Last Stand

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And now we can come with the rest...

It's a sidegame in Dawn of War 2, but despite that works much like CoD's "nazi zombies" in the fact that despite it not being the main thing, it's what people eventually become obsessed with. There is a major difference here, though, and that's that Dawn of War 2 is good, whereas the other game would best be expunged from the multiverse. You've got six (seven if you paid for DLC, hurrdurr) characters to choose from (Ork Mekboy, Space Marine Captain, Lord General, Eldar Farseer, Tyranid Hive Tyrant, Chaos Sorcerer and Shas'O Commander). Yes, you heard me.

You've actually got a variety of builds to go off of despite it just being a 20 round survival match, but in the end most of the characters have maybe 2-3 builds you want to stick with. Three players have to survive the match aiding each other and constantly rezzing their partners. (Why a space marine would be intelligent enough to team up with anything, I don't know.) There's a lot of overpowered skills that needless to say become borderline useless as you progress, but it's still fun enough to make you play till 2 am.

Also, with the release of Retribution, there's a map without the asshat clones and with additional dakka. FUN!*

Below you see a list of builds you may find useful to win the Last Stand, some of them need you to unlock the achievements or buy the DLC but come on, if you have the money and time to buy tabletop miniatures then this shouldn't be that hard for you, anyway, take note some of them are good in one map while in the other not so much, this is mostly due the clones from wave 16 in the Bloodied Colosseum making invulnerable oriented builds self-defeating, Anvil of Khorne DOES NOT have a clone wave.

You must also know that the clones from wave 16 receive some bonus which make them stronger in normal combat, unless you have a plan or numerical superiority dont tray to go toe to toe against them.

NOTE: You can predict from where the doppelganger is coming,they always come from the same corner the banshees from wave 9 come.

Space Marine Captain


Gear you need: Inscribed Combat Shield, Lightning Claw, Sacred Relic Armor, Litanies of Zeal, Jump Pack, Parable of the Stalwart Brother, Dreadnought Drop Pod.

Maps: Anvil of Khorne

Explanation: Keep fighting, every time you land a blow you heal yourself and your allies (including the dreadnought) 5hp, the Lightning Claw is the fastest weapon the captain has, more even than the chainsword, which by the way can only damage one target while the Claw can damage the whole squad and with the Relic Armor turns this into an area of effect attack so more enemy squads receive damage, in combination with your other items and the dread soaking up some of the enemy fire you may be able to clean a large chunk of the wave, remember, if the situation becomes to dire you always have the jump pack to escape, earning some precious seconds of life and regeneration, it also allows you to throw yourself and disrupt enemy formations.


Gear you need: Bolter, Artificer Armor, Rite of Fortitude, Jump Pack, Parable of the Stalwart Brother, Orbital Targeting Beacon.

Maps: Anvil of Khorne, Bloodied Colosseum

Explanation: You are the nuker of the team, unleash the lance batteries! Remember the beams will take a bit of time to appear, so this is better used at the beginning of the wave when enemy units are spawned and wait for the spawning point gate to open, alternatively you can use the stun grenades which come with the bolter to keep your intended target in place, then the beams will do the job of immobilizing the enemies, by the way, try to stay out of danger as much as possible, while you have 225 hp you are not intended to be a tank, the hp is just for you to survive long enough to unleash your nukes, use your jump pack to help yourself.

Eldar Farseer


Gear you need: Pistol of the Warseer, Witchblade of Isha, Armor of Idranel, Runes of the Harlequin, Runes of Evasion, Runes of Fleetness, Spirit Stone of Vigor

Maps: Anvil of Khorne, Bloodied Colosseum

Explanation: The most Eldar build ever, the idea of this build is to keep yourself out of the fight while you make the enemy do all the dirty work (sounds familiar to you? Yeah, you get the idea), keep casting Confuse on your enemies so they kill each other and Fleet of Foot whenever you see they are closing on to you (you are unshakable by the way, and the witchblade of Isha gives you a lot of energy), prioritize larger targets wheneve you can as they can one-hit other units, watch how wraithlords, carnifexes, Juggernauts, dreads and dreffs decimate their own armies. Oh, and remember wave 16 at Bloodied Colosseum? If you see a clone trying to resurrect another clone cast confuse, this will disrupt him, and don't worry about your clone SHE CANT CAST CONFUSE.


