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Ssen Patrick, a lamia paladin, protagonist of Lamia Daughter Quest. Like many lamias, polearms are her preferred weapons.

A Lamia is a sort of monster that combines human and snek features, commonly having a human torso from the waist up and a snake body from the waist down. The term naga is sometimes used interchangeably, but they are just as likely to refer to distinct creatures.

They tend to share a lot of stereotypical snake traits, like preferring to sneak around and plot rather than fight in the open. An affinity for magic, poison, or hypnosis is also common.


When nagas and lamias are distinct, nagas tend to be the ones with more snake features. They may be scaled on their entire bodes, or (as is the case with Dungeons & Dragons) be giant snakes with human faces.

Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons lamias are totally different from other lamias. While they do blend human and animal traits, they aren't snake-like, and in fact are based on different creatures in different editions. In 3rd Edition, lamias were human from the waist up, with lion bodies below the waist, with a tendency towards Chaotic Evil and cruelty. In 4th Edition, lamias are actually colonies of scarab beetles that live on the skeletons of fey creatures (having consumed the flesh first), which use magic to make a pretty illusiory body to lure in prey.


Pathfinder uses the Lamia design much the same way as 3.x did; regular lamias are centaur-like lion-women, whilst the more powerful "Lamia Matriarch" is a snake-woman as per the standard. They retain their Chaotic Evil alignment and love of cruelty, murder and hedonism.

A 3rd party netbook, Kobold Quarterly #23, includes unofficial rules for playing a "classic" snake-woman Lamia in Pathfinder or D&D 3.5 in the form of the Lamia Commoner species. It has the following racial profile:

+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence: Lamia commoners are physically strong and manipulative. Medium: Lamia commoners are Medium creatures, and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Normal Speed: Lamia commoners have a base speed of 30 ft. They have a climb speed of 20 ft and a swim speed of 20 ft. Darkvision: Lamias can see in the dark up to 60 ft. Low-Light Vision: Lamias can see twice as far as humans in dim light. Intimidating: Lamias receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks due to their frightening nature and appearance. Lamian Immunities: Lamias get a +2 racial bonus to saves against mindaffecting spells and effects. Snake Body: Lamia commoners have neither feet nor legs and thus cannot be tripped. They may not use magic items requiring the feet slot. Skilled: Lamias receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Use Magic Device checks. Spell Resistance: Lamias possess spell resistance equal to 5 plus their class levels. Spell-Like Abilities: A lamia can cast charm person and ventriloquism each 1/day, using her total character level as her caster level. Weapon Familiarity: Lamia commoners are proficient with the scimitar. Languages: Lamias begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Lamias with high Intelligence can choose any additional bonus languages, with Abyssal being the most typical.

Notable Lamias

  • Ssen Patrick, protagonist of Lamia Daughter Quest.
  • Miia (also romanized as "Meer"), the first non-human main character of the "Daily Life with Monstergirls" manga (and also the first member of the main character's unwanted harem).

See Also

  • Lamia child, an old story of a paladin who kills a family of lamias, and decides to adopt the newly-orphaned child as a sort of penance.
  • Lamia Daughter Quest, the sequel to the above, in which /tg/ is the lamia daughter, all grown up.
  • Snek, a slang term for Lamias and other snake-like creatures.