Now with 100% less counting individual shots!
Ranged Weapon Traits
Accuracy: the number of bonus dice added to the character's accuracy pool when using this weapon.
Damage: The number of bonus dice added to the character's damage pool when using the weapon.
Lethality: The amount of damage automatically inflicted from a scoring at least a single success on the accuracy roll.
Rate of Fire: Accuracy, Damage, and Lethality are all listed with a number followed by 2 or 3 more numbers enclosed inside parenthesis: controlled fire, burst fire, rapid fire, and sustained fire respectively . In this case Rate of Fire does not refer to the number of rounds fired per pull of the trigger but rather an abstraction based on the intensity of fire the shooter wants to use that does not require multiple rolls for each bullet fired or a formula that depends on the number of rounds fired.
- Controlled: Expends a minimum of 1 shot and wastes shots on a roll of a 1 or a 2.
- Burst: Expends a minimum of 3 shots and wastes shots on a roll of 1, 2, 3, or 4.
- Rapid: Expends a minimum of 5 shots and wastes shots on a roll of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
- Sustained: Consume the entire magazine. This fire rate can only be used one weapons capable of fully automatic fire. In the event the weapon the is not capable of *firing the entirety of its magazine within 3 seconds, then it empties what it can.
- Conserving: This rate of fire is used when you want to avoid wasting ammo for whatever reason. Because you are limiting yourself to a single shot, the damage roll is always reduced by two and the 10-again effect is lost (though 9-again will become 10-again).
“Wasted shots” do not indicate that you missed all together, only that you fired multiple times and missed on some of those shots.
Penetration: The amount of armor that is ignored by the bullet. When shooting at someone with an armor value higher than the round's penetration, the lethality of the round is ignored. This value may be negative, indicating that the weapon is particularly poor against armor. Example, a penetration of -2 increases the armor by 2. However this only applies if the target is wearing armor; a target without armor receives no extra protection.
Capacity: The amount of ammunition that the weapon can hold. A “+1” notation indicates that in addition to the gun’s magazine capacity, the gun can be loaded with one additional round in the chamber, ready to fire.
Range: These weapons effective range in light of human capabilities. Any target within the listed value has no penalty to shoot at while any attempts to target an individual outside that value suffers a -2 penalty per increment. Thus if the gun has a range of 20 yards. a target at 10 yards has no penalty, a target at 30 has a -2 penalty, and a target at 50 has a -4 penalty, and so forth.
Recoil: This value represents the difficulty of controlling the gun thanks to its kick when firing it and its physical bulk. If a character's strength is under the recoil, they suffer a penalty equal to the difference between them (so a character with 2 strength wielding a gun with 3 recoil suffers a -1 penalty. No, having higher strength does grant a bonus.) In the case of weapons small enough to be held with a single hand, the value is listed for only using a single hand. Holding a size 1 gun with both hands decreases the recoil by 1.
Size: The weapon’s Size, per the World of Darkness Rulebook (see p. 135). As Size categories are fairly broad, an additional notation after the Size of each item with Size 1 or 2 indicates the amount of clothing under which a normal-sized character can conceal the gun: P (Palm/Pocket), S (Shirt), J (Jacket), L (Long coat) or N (Not concealable). See “Weapon Concealment” on p. 198 of Armory for more information about these categories.
Type: This indicates the board category and nature of the fire arm. Most importantly this describes the firearms action (semi-automatic, automatic, selective, break, pump, etc) and any particular effects it might have on the weapon. Weapons that are break, lever, or pump action can only be fired a number of times per turn equal to the lower of the users wits or composure.
Ammunition: There's a variety of ammunition out there, though for simplicity's sake, its going to be limited to the more common types. Storyteller's are of course free to make up what the wish.
- Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) – this what the military uses most of the time and is what is listed under the stats for each weapon.
- Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP) – this is primarily what civilians and police use. While more damaging, it's much less potent against armor. Mechanically, JHP rounds have +2 damage but -2 penetration. JHP in rifle calibers has the lethality increase by 1.
- Armor Piercing (AP) – These rounds have solid cores designed to punch through armor more easily, though they tend to over penetrate when it comes to unarmored targets. Penetration is increased by 2, though against unarmored target's the lethality is reduced by 2.
- Match Grade – this type of ammunition has been made to exacting levels of quality and can react in a very predictable manner. Whenever the character takes the time to aim, the bonus is doubled.
