Liberi Gothica: Mummy
Herein are the rules for the Mummy class for Liberi Gothica. The Mummy toughens her body, making herself capable of standing up to much larger and stronger opponents by weakening them, and eventually turning them to dry dust. Her mere touch bestows curses... unless she chooses not to do so. She weakens her opponents until nothing is left.
A Mummy is undead, but can maintain her appearance as a child by having enough life energy. As long as her own Vitality is greater than 10, she appears normal.
At 7-9 vitality, her skin becomes more dry, at first only noticeable to the touch.
At 5-6 Vitality, her skin dries out completely and tightens, outlining the muscles clearly. This gives a -1 penalty on all Charm rolls.
At 3-4 Vitality, her skin begin to crack and peel, her eyes sinking into her skull. The penalty to Charm rolls increases to -2, and it is now impossible to hide her undead nature.
At 2 Vitality or less, her skin begins to die and grow crusty, flaking off of her body in bits and pieces. Even after restoring her Vitality, she will be missing large patches of skin until they regrow over the course of a day. The penalty on Charm rolls increases to -4.
All Mummies start with Eternal Life, and any one other ability. You can acquire other abilities later via XP.
Eternal Life[edit | edit source]
Eternal Life: As an action, you can spend up to 10 Vitality to gain Life equal to the amount of Vitality spent. You can also spend 6 actions and 6 Vitality to restore a lost limb. You effectively lose 1 Vitality per action while regenerating a limb. Mummies gain a +1 bonus to all checks made to resist curses.
Eternal Life Progression: 1 XP: Improved Warding: Your bonus against curses improves by +1. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP. 3 XP: Improved Conversion: The maximum Vitality you can spend per action to boost your Life improves by 5.
Accursed Touch[edit | edit source]
Accursed Touch: Your mere touch weakens and destroys your opponents.
The Accursed Touch is a powerful ability, that drains opponents of their life force with a touch. Whenever you touch someone, which requires an Attack Roll in combat, you may choose to drain their Vitality. This ability takes 1d6 Vitality from the victim, and adds it to your own Vitality. Any excess goes into your Soul Gauge. This attack does not deal extra damage based on your Toughness, as most melee attacks do.
If used with an unarmed attack, you only drain 1 Vitality on a hit.
This ability costs 6 XP to learn.
Accursed Touch Progression: 4 XP: Lethal Touch: You can choose to drain Life instead of draining Vitality.
6 XP: Greater Accursed Touch: Your Accursed Touch drains +1d6 damage. On an unarmed attack, you drain 1 more Vitality. Each time you take this progression, it costs 2 more XP.
6 XP: Spectral Touch: You can use this ability as a ranged attack with an action, up to 10 feet away.
3 XP: Extended Touch: Your range improves by 10 feet. Requires Spectral Touch.
4 XP: Spectral Fingers: With a single attack roll, you can affect an additional target within range. Each time you take Spectral Fingers, it costs 2 more XP. Requires Spectral Touch.
Curse[edit | edit source]
Curse: You can cast powerful curses, and create wards.
Each curse has two forms: Cast, and Ward.
Cast: A Cast curse can be used in an instant, against a single target within 30 feet. It takes an action to use a Cast curse.
Ward: A Ward Curse protects a single room. The size of the room does not matter, and the ward covers the entire interior of the room. A Ward Curse lasts until it is activated, and it is activated whenever anyone enters the cursed area.
Ten seconds [2 combat rounds] after the area has been disturbed, the ward takes effect. For every extra Vitality you spend while creating the ward, the targets take a -1 penalty to any checks to resist the curse's affects.
A ward curse takes 1 hour to create. When you create the curse, you may designate any number of specific people who will not spring the curse. Foci do not spring the curse no matter what.
You choose one of the following curses to start with:
--Lifeleech: The Curse of Lifeleech pulls the victim's blood from their body, in a painfully unavoidable attack.
Cast: This curse deals 1d6+1 damage to the target. Victims make an Endure check for half damage. This curse costs 2 Vitality.
Ward: This ward deals 4d6 damage to the targets. Victims make an Endure check for half damage. This curse costs 8 Vitality.
Lifeleech Progression: 2 XP: Improved Leech: Lifeleech deals +2 damage. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
--Bloodbind: Only living creatures may be affected by this curse. All targets who fail a Willpower check become unable to move, their blood literally frozen in their veins. They are effectively in stasis, and don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. When they leave stasis, they are not aware that any time has passed. While in stasis, they are completely unaware of their surroundings, and completely immobile.
Cast: The effects last for one round. The target gets a Willpower check to avoid the effect, opposed by your Willpower. Casting Bloodbind costs 4 Vitality.
