding Shotgun can Speculative Fire his E/M Grenades while benefiting from the fireteam bonuses (except for the additional Burst). The Hackers add specialists making the team good to go for Objective grabbing. Hafzas cannot join a Druze team.
- Duo: Druze are inexpensive, so a small 2-man team can easily fit into the arm list. Druze Spitfire already has the high burst which is a perfect escort for a Hacker specialist.
Heavy Infantry
- Azra'il: The Azra'il are a tough ARM5 Heavy Infantry built to take on other heavies. Slow moving, but they don't need to get far. The Feuerbach is a great ARO piece, and the AP HMG is a fierce active turn platform.
- Janissaries: The Janissaries are standard Heavy Infantry. The Akbar Doctor is a tough as nails Specialist, but the rest of the options isn't as noteworthy.
- Core: A core team of Janissaries is VERY expensive. However, Hafzas greatly reduces the costs. The HMG is an excellent high burst long-ranged option for the fireteam, and the Akbar Doctor helps keep the keep alive as well as being a specialist. Akbar Doctor can fully restore the wounds of an unconscious Janissary.
- Mobile Brigada: Mobile Brigada are another standard Heavy Infantry choice. With only AVA1 and no linkability, they are not often considered.
- Scarface&Cordelia: This team comprise Joe 'Scarface' Turner and his sister, Cordelia.
- Scarface: For a S7 TAG, Scarface is lightly armored, but heavily armed with 2 Mk12s and a Panzerfaust. BS13 is low for a TAG, but still respectable. V:Courage gives him focus in combat. Scarface also has Assault giving him a 10" charge range. However, Assault is pretty useless since he's only CC19 - Not really a dedicated close combat unit. The Scarface as a pilot wields a Light Shotgun.
- Scarface is only ARM5. Use him as you would a beefy 3STR Heavy Infantry as oppose to an actual TAG.
- Scarface has Frenzy! He will go impetuous the turn after he causes a wound gaining the benefits and penalties of impetuous.
- Cordelia: Cordelia is Scarface's mechanic. She's a very capable WIP13 Engineer with Mimetism and V:Courage like her brother. As well as being a specialist for ITS, she has D-Charges for the Sabotage classified. Though in combat she's armed with a Chain-Colt and a Combi Rifle at BS11. Mimetism will help keep the modifiers in your favor. She's very short ranged and lightly armored, and should be kept safe from long ranged harm.
- A Nasmat servant can help her keep up with Scarface.
- Scarface: For a S7 TAG, Scarface is lightly armored, but heavily armed with 2 Mk12s and a Panzerfaust. BS13 is low for a TAG, but still respectable. V:Courage gives him focus in combat. Scarface also has Assault giving him a 10" charge range. However, Assault is pretty useless since he's only CC19 - Not really a dedicated close combat unit. The Scarface as a pilot wields a Light Shotgun.
- Iguana: The Iguana is another lightly armored TAG, but has the highest BS in QK, 14. The Iguana is a very unique TAG. It's got a built in Repeater and an Ejection System. The armaments include a HMG and a HFT. Though it's only got 2 STR, the Operator inside is an ARM3 Heavy Infantry with 2 wounds and HMG. Once the TAG looses all of it's STR, the Ejection System automatically ejects the Operator out to safety. The TAG's BS14 drops to BS12 on the Operator.
- The Operator continues to produce an order and has value in zone domination unlike Pilots.
- The Iguana is the toughest Repeater. Hackers can use it as a mobile hacking extension.
- Basic Remotes
- Rafiq:The standard toolbox specialist REM.
- Shihab:Standard 360 Visor Total Reaction HMG bot
- Shaytaniyah:Standard Smart Missile Launcher platform
- Fanous:Basic Flash Pulse remote.
- Nasmat:Nasmats, standard G:Servant remotes, extend the range of Doctors and Engineers.
