Land Speeder

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Not to be confused with the "landspeeder" from Star Wars.

In Warhammer 40,000, the Land Speeder is the primary reconnaissance vehicle of the Space Marines, named for Magos Arkhan Land (discoverer of its STC pattern, as well as that of the Land Raider). Yes, they honestly felt they needed a fluff reason for the word "land" to appear in the name of a vehicle.

In general, they are open-topped two-seater anti-gravity skimmers, with a pilot and a gunner sitting side-by-side. The gunner has a few options for his weapon, and the Land Speeder can also be upgraded with a missile launcher or an under-slung gun.

A couple of patterns stand out: the Land Speeder Storm can carry a half-squad of Space Marine Scouts, while the Land Speeder Tempest is fully-enclosed and more armored.