Roll for Accuracy
Dexterity + Firearms + Accuracy + relevant modifiers that may affect the outcome of the roll.
Potential Modifiers
- Concealment: the target is behind something that makes aiming at them a bit more difficult. If you aren't trying to not hit what's concealing them, the penalty is halved (rounded down).
- Barely (~90% exposed), -1
- Partially (~70% exposed), -2
- Mostly (~50% exposed), -3
- Substantially (~30% exposed), -4
- Almost Completely (<10% exposed), -5
- Firing from Concealment: use your own concealment modifier minus 1 (so you have a -3 penalty to shoot if you are substantially concealed).
- Firing at high speed: -1 to -5 depending on the magnitude speed difference between you and the target.
- Firing from the hip: -2.
- Firing while running: -2.
- Range: -2 to per increment. Further more,anything past Wits + Composure x 10 yards is considered to be at extreme range which doubles all other penalties (like concealment and such). Scopes and some supernatural powers of course can mitigate this.
- Recoil: If your character's strength is less than the recoil of the weapon, then you take a penalty equal to the difference. Attempting to fire at multiple targets with anything other than suppressive fire results in the recoil value being multiplied by the number of targets being shot at. Going prone or using a bipod or mount can help offset this penalty.
- Size: 5 – the Target's Size. Yes this means a target with size 6+ is easier to hit. Attempting to target specific body parts is handled by treating them as a smaller size rating. The follow is a suggestion for the sizes of most adult humans.
- Torso: size 4.
- Center of Mass: size 3.
- Chest or Limb: size 2.
- Head: size 1.
- Extremity or Specific Organ: 0.
- Visibility: bad conditions such as fog, rain, and poor or excessive lighting can make it difficult to shoot accurately, inflicting anywhere between -1 to -5 depending on the severity.
Roll for Damage
Accuracy Roll + Damage + Other relevant modifiers
Each success inflicts one point of extra damage on top of the gun's lethality rating.
Potential Modifiers
- Armor: Armor is then subtracted from the damage roll.
- Cover: rather than the more drawn out method presented in nWoD core, simply add the cover's durability + it's thickness to the target's armor. Somethings don't necessarily have a durability rating (such as dry wall) but will still have a minimum thickness of 1. Rather than presenting a table of suggested thickness values, that is left up to the Storyteller though what constitutes a point of thickness is highly dependent upon the material in question.
Firing from point blank: the damage roll gains the rote quality.
- Targeting a Specific Body Part:
- Torso: +1 damage.
- Center of Mass: +2 damage and +1 lethality.
- Chest: +3 damage and +1 lethality.
- Head: +4 damage and +2 lethality.
- Heart, Brain, etc: +5 damage and +2 lethality.
- Specific Part or Organ: attribute damage or a penalty as appropriate.
- Suppressive Fire
- This works a tad different as the goal is not to focus on a specific target but to saturate an area with fire to either keep something out or down. Only weapons capable of fully automatic fire can be used in this fashion. The character that is firing rolls Wits + Firearms + the weapon's sustained fire damage – a modifier based on the area the area the character is suppressing.
Maximum Aim Bonus = Firearms + Stance + Accessories + Other relevant modifiers.
- Untrained shooters have a straight maximum aiming bonus of 1 in all situations. Not even accessories or merits can raise that limit unless the untrained shooter bothers to invest in the firearms skill.
- Aiming is a full turn action to gain 1 accuracy die, up to the shooter's maximum. The shooter nor the firearm cannot move off target, but they can do menial tasks which don't require serious forethought (chewing or placing things in mouth, momentarily checking a watch or photograph, taking something out of a pocket while not looking would be good examples). If the shooter takes a controlled shot, he keeps the bonus, but if he shoots at a burst or higher cadence, he forfeits his accumulated aim bonus.
- The shooter has disadvantages while aiming
- he loses his defense and, if struck in melee or at range, must roll resolve + wits (2 successes?) or lose all of his accumulated bonus aiming die.
- The shooter can reapply his defense bonus to an incoming attack, but doing so will forfeit his accumulated aiming bonus.
A shooter must chose from 2 methods of aiming
- Free aiming
- Maximum Aim Bonus: 1 + Merits + Accessories + Other relevant modifiers
- The shooter only uses his body to brace a firearm. Doing so can be done standing, kneeling, or prone, but the shooter is capped to an aim bonus of 1.