Gear you need: Pistol of the Warseer, Witchblade of Isha, Armor of Idranel, Runes of the Harlequin, Runes of Warding, Runes of Fleetness, Spirit Stone of Vigor

Maps: Anvil of Khorne

Explanation: A variant of the DECEIVER-RUNNER, the RESURRECTER is built to keep your allies alive, you just stay out of the fight as much as possible as you need yourself alive, then, everytime you see an allied die run to him with Fleet of Foot, cast yourself Ward and resurrect him, tell your allies to fight, no matter if they are going to die again, as long as you stay alive you can resurrect them, while a bit tedious this strategy is great whenever you end in a team of newcomers or low hp nukers, as in the long run they will decimate the wave.

Tau Commander

  • Note* The Tau Commander is by far the most diverse hero in the game, being able to easily switch between all rounder, tanks, fire support, and blob counters with a switch of only one or two items.


Gear you need: Xv8 'Armored' Crisis Battlesuit, Stimulant Injector, Shield Drone Controller, Command Issue Plasma Rifle, Coolant Injectors, Iridium Plated Shield, Anti Armor Missile Pod

Maps: Anvil of Khorne, Bloodied Colosseum

Explanation: You are a short range, damage tanking jump trooper. Combining the heavy crisis suit with the Iridium shield gives you a double "heavy" trait, allowing you to instakill some blobs on impact from your jump (Tyranids in particular are vulnerable to this). The damage resistance provided makes the Commander nearly impervious to small arms fire, while the Stimulant Injector gives you a chance if any heavy melee units like Nobz get too close. Your main strategy will be disrupting blobs with your jumps while focusing on hard targets with your plasma rifle and missile pod. The Shield Drone will draw fire and provide damage resistance, while the Coolant Injectors allow you to hop around the map like a hyperactive frog that crushes blobs underfoot when it lands. This build is excellent for achieving the "Dynamic Entry" achievement, and for kiting mobs while slowly whittling them down in dire situations where your other two teammates are down and it is too risky to revive them.


BUILD 1 - Lulzplosions

Gear you need: Pokkit Rockit, Zap Knife, Mad Teleporta pack, (recomended-Sturdy bits),Roks, Juiced Up tellyporta.

Explanation: With this build, lulz ensue as enemies that hit you, enemies you hit, and yourself, are randomly teleported around and explode, often killing them instantly. This can effectively deal with the "spamshee" wave (wave 9 on BC), as the sheer amount of victims causes humongous groups of explosions (friendly fire is dealt by these explosions-Stay away from allies), this also means you have one ability, Roks, which will recharge thankfully fast allowing you to deal with enemies from the non melee waves. It is heavily recommended that you have a captain who can instantly revive you.


BUILD 1 - Knockback spam

Gear you need: Fairly much only the Orb of Unholy Might is required

Recommended teammates: Tau+Lord General

Strategy: On Bloodied Coliseum, have the Tau abuse the map quirk that allows him to never be hit by melee units (this is achieved by having him deploy his drone on some of the rocks on the lower corner of the map near the chain, and then jumping into the rocks giving him permanent heavy cover) It is best if he has twin linked Flamethrowers or burst cannons and the anti tank missiles. The lord General must have a flamer or grenade launcher with the bolter turret. Essentially everyone camps next to the Tau in his glitched spot (If you get the right staff, you can teleport in there just before he lands so you can both stay safe) Depending on armor and weapons you should have enough energy recharge to be able to recast Unholy might exactly as it wears off, causing all of your firepower to deal knockback, this makes the burst cannons ludicrous as they can actually keep units hovering in midair from the sheer amount of knockback they are taking, the lord general and his minions can also cause ridiculous knockback to anything that even TRIES to get close. The only things you need to worry about are your clones and vehicles.


Gear you need: Sword of Spite, Armor of Might Undivided, Sigil of Greater Sorcery, Sigil of Master Sorcery, Daemonic Gift of Sustenance, Icon of Summoning

Explanation: You are essentially the team's main source of mob-killing with your doomblast spam, and all your armor and items help make sure that you can at least survive whatever they throw at you. Seriously, don't stop running into a group and doomblasting unless thr group just proves to be too big. However, even then, you can use doomblast to give yourself room against them.

Hive Tyrant


Gear you need: Bio-Feedback, Synapse, any minion summoning (Genestealers recommended because of how cheap they are, especially with Synapse), maybe Explosive Decomposition.

Explanation: The big draw to this build is that you can kill your minions and re-summon them again, not only making them a cheap near-infinite shield thanks to Synapse and Bio-Feedback, but also a walking source of bombs if you decide to equip Explosive Decomposition. Armor, on the meantime, is a largely open choice, though Poison Cysts could help with clearing out some swarms. Weapons are also largely open, but talons and claws better utilize the free invincibility.