Ward: The affects of this curse last for 1 hour. Warding Bloodbind costs 12 Vitality.
Bloodbind Progressions: --2 XP: Extended Casting: For each rank of this progression you have, you may increase the duration of the Cast version by 1 round. You must spend 2 extra vitality per round of increased duration.
--2 XP: Extended Warding: The duration in which they are held in stasis by the Ward version doubles. Each time you take this progression, it costs 2 more XP.
--Debilitation: The Curse of Debilitation causes the affected victims to become blind, deaf, or mute, as decided by the Mummy when the curse is set.
Blind creatures are unable to see, and are unable to act on the first round of any combat. They suffer a -2 penalty to all checks that require sight in any way.
Deaf creatures are unable to hear. They suffer a -2 penalty to all checks that require hearing in any way.
Mute creatures are unable to speak, suffer a -2 penalty to all Charm checks, and are unable to command minions.
Cast: You pick 1 handicap that the target is affected by. The handicap lasts for 2d4 rounds. The target gets a Fortitude check opposed by your Willpower. If the target wins, then the handicap lasts for 1 round. Cripple costs 4 Vitality to cast.
Ward: You pick 1 handicap the victims are affected by, and it lasts for 24 hours. If they succeed on a Fortitude check, they are instead affected for 1 minute. Cripple costs 10 Vitality to ward.
Debilitation Progression: --6 XP: Greater Disability - You can choose two handicaps that affect the target.
--8 XP: Total Disability - Your victims are blind, mute, and deaf on a failed check. Requires Greater Disability.
--Curse of the Thief: Those affected by this curse become extremely paranoid.
When the victim is first affected by this curse, either the Ward or Curse version, he makes a Willpower check. If he succeeds, he staves off the effects of the spell for 1 hour. Each hour, he makes another Willpower check. If he succeeds on 3 Willpower checks, all effects of the curse end. The victim clearly remembers anything they did while under the effects of the curse.
If he fails 1 Willpower check, he suspects all of his allies of trying to "take his treasure." If anyone even approaches his treasure, asks to look at it, or does anything that grants them access to it, the victim vehemently denies them access, and may get violent if the target keeps insisting on seeing it.
If the victim fails 2 Willpower checks, his paranoia rises to obsession. He hides his treasure as well as he can, and puts up traps around it, if possible. He considers anyone who knows its new whereabouts an enemy.
If he fails 3 Willpower checks, his obsession becomes psychopathic. If he perceives anyone trying to look at, find out about, ask about, or imply that they want his treasure, he attacks them immediately.
If he fails 4 or more Willpower checks, he refuses to leave his treasure for any reason, and attacks anyone who comes near it. The effects are now permanent.
Exactly what constitutes 'treasure' may vary from person to person, so this curse can have wildly varying effects, even among the same group of people.
Cast: It costs 2 Vitality to cast this curse.
Ward: It costs 4 Vitality to ward this curse.
Curse of the Thief Progression: --5 XP: Entrenched Paranoia: It takes one more Resistance check to throw off the effects of the curse. This progression costs 2 more XP each time you take it.
--Curse of the Desert: You drain the water straight from a man's body, slowly turning him to dust. They become horribly parched and dehydrated, and as the time goes by their skin cracks and peels away.
Cast: The target must make a Fortitude check. On a successful check, the spell fails. On a failed check, the target falls victim to the curse, and takes 1 point of Toughness damage. Every hour in which they do not drink at least 1 gallon of water, they must make a Fortitude check or take 1 more Toughness damage. They take a cumulative -1 penalty to the check for each consecutive hour they do not get water. If their Toughness falls below 0, they turn to dust and die. After 24 hours, if the target is still alive, the curse is lifted. It costs 4 Vitality to cast this curse.
Ward: The victims must make a Fortitude check. On a successful check, the spell fails. On a failed Fortitude check, they fall victim to a heavily accelerated version of the curse, and take 1 point of Toughness damage. Every 5 minutes in which they do not drink at least 1 gallon of water, they must make a Fortitude check or take 1 more Toughness damage. They take a cumulative -1 penalty to the check for each consecutive check they do not get water. If their Toughness falls below 0, they turn to dust and die. After 2 hours, if the target is still alive, the curse is lifted. It costs 12 Vitality to ward this curse.
Curse of the Desert Progression:
--4 XP: Desiccation: The cumulative penalty for consecutive checks without water improves by 1. Each time you take this progression, it costs 3 more XP.
--12 XP: For an additional 10 Vitality when Casting this curse, you can make the condition contagious. Any other living creature that comes into contact with a cursed person can be affected. Whenever someone touches someone with a contagious Curse of the Desert, they must make an Endure check, or immediately take 1 Toughness damage and be affected by the curse for the next 24 hours. Someone who survives the curse cannot be affected by someone else infected by the same casting.