- This is a product of the shooter assuming several aiming fundamentals such as relaxing, good posture, addressing the natural point of aim, and overcoming barrel sway.
- Supported aiming
- The shooter supports a firearm on or against an intervening surface in any position. Supported aiming allows the shooter to gain an aim bonus up to his maximum aiming bonus
- The Storyteller has the right to reduce or cap a shooter's maximum aiming potential for using an awkward, unusual, or otherwise less desirable surface to a number that he thinks proper.
- EX: a shooter using a wall corner to rest the heel of his hand and props the rifle between his thumb and fingers. Which technically a supported shot, but it's not as effective as a rifle supported with a bipod on a brick window ledge. The Storyteller assigns a penalty of -2 to the shooter's maximum aim bonus.
Long Range Optics
MAG(nification) R%O + Z @X
Most standard, non-variable zoom optics already mated to a rifle will simply be annotated as "MAG R". The additional components are not fully necessary. Optics without an explicitly statted OSE are assumed to have OSE 2.
- The number of increments(R) the shooter ignores when attempting to hit a target. You only get range penalties for increments after increment R.
- %O
- The Optimal Shooting Envelope. When using optics, shooting too close can be as problematic as shooting too far. The OSE is the optimal range between R and R-O. Any shot at a range range that is below R-O receives a handling penalty. This represents the difficulty inherent in attempting to compensate for a target that's too close. A larger %O could represent variable zoom optics, variable zoom digital optics (like a camera viewfinder), or a scope with a particularly large sight aperture.
- Generic Handling Penalties:
- Pistols: -2
- Short Carbines: -3
- Long Rifles: -4
- Note: If the GM finds this mechanic much too cumbersome, he may ignore the OSE rule. Bear in mind, however, that this will make optics very powerful at most ranges it covers.
Less important shit
- +Z
- Bonus range. Z is a quality that a rare few optics possess, where particularly well engineered sights actually make for more accurate shots at any range. It simply adds +Z yards to the platform's range.
- Shooters who regularly swap optics, or between optics and backup sights, are encouraged to annotate the platform's range with X+Z.
- @X
- MAG doesn't transition between rifles with different range values at all. 4 increments to a pistol is not 4 increments to a rifle. @X is an explicit statement for what range the stats of a particular set of optics were meant for.
- If a shooter wants to put his scope onto a different gun with a different range, he MUST convert the stats. the algebraic equation for converting is:
- Y*Z=W*X
- W:original range
- X:original stat value to be converted
- Y:range to convert to
- Z: the Unknown value
- Multiply W and X, divide both sides of the equation by Y. Do for all values, round normally (either up or down).
Designated Marksman(●●)
- Prerequisite: Dex ●●●, Firearms ●
The shooter gains 2 bonus die per action spent aiming instead of 1, up to their maximum aiming bonus.
Steady Hands(●)
- Prerequisite: Firearms ●●
The maximum aiming bonus a shooter can gain using a free brace increases by 1.
Combat Marksmanship
Combat Marksmanship now only applies to a single category of firearm, to gain it across multiple types of firearms it must be bought multiple times.
● Trigger Discipline - Reduce the occurance of wasted shots. Controlled shots waste on a roll of 1, burst on 1 or 2, and rapid on 1, 2, 3, or 4.
●● Tactical Reload - Reload as a reflexive action. Bullpup firearms do not benefit from this nor do revolvers without the benefit of a speedloader.
●●● Sharpshooter - Reduce the penalty from range increments from -2 to -1.
●●●● Bayonet Range - Ignores target defence even when within melee range.
●●●●● Rapid Fire - Half the penalty inflicted by recoil.
● On Scope - Never waste shots while using controlled fire when sniping. Further more, the maximum bonus for aiming increases by the dots in Sniping.
●● Range Finder - Penalties for firing at extreme range no longer double and the maximum aiming bonus increases from +5 to +10 when using sniper rifles.
●●● Focused Shot - Unchanged from core.
●●●● Tactical Intervention - Unchanged from core.
●●●●● One Shot, One Kill - When spending willpower, add 3 to lethality instead of accuracy.
