List of D&D Spells
Thought the history of D&D, there have been many spells for spellcasters. A few of these spells are especially iconic to the point where even people who don't play D&D know them, and others have become infamous for other reason. Here we will try to make a list of many of these spells.
Eldritch Blast The spell that Warlocks always use.
Explosive Runes
Places words on a surface that explode when they are read. Made famous by the comic Order of the Stick, where they are a running gag. Sadly this spell hasn't made it to 5th edition.
An iconic wizard spell that does a lot of damage over an area. The creators of 5th edition have actually admitted that they made the spell overpowered since it is such an iconic spell.
Magic Missile
One of the first spells wizards learn. The damage it does is pretty small, but it is extremely useful because it never misses and since it does force damage, very few enemies in the game are immune or resistant to it.
Prismatic Spray
A powerful spell that shoot multiple random lasers that have different effects depending on their color. There is also a more powerful version of this spell called prismatic wall which creates a barrier with multiple layers that each have the same effects and each have a different way of breaking them.
Raise Dead
The most basic of the many spells that can be used to bring back a dead character.
Like raise dead, but it might bring you back as the wrong species.
Rope Trick
Used to create the Rope Trick Bunker of Doom