Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Destruction/Beastclaw Raiders

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Common keywords in these warscrolls are DESTRUCTION and BEASTCLAW RAIDERS. Most units also have the OGOR keyword, except for Sabretusks and Yhetees.


  • Hunter: Our only hero, also only unmounted Ogor in the faction. Gets a Culling Club as his only melee weapon and it's nice, but the real cool thing is his Great Throwing Spear: not only it's a good shooting weapon, but if the Hunter runs he can shoot it in the same turn with doubled range and deals D6 wounds instead of D3. Also can reroll every 1 to hit and wound against any MONSTER.


  • Sabretusks: We mention them first since their main shtick is getting buffed bu Hunters: Having one of them within 16" gives the entire unit +2 Bravery and +3 to charge rolls. Their melee attacks are not bad either.
  • Stonehorn: First big monster. It must charge when possible, deals D6 mortal wounds right after he charged and suffers halved wounds (even mortal ones). The rider haves a weapon choice between a Hunting Spear (2 melee attacks that are kinda good), an Harpoon Launcher (good shooting weapon), a Chaintrap (like the Harpoon Launcher but with shorter range and always deals 3 damage rather than the Harpoon's D3) or a Blood Vulture (both you and your opponent choose an enemy unit within 30" from the Stonehorn, then you roll a dice: on a 4+ it's a mortal wound where you chose to aim, otherwise it damages the unit your opponent chose).
  • Mournfang Cavalry: The big cavalry unit. The weapon choice is the same as the regular Ogors from the Gutbusters faction (either two weapons, rerolling every 1 to hit, or weapon and Iron Fist, which deal a mortal wound to the closer enemy model every time you roll a 6 to save), but in addition the unit leader can also take an Ogor Pistol. Hornblower allows them to reroll charges (which deal a mortal wound on the charged unit on a 4+ BTW), while the Banner Bearer combines both the effects from the Gutbuster standard choices (rerolls every 6 in Battleshock and every time an enemy unit within 3" haves an escaping model you roll a dice and on a 6 another model escapes).
  • Thundertusk: The other big monster, with cool abilities: -1 to enemy hit rolls in melee, and a badass shooting attack dealing up to 6 mortal wounds on a 2+ roll. It gets two riders compared to the Stonehorn: one always haves the Harpoon Launcher, the other must choose between the Chaintrap and the Blood Vulture.
  • Yhetees: These dudes have the -1 to enemy hit rolls ability like the Thundertusk, attacks identical to the Sabretusks ones except dealing double damage, and can do a 6" pileup. That's it.


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