- Accuracy:
- Damage:
- Lethality:
- Capacity:
- Recoil:
- Range:
- Penetration:
- Size:
- Type:
- Ammunition:
- Notes:
Beretta Model 91
- Accuracy: 2 &9 (1/0/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 15+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
COP 357
- Accuracy: 0(-1/x/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/x/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/x/x)
- Capacity: 4
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 3
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/P
- Type: Break Action
- Ammunition: .357 Magnum
- Notes: the COP 357 has 4 barrels.
Colt M1911A1
- Accuracy: 1(0/-1/X)
- Damage: 3 &9(3 &8/ 4 &9/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 7+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .45 ACP
- Notes: --
FN Five-seveN
- Accuracy: 2 &9 (1/0/x)
- Damage: 2(3/4/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 20+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 2
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 5.7x28mm FN
- Notes: rare.
Glock 17
- Accuracy: 2 &9 (1/0/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 17+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
Glock 26
- Accuracy: 2 &9 (1/0/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 10+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 10
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/P
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
H&K Mk. 23 “SOCOM”
- Accuracy: 1(0/-1/X)
- Damage: 3 &9(3 &8/ 4 &9/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 12+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .45 ACP
- Notes: --
- Accuracy: 2 (1/0/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4 &9/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 12+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 25
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .40 S&W
- Notes: --
Luger Parabellum P08
- Accuracy: 2 &9 (1/0/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 8+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 15
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
Magnum Research Desert Eagle
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/X)
- Damage: 4(4 &8/ 5 &9/X)
- Lethality: 2(2/2/X)
- Capacity: 7+1
- Recoil: 4
- Range: 40
- Penetration: 1
- Size: 1/L
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .50 AE
- Notes: --
RSA Makarov PM
- Accuracy: 2 &9 (1/0/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 8+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 15
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/P
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
Ruger Mark II
- Accuracy: 1 &9(1/0/X)
- Damage: 2(2 &9/ 3/X)
- Lethality: 1(1/1/X)
- Capacity: 10+1
- Recoil: 1
- Range: 15
- Penetration: -1
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .22 LR
- Notes: --
Semmerling LM4
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/x)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/1/x)
- Capacity: 5+1
- Recoil: 1
- Range: 5
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/P
- Type: Manual Repeating
- Ammunition: .45 ACP
- Notes: --
Walther PPK
- Accuracy: 1 &9(1/0/X)
- Damage: 2(3/3 &8/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/1/X)
- Capacity: 7+1
- Recoil: 1
- Range: 10
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/P
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .380 ACP
- Notes: --
Vltor Bren Ten
- Accuracy: 1(0/-1/X)
- Damage: 3 &8(4 &9/ 5 &9/x)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/x)
- Capacity: 7+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 10mm Auto
- Notes: --
Colt Single Action Army
- Accuracy: 1 &9(1/0/X)
- Damage: 4(5/5 &8/X)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/X)
- Capacity: 6
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Single Action
- Ammunition: .45 Long Colt
- Notes: --
Mateba Model 6 Unica
- Accuracy: 1 &9(1/0/X)
- Damage: 3(4/5/X)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/X)
- Capacity: 6
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .357 Magnum
- Notes: --
NAA Black Widow
- Accuracy: 2(1/0/X)
- Damage: 1(1 &9/ 2/X)
- Lethality: 1(1/1/X)
- Capacity: 5
- Recoil: 1
- Range: 3
- Penetration: -1
- Size: 0/P
- Type: Single Action
- Ammunition: .22 Magnum
- Notes: --
S&W Model 36 Ladysmith
- Accuracy: 2(1/0/X)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/4/X)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/X)
- Capacity: 5
- Recoil: 1
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/S
- Type: Double Action
- Ammunition: .38 Special
- Notes: --
S&W Model 500
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-3/X)
- Damage: 5 &9(6/7/X)
- Lethality: 2(3/3/X)
- Capacity: 4
- Recoil: 4
- Range: 50
- Penetration: 1
- Size: 2/J
- Type: Double Action
- Ammunition: .500 S&W
- Notes: --
Taurus Model 22H
- Accuracy: 2 &8(2/1/X)
- Damage: 2(2 &8/3/X)
- Lethality: 1(1/1/X)
- Capacity: 8
- Recoil: 1
- Range: 40
- Penetration: 2
- Size: 2/J
- Type: Double Action
- Ammunition: .22 Hornet
- Notes: --
Taurus Raging Bull
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/X)
- Damage: 5(6/7/X)
- Lethality: 2(2/3/X)
- Capacity: 5
- Recoil: 4
- Range: 50
- Penetration: 1
- Size: 2
- Type: DS/SA
- Ammunition: .454 Casull
- Notes: --
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/X)
- Damage: 2 &9(3 &9/4/X)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/X)
- Capacity: 5
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 15
- Penetration: -2
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Double Action
- Ammunition: .410 Bore
- Notes: As this fires shotgun shells, the lethality drops by 1 per range increment. Within 5 yards it gains the 8 again quality.
