Kings of War/Tactics/Order of the Green Lady

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Why Play the Order of the Green Lady?

Do you like cavalry? Do you like monsters? Do you like regeneration? Do you like the lady of the lake part of bretonnian lore and wish that water spirits were more prevalent in those armies?If the answer to at least 2 of those questions is yes, then this is the army for you.

Brotherhood got hit pretty hard in the Edge of the Abyss global campaign and this has been reflected in the 3rd edition army lists. The Brotherhood is now split into two distinct army lists; Order of the Green Lady have sworn new vows to the Green Lady and have moved their base to the Forest of Galahir, and the Order of the Brothermark who have remained in the Brotherhood homeland and are now functionally a vassal state of the Basilean Hegemony.

The Brothermark retained most of the peasantry and realistic units of the army, such as trebuchets and longbowmen, while receiving access to some of the best Basilean units (phoenix and ogre palace guard, hooray).

The Order of the Green Lady though retained the more fantastical (and arguably best) elements of the second edition Brotherhood (that is to say Pegasi and the Order of Redemption), while also obtaining access to a wide array of units from the Forces of Nature army list, such as Naiads and Earth Elementals.

With some of the best cavalry units in the game this army looks like the premiere cavalry force in 3rd edition.

Army Special Rules

The brotherhood do not have a native special rule, but they do have a special upgrade, the vial of sacred water, which grants a once per game d3 wound regeneration during the movement phase, as well as the sacred water unit trait(which means a devoted with the radiance of life upgrade can help them regain one wound every turn if they stay close to him). For 10 points this upgrade can be very useful on your elite units, maybe not so much on your rank and file.

Unit Analysis


  • Devoted: your spellcaster, he focuses on healing, coming with heal 3 as his base spell and being able to purchase radiance of life 1 for sacred water units for 15 points. Not a bad choice at all if you know combat will last more than a turn or are facing a lot of shooting. Also can purchase surge if you decide to favour elementals instead of humans and naiads.
  • Exemplar Adjutant: Standard bearer - re-roll failed checks within Inspiring range, your tipical 50 points source of inspiring, sort of redundant considering you have access to inspiring cavalry
  • Exemplar of the Brotherhood: your 50 points melee combat hero, not bad for a cheap speed bumper
  • Exemplar Redeemer: Sir Galahad! The Paladin's Paladin! Inspiring, Regeneration (5), 7 attacks, crushing strenght 2, headstrong and mighty. for 180 points. The best hero of the bunch, expensive sure, but can succesfully hold of enemy infantry and even do some killing thanks to his great number of attacks and crushing strenght. You can also mount him on a winged pegasus for a speed 10 fliying and nimble murder machine at 205 points that could very well be a force to be reconed with if he can pull flank charges. Overall a really nice hero - deadly!
  • Druid: inspiring mage, devoted bring more healing but having inspiring and heal in the same unit for 65 points is very cost effective
  • the Green Lady: Heroic character that brings a lot of healing to the field thanks to heal 6 and radiance of life. Her 10 inch movement makes her good at being a mobile platform for healing but at 185 points its hard to justify her.


  • Men at arms retainers: Your cheap infantry choice that coimes with headstrong, useful in horde, since they only cost 175 points in that size. In regiment size they provide cheap unlocks/objective grabbers.
  • Order of the Brotherhood: Foot knights. This is your standard elite infantry unit. They're low on attacks and don't have much to make up for it. They do come with Headstrong,and their nerve is slightly better than most units of this kind so it likely could be relevant most of the time. with defense 5 and having access to the vial of sacred water they could be a useful anvil against certain units, especially if you are able to place them on terrain to ensure hindered charges against them.
  • Naiad ensnarers*: An awesome anvil, specially when taken in horde size, the issue is that they are irregular, thus taking a valuable troop slot, which this army really needs. Overall take a horde if you fancy, with ensnare and regeneration, this unit excels in take and hold scenarios as long as you can protect their flanks. Again a very cool unit that unfortunately cannot be taking as a regular unit.

Large Infantry

  • Water Elementals: Water elemental infantry to support your peasants and knights. They have Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Regeneration (5+), and Shambling. They cannot be wavered and are decently tough. They also move faster than most large infantry and can be boosted with Surge by your Devoted. A solid beater unit that ignores most terrain and regains wounds every time it moves.
  • Earth Elementals: A new unit that got added thanks to the merger with forces of nature, defense 6 and being fearless makes them an excellent anvil, that also unlocks irregular units, which is great for a highly specialized build, since this unit is strictly speaking your best anvil, while redeemers are your best cavalry.


  • Order of the Brotherhood: Your standard cavalry, that can be taken in HORDE size for 32 attacks hitting at 3+ with thunderous charge. Also you can give 1 unit of the army pathfinder for 15 points or 20 in the case of a horde, which is really nice as it could be mixed with another magic object for a true deathstar style unit.

They are also your only regular cavalry unit, so if you want to run an all cavalry army you need to take these in order to unlock your order of redemption

  • Order of Redemption: You haven't even seen my final form! Baddest dudes on the block on horseback, Regeneration(5) and Defense 5 with 20 (!) 3+ attacks make them a tough unit to drop. They are Inspiring! Being Irregular and fairly pricey hurts a bit though, but the pricy part is debatable since them being inspiring makes inspiring heroes redundant, thus saving you several points. They are the best cavalry in the game, beware though, as invincible as they look, this is not a unit for prolongued engagement, it should be routing anything it charges, so do not throw them against units of monstruos infantry or infantry hordes just because and expect miracles

Large Cavalry

  • Order of the Forsaken: Pegasus knights, although they were also described as aquatic knights in the beta list. Comes standard with Fly, Headstrong, Thunderous Charge (2), and Valiant. Very hard hitting and mobile, but also very expensive. These will demolish most anything they come into contact with at horde strength, but at that strength they are the most expensive unit in the entire army. You're not going to spam these knights, so if you take one you need to treat it as a flying monster and not as a cavalry unit when used. Deploy them at the centre of your battleline and use them as a maneuvrable unit that can help at either flank.This guys are particularly nice when it comes to cleaning up those pesky phalanx units, which are the main problem order of the green lady has to face.


  • Beast of nature: Think of any abandoned animal - put it here - but bigger and badder. This is a great all-around, multi-role unit with crushing strength 2, pathfinder and vicious for maximum effect. They have the option to add a steady aim 12 inch 4+ ranged attack (10) in order to be pseudo artillery for 15 points. Wings for speed 10, Fly and Nimble for 40 points, and finally increase his attacks fro 5 to 7 for 15 points.
  • Greater Water Elemental: Like the Water Elementals, but with more Crushing Strength and less attacks. Use in tandem with Water Elementals - Water Elementals charge into the front, Greater Water Elemental surge into the flank.


  • Greater earth Elemental: An absurdly tough titan that can act as a can opener vs heavily armored targets or as yet another anvil in the army.

War Engines

None, but a beast of nature with ranged attacks could act as a pseudo warmachine


Lots of fast, hard-hitting cavalry with survivability and surprisingly decent infantrywill ruin someone's day. Devoted with Marty's Prayer will keep your army going when others are routing.