Lady Malys
Amongst the Dark Eldar, there is one that reigns supreme; Asdrubael Vect, lord of the Kabal of the Black Heart. He is the most cunning Dark Eldar to have lived and takes pleasure reducing would be usurpers to warp hound chow. Once chief amongst his underlings was the Lady Aurelia Malys, who was his consort and displayed remarkable intelligence. For a while she was one of the prominent members of his inner circle and displayed her talents during the Panacea wars (see section below).
For reasons not disclosed (meaning GW is trying and failing to be all mysterious again) Vect kicked Malys out, claiming he was bored of her. A scorned woman, Malys and her followers left Commorragh into another expanse of the Webway (for no reason given except she wanted to get away from it all). There in the depths of the Webway she met one of the strange beings that inhabited that realm, who banished her followers and challenged Malys to a game of wills, the loser of which would give their heart to the winner. Malys was victorious and the glowing being vanished, leaving a blade and its crystal heart. Then, in a turn of events that was truly batty completely sensible, she used the blade to remove her own heart and place the crystal one inside herself, because, you know, crystal works just as well as flesh with blood (we're talking about the unrelentingly weird world of 40k here. She could have stuck a muffin in there and it probably would have worked).
From then she returned to Commorragh with revenge in mind against Vect and began to build up her power, until she became the Archon of the Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue and one of the most powerful rulers of the dark city.
Since that time Lady Malys has risen to a height of predominance in Commoragh. Her keen mind is truly a byzantine labyrinth, hatching countless plots and always preparing to take advantage of a situation. She is described as polite, aloft and haughty, which only matches the image we have of her as one of those Victorian English ladies, unflattering polite while she plans how best to serve your brains on a platter at the next dinner party. She has matched wits with Asdrubael countless times and has an incredible sense of precognition. She may indeed in time be the one to finally dethrone Vect himself…
Oh and it is claimed in rumours that she can often be heard laughing hysterically from her private quarters. Strange glowing being found in the webway…hysterical laughter…powers of precognition…yeah this has Cegorach written all over it.
The Panacea Incident
Malys is desperate to become the first female member of the league of extraordinary dickery (membership including the Emperor, Tzeentch, The Deceiver, Cegorach, Vect [Who is most likely trying to oppose Malys' membership], and Eldrad). Her admission entry into the league was her actions during the Panacea wars. Vect, desiring to weaken the lesser kabals, gave them the challenge to weaken the Imperium in some manner. Malys, discovering that the Imperium had recovered a precious STC, knew this was the perfect chance. She made it so that a large fleet of Ork Roks crashed landed into the Imperial forge world where the STC had been found and while both sides were butchering each other Malys and her bodyguard waltzed in and plucked the STC off a dead Ork Mekboy’s hands with a flourish and a kiss. Vect was highly pleased with this textbook example of evil and after that Malys enjoyed increased influence in the dark city.
Why is this particular dick move? The STC, Panacea (which could basically cure every disease, ever), was one that could have saved countless billions of human lives through miraculous medical technologies and seriously given Nurgle a run for his money. Malys knew fully well what the STC could have done, but she keeps it locked away in her private gallery, a potent discovery that will forever be kept out of the Imperials’ hands and which gives Malys enormous satisfaction to know she is causing lots of suffering. The league is currently assessing such an entry for full membership.
Oh and to weaken some other Orks she was fighting another time she developed a powerful chemical agent that works on their reproductive cycle and let it loose through a couple of Ork-held planets. Again this was done for giggles. Also, the fluff mentioned it was with help from the Lhameans (an all-female sect of Dark Eldar courtesans/poison experts; NOTE courtesans are high-class prostitutes who only service nobility and not always for money) in her entourage; so bisexuality or lesbianism is implied for Malys (because she hangs out with ladies? Next you'll be telling me every single Wych in Commaragh, actually nevermind. Bad example) (It's because those ladies are renowned for being high-class, nobility-exclusive prostitutes and a society where "the artist doesn't have to fear the censor", "the scientist is not restrained by morals" and pornographic snuff films are legal wouldn't have a problem with bisexuality or homosexuality).
Am I the only one to notice the fact that Malys pranked the Orks M37, yet her entry in the codex (the one Phil Kelly wrote at any rate) says that she's just a single millennia old?
7th edition incident
Malys walked to location on the card that was left at her front door Saying assassinate Vect plotting party when a two raiders land near her. ah that must be them when it open she finds the inside completely pimped out what? When suddenly single character emerges from the vehicle it was Vect when she realize this she put up her Blade In anger of course I knew it when vect took off his pimp glasses what? Pinning him against the Raider pimppus of swagtruction what he uses too pick up hookers. I'll fucking kill you had someone drop that card off so you kill me what lady I was taking you too my pimp spire? What don't you remember me ahhh no [sigh] takes off her helmet oh malys you selling hookers no? I was told there Was hookers 75# off no? So let get this straight you got told to come here Too yes? So somebody set us up when suddenly A Cronos parasite engine Hovers down what? as they put up their blades to fight It Blasts Them with A beam of energy this gets notice of the true born When they come out both vect and malys on ground not moving and the chronos turned too dust when they looked in their armors they find the two where turned into infants oh no.
do too this vect's second in command has had too dress up as him and pretend to be vect until he comes of age same with malys now let hope vect and malys play nice as babys this is COMMORRAGH
Dark Eldar Lords and Ladies | |
Asdrubael Vect - Archon Tahril - Baron Sathonyx Drazhar - Duke Sliscus - Kheradruakh Lady Malys - Lelith Hesperax - Urien Rakarth |