Machine Pistols
Beretta Model 93R
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-3/X)
- Damage: 2 &9(3 &9/ 4 &9/X)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/X)
- Capacity: 20
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/J
- Type: 3 round Burst
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
CZ Skorpion
- Accuracy: 1(-1/-2/-3)
- Damage: 2(2 &8/4/6)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/3)
- Capacity: 20+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 15
- Penetration: -1
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: .32 ACP
- Notes: --
- Accuracy: 1(-1/-2/-3)
- Damage: 3(4/5/6 &8)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/3)
- Capacity: 15+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/L
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
Intratec TEC-9
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/-3)
- Damage: 3(4/5/6 &8)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/3)
- Capacity: 32+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 10
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: This weapon loses the 10 again quality.
- Accuracy: X(-1/-3/-5)
- Damage: X(3 &8/4 &8/5 &8)
- Lethality: X(1/2/2)
- Capacity: 32+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/L
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: .45 ACP
- Notes: The MAC M10 simply fires too fast for controlled or conserving fire.
Steyr TMP
- Accuracy: 1 &9(1/0/-2)
- Damage: 3(3 &9/ 4 &9/6 &9)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/3)
- Capacity: 15+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Select Fire
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
Stretchkin APS
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/-3)
- Damage: 2 &9(3 &9/ 4 &9/6 &9)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/3)
- Capacity: 20+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 20
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 1/J
- Type: Select Fire
- Ammunition: 9x18mm Soviet
- Notes: --
Submachine Guns
American 180
- Accuracy: 3(2/1/0)
- Damage: 1 &9(2 &9/4 &9/6 &9)
- Lethality: 1(1/1/2)
- Capacity: 275+1 *Recoil: 1
- Range: 20
- Penetration: -1
- Size: 3
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: .22 LR
- Notes: When using sustained fire the American 180's penetration becomes 1 due to the sheer volume of fire.
FN P90
- Accuracy: 2(1/0/-1)
- Damage: 2(3 &9/4 &9/6 &9)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/2)
- Capacity: 50+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 35
- Penetration: 2
- Size: 2/L
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: 5.7x28mm FN
- Notes: --
- Accuracy: 2(2/1/-1)
- Damage: 3(4 &9/5 &9/6 &8)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/2)
- Capacity: 30+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 2/L
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum
- Notes: --
- Accuracy: 2(1/0/-1)
- Damage: 2(3 &9/4 &9/5 &9)
- Lethality: 1(1/2/2)
- Capacity: 20+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 35
- Penetration: 2
- Size: 2/L
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: 4.6x30mm
- Notes: --
- Accuracy: 1 &9(0 &9/-1/-2)
- Damage: 3(4/5/6 &9)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/3)
- Capacity: 30+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 2/N
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: .40 S&W
- Notes: --
- Accuracy: 1(0/-1/-3)
- Damage: 3 &9(4 &9/ 5 &9/7 &9)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/3)
- Capacity: 25+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 2/N
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: .45 ACP
- Notes:
RSA Bizon-2
- Accuracy: 2(2/1/-1)
- Damage: 3(4 &9/5 &9/7 &8)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/3)
- Capacity: 64+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 2/L
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: 9x18mm Soviet
- Notes:
TDI Vector
- Accuracy: 2(1/0/-1)
- Damage: 3 &9(4 &9/ 5 &9/6 &9)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/3)
- Capacity: 13+1
- Recoil: 1
- Range: 30
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 2/L
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: .45 ACP
- Notes: --
Thompson M1928
- Accuracy: 1(0/-1/-3)
- Damage: 3 &9(4 &9/ 5 &9/7 &9)
- Lethality: 1(2/2/3)
- Capacity: 30+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 25
- Penetration: 0
- Size: 3
- Type: Automatic
- Ammunition: .45 ACP
- Notes: --
Barrett M82
- Ammunition: .50 BMG (12.7x99mm
- Notes:
Browning Arms BAR Mk. II Safari
- Ammunition: .243 Winchester (6.16x51mm)
- Notes: Civilian Semi-automatic. NOT based on M1918 BAR design. The rifle comes in numerous calibers, but for the sake of ease as well as weapon characteristic diversity (Choice is better than the only so many 7.62mm NATO permutations we can derive), the .243 Winchester was selected. A very popular round, it's considered the entry-level deer hunting round in the UK. It even sees regular use when hunting caribou or even black bear, though the small diameter round requires great proficiency on the operator's part for a clean kill.