This ability costs 6 XP to learn.
Curse progression: --4 XP: Learn an additional curse of the tomb.
--4 XP: Persistent Curse: For twice the Vitality cost, you can make a Ward Curse last longer after being triggered. For 24 hours after the first victim activates the curse, the curse will trigger again every time someone else enters the area. It only triggers once per person per hour.
--8 XP: Eternal Curse: For triple the vitality cost, you can make a Ward Curse eternal. The curse will always trigger whenever anyone enters the area, and will never dissipate unless dispelled by another, or dismissed by the Curse's creator. It only triggers once per person per hour. Requires Persistent Curse.
--4 XP: Tombsense: Whenever someone activates one of your ward curses, you are sent a mental alarm, and you know which ward has been deactivated.
--3 XP: Relentless Curse: Victims of your curses have a -1 penalty to their checks to resist for each rank of this progression you have. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
--4 XP: Desert Wind: The range of Cast curses increases by 30 feet.
--2 XP: Desert Caravan: You may affect an additional target within range with your Cast curses. You must spend 2 more vitality for each target after the first. Each time you take Desert Caravan, it costs 1 more XP. You may only target 1 extra target for each rank in Desert Caravan you have.
Bandaged Form[edit | edit source]
Bandaged Form: You body becomes wrapped in bandages, which reach out to bind your foes.
By spending 1 Vitality, you can wrap yourself in bandages. You can retract them at any time. These bandages can be active as long as you like. While bandaged, you have a Passive Defense of 1, and gain a +1 bonus to all Climb, Grapple, and Treatment checks. You can not use any of the progression abilities below unless you are in Bandaged Form.
You choose one of the following abilities to start with:
You may take one of these abilities when you purchase Bandaged, but may purchase more with XP.
--Mummy Grappling: When in a grapple with one person, if you beat their Grapple check by 5 or more, you are not held down. In effect, the target tangles with the loose bandages, while you walk free. This allows you to take any actions you like without breaking the grapple.
Mummy Grappling Progression: 2 XP: Weave: You may grapple more people at once, without being held down. For each rank you have in Weave, you may grapple an additional person without being restrained. If even one opponent rolls well enough for you to fail at Mummy Grappling, you are held down. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
3 XP: Hold: You only need to beat the opponent's grapple check by 4.
6 XP: Great Hold: You only need to beat the opponent's grapple check by 3. Requires Hold.
9 XP: Superior Hold: You only need to beat the opponent's grapple check by 2. Requires Great Hold.
12 XP: Effortless Hold: You only need to beat the opponent's grapple check by 1. Requires Superior Hold
--Reaching Bind: You may make Grapple checks from 10 feet away. Unless you are using Mummy Grappling, you are still held down while doing so. If you have Bandage Assist, you may also lift objects within this range.
Reaching Bind Progression: 6 XP: Self Propelled: You may use your bandages to assist in movement. As an action, you can automatically Climb as far as your Reaching Binds go, or Jump twice that distance. You may only use this ability if your binds have a solid object to hold on to within range and in the direction you intend to go.
2 XP: Elastic: Your range increases by 5 feet.
6 XP: Current: As an action, you can use your Accursed Touch on one person grappling with your Reaching Binds. Requires Accursed Touch.
--Bandage Assist: Your bandages become like weak limbs. They may lift a single objest of size -3 or less while keeping both of your hands free.
Bandage Assist Progression: 3 XP: Toss: You can throw an object held by your bandages, to a range of 30 feet. It deals damage as per a weapon of its size.
5 XP: Move Aside: You can throw a creature you are grappling with your bandages, to a range of 30 feet. If they don't hit anything, they make a Reflexes check or land prone. If they hit an object, like a wall, they take damage as per a weapon of their size, and so does the object they hit. If thrown at a person, that person gets a Reflexes check to avoid being hit. Requires Toss.
2 XP: Stronger: You may consider thrown objects to be 1 size larger for purposes of how much damage is dealt. In addition, the range is increased by 10 feet. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
2 XP: Great Lifting: You can lift larger objects. Each time you take this progression, the maximum size your bandages can hold increases by 1. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
1 XP: Multitasking: You can hold an additional object with Bandage Assist. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
This ability costs 6 XP to learn.
Bandage Form progression:
5 XP: Defense boost: The passive defense bonus granted by your bandages increases by 1. Each time you take this progression, it costs 2 more XP.
3 XP: Skill boost: The bonus to Treatment, Grapple, and Climb checks improves by 1. Each time you take this progression, it costs 1 more XP.
4 XP: Learning: Choose another Bandage ability to learn.