- Remember that models with G:Synchronized and G:Servant cannot join a fireteam or participate in Coordinated Orders
- Kameels:Standard Baggage REMs. The EVO Hacker is more useful in QK than in generic Haqqislam. The Teampro EVO supportware helps keep your fireteams up and running. EVO will also guide Yuan Yuans with their AD drop if they decide not to walk on the sides.
- Al'Hawwa Unit:The only Camo Infiltrator in the sectorial army and a very good one thankfully. The Assault Hacker and Forward Observer are exceptional specialists, and D-Charges allows them to accomplish the Sabotage classified.
- Yuan Yuan:Yuan Yuans are Extremely Impetuous Irregular mercenaries with Inferior Combat Jump and Booty L1. They are nearly a must-have in QK. Though they suffer from have Inferior Combat Jump's -3MOD, they have a high PH14. Of course, they can downgrade to Airborne Infiltration to walk in on a table edge or start the game deployed on the table.
- Why are they so damn good?
- They are Extremely Impetuous AD Troops, and do not need to spend an order to drop down. However, you have to spend an Regular Order from the pool to cancel their impetuous move. They cannot spend their own Irregular order.
- The only Smoke Grenades in the sectorial army, and with PH14 they throw them very reliably.
- Booty L1 It should not be relied on. Better to think of them as little extras and every now and then they will find themselves a handy tool.
- They are only 8pts for the cheapest Chain Rifle options. The Yuan Yuans with the Boarding Shotgun and Rifle is worthless because they are only BS9; Yes, only BS NINE.
- Why are they so damn good?
Army Building
Qapu Khalqi's units are solid, but, like generic Haqqislam, nothing is particularly specular individually. However, once those models link, they can become quite a nasty unit. Also multiple fireteams give them a lot of order efficiency. This allows you to play around with Combat Groups: A Yuan Yuan or two shouldn't hurt the Combat Group even if you decide to spend a Regular order to cancel their Extremely Impetuous.
Hafzas add a lot of utility to any fireteam they join.
- Make an expensive Janissary team about 40pts cheaper
- Give Odalisques Forward Observer Specialists
- Adding a Hafza with Spitfire into a Ghulam fireteam make them a midfield objective unit instead of a backfield defensive team.
- etc etc etc
Tactics and Strategy
- Dynamic Duos: Fireteam:Duo is not limited to one per list. Running mulitple Duos add further order efficiency to your list. There is a multitude of combinations to try out. Here is a couple of examples:
- 'Example 1:Sekban Specialist Duo: Doctor Plus + Spitfire. The Spitfire already benefits from the high burst. He'll guide the Doctor Plus to the Objective or unconscious teammate, and revive the Spitfire should he fall. The Doctor carries a shotgun for close quarters firefights.
- Example 2:Druze Suppression Duo: Spitfire + Combi Rifle. The Druze can accomplish the same small specialist Duo as the Sekban (only using a hacker instead of doctor), but a few of the Druze options have the X-Visor. This team can use their order efficiency run up midfield and drop into Suppression Fire.
- A Pest Problem: Yuan Yuans are just simple too good to pass up. They have extra mobility because they can drop in anywhere or use Airborne Infiltration. They may or may not bring extra goodies depending on your Booty L1 roll, and they are the only source of Smoke Grenades. Smoke Grenades combos well with Djanbazans and their MSV2 and/or hides the movement of your troopers. A list can certainly function without them, but nothing else can fulfill their roles. Bashi Bazouks come close, why not both? Yuans are already annoying enough. Bringing in Bashi Bazouks as well adds to chaos, and because QK is so order efficient too many Irregular orders do not make quite as much an impact compared to a vanilla army or a sectorial without cheap multiple fireteams.
- MSV2 and Smoke Grenades: Djanbazans are the only unit in QK with MSV2. Yuan Yuans are the only units in QK with Smoke Grenades. The Djanbazans linkability and the Yuan Yuans unique attack vectors are in for a good time. Of course a solo Djanbazan with a HMG or Shock Marksman Rifle is capable by himself if you've already filled your Fireteam:Core slot.