DSR-precision DSR-1
- Ammunition: .300 Winchester Magnum (7.62x67mm)
- Notes: Is also chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO and .338 Lapua Magnum.
- Accuracy: 3(1/0/-1)
- Damage: 5&9(6&9/7/8)
- Lethality: 2(2/3/X)
- Capacity: 20+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 150
- Penetration: 3
- Size: 4
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester
- Notes:
KBP VKS "Vychlop" (Exhaust)
- Capacity:5+1
- Type:Straight-Pull Bolt Action
- Ammunition: 12.7x54mm subsonic
- Notes: Designed for internal security, the FSB, and MVD for extra-hardened targets above and beyond the capacity of the 9x39mm suppressed round. Designed for game such as terrorists in heavy body armor or behind thick cover, light vehicles, engine blocks and other hardened gear, summer homes, and obnoxious dogs. The round is a wildcat of the Soviet standard 12.7x108mm HMG round. The US also has developed a specialized .50 subsonic round, called .50 Whisper back in the early 90s. Reputed platforms included a Modified Remington Model 70 and Sako TGR-S. The cartridge was a wildcat developed from .460 Weatherby Magnum. The possibility of statting one is uncertain, especially for such an exotic role.
M1 Garand
- Accuracy: 2(1/-1/X)
- Damage: 6&9(7&9/8&9/X)
- Lethality: 2(2/3/X)
- Capacity: 8
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 200
- Penetration: 3
- Size: 3
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: .30-06 Springfield (7.62x63mm)
- Notes:
M24A3 Rifle
- Ammunition: .338 Lapua Magnum (8.58x70mm)
- Notes: M24 platform chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum.
M40 Rifle
- Accuracy: 4(2/X/X)
- Damage: 6(7/X/X)
- Lethality: 3(4/X/X)
- Capacity: 5
- Recoil: 4
- Range: 250
- Penetration: 3
- Size: 4
- Type: Bolt Action
- Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester
- Notes: Based off the Remington Model 700 civilian firearm. Stats may be used as a stand-in for a generic hunter's big game rifle; deer, elk, and even black bear are ample fodder for 7.62 NATO (or it's civilian brother, .308 Winchester).
McMillan Tac-50
- Ammunition: .50 BMG (12.7x99mm)
- Notes:
- Ammunition: .338 Lapua Magnum (8.58x70mm)
- Ammunition: 7.62x54mm R
- Ammunition: 7.62x54mm R
VSS "Vintorez"
- Ammunition 9x39mm
Weatherby Mark V
- Ammunition: .460 Weatherby Magnum (11.6x95mm)
- Notes: Civilian sports rifle chambered in the quintessential game round for the Big Five (lion, the African elephant, the Cape Buffalo, the leopard and rhinoceros). Again, the rifle may come in multiple calibers, but for the sake of ease and diversity, .460 Weatherby Magnum was selected.
Assault Rifles
AN-94 Abakan
- Ammunition: 5.45x39mm
- Notes: Proposed component of Block II rebalance effort.
ArmaLite M-16
- Accuracy: 1(0&9/-2/-4)
- Damage: 5(6/7/8)
- Lethality: 2(2/3/4)
- Capacity: 30+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 100
- Penetration: 2
- Size: 3
- Type: Select Fire
- Ammunition: 5.56x45mm NATO
- Notes: Component of Block I rebalance effort.
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/-4)
- Damage: 6&9(7&9/8/9)
- Lethality: 3(3/4/5)
- Capacity: 20+1
- Recoil: 4
- Range: 140
- Penetration: 3
- Size: 3
- Type: Select Fire
- Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester
- Notes: Component of Block I rebalance effort.
FN F2000
- Ammunition: 5.56x45mm NATO
FN SCAR-H Mk. 17 Mod 0
- Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester; 7.62x39mm; 6.8x43mm SPC with barrel exchange
- Accuracy: 1(0/-1/x)
- Damage: 6&9(7&9/8&9/x)
- Lethality: 2(2/3/x)
- Capacity: 20+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 250
- Penetration: 3
- Size: 3
- Type: Semi-automatic
- Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester
- Notes:
Norinco QBZ-95
- Ammunition: 5.8×42mm DBP87
- Notes: Standard arm of the People's Liberation Army Ground Forces (China)
OC-14-4A Groza 4
- Ammunition: 9x39mm
- Notes: there is a variant, the OC-14-1A "Groza-1" chambered in 7.62x39mm
- Accuracy: 0(-1/-2/-3)
- Damage: 6(7/8&9/9&9)
- Lethality: 3/(3/4/5)
- Capacity: 30+1
- Recoil: 3
- Range: 100
- Penetration: 3
- Size: 3
- Size: 3
- Type: Select Fire
- Ammunition: 7.62x39mm Soviet
- Notes: Modernized Variant of the Avtomat Kalashnikova 47, introduced in 1959. Features over the -47 include production optimizations, a 2.2 lb weight reduction, reliability improvements, and a slant-cut muzzle compensator. Component of Block I rebalance effort.
- Accuracy: 1(-1/-2/-3)
- Damage: 5(6/7/8&9)
- Lethal: 2(2/3/4)
- Capacity: 30+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 100
- Penetration: 2
- Size: 3
- Type: Select Fire
- Ammunition: 5.45×39mm
- Notes: Component of Block I rebalance effort.
Steyr AUG A3
- Accuracy: 1&9(0&9/-2&9/-4&9)
- Damage: 4(5/6/7)
- Lethality: 2(2/3/4)
- Capacity: 30+1
- Recoil: 2
- Range: 100
- Penetration: 3
- Size: 3
- Type: Select Fire
- Ammunition: 5.56x45mm NATO
- Notes: The Steyr AUG doesn't benefit from the Combat Marksmanship 2 merit. Component of Block I rebalance effort.
Machine Guns
Browning M1918 BAR LMG
- Ammunition: .30-06 Springfield (7.62x63mm)
- Notes: Maus request.
- Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO
- Notes: Maus Request
FN Minimi M249 LMG
- Ammunition: 5.56x45mm NATO
- Notes: Maus Request
- Ammunition: 5.56x45mm NATO
- Notes: Maus request: IAR stands for Infantry Automatic rifle, and is essentially a rifle designed for sustained automatic fire. Think of it like a BAR.
Norinco QBB-95 SAW
- Ammunition: 5.8×42mm DBP88 Heavy
- Notes: Chinese LMG, derived from the QBZ-95, which uses a variant cartridge to the QBZ-95 that features a heavier projectile. For future reference, PLA sniper systems also use this heavier round.
- Ammunition: 7.62x54mmR
- Notes: Another modernized successor exists, named the PKP Pecheneg. It has a reworked, more accurate action.
Rheinmetall MG-3
- Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO
- Notes: Maus Request
- Ammunition: 7.62x39mm
- Ammunition: 5.45x39mm
- Notes: Modernized companion to the RPK chambered in the newer 5.45x39mm round
Heavy Weapons
First off, weaponry and brawl don't actually need this 'fix' in general. Most of the time a simple, single roll works just fine. However there are cases where separating the roll into accuracy and damage can be a good idea; the most prominent example of this being chainsaws and other assorted power tools. There are other things that benefit from this treatment too, like a haymaker punch or any such attack where the attacker throws all their power behind a single attack and hopes it hits, because if it does it's gonna hurt. Of course because of that, there's a downside to missing: you're left wide open with regards to your intended target.
- Accuracy Roll: Dexterity + Brawl or Weaponry - the Size of the weapon.
- Damage Roll: Accuracy Successes + Strength + Weapon's Damage Bonus
- Lethality: weapon's Size.
Brawling poses a special case, in that unless you really are attacking with your entire body mass, having a lethality of 5 is a tad absurd. As such, most brawl attacks using these rules count as Size - 3. When using this mechanic, the Heavy Hands merit adds 1 to the Lethality as well as the Damage roll. Thing's like brassknuckles and so forth also increase the lethality by 1.
Just because the mechanic is called lethality doesn't mean it does lethal damage; it's just nicer to say than auto-successes.