Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Destruction/Bonesplitterz

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These rules have been succeeded by the Orruk Warclans Battletome.

Grand Alliance Destruction



General Tactics

Why play Bonesplitterz?


  • Do you want an army of near-naked, maniacal, monster hunting, green lunatics? Of course, you do.
  • Do you love stone weapons, magical tattoos and screaming WAAAAAGH at the top of your voice? Of course, you do.
  • These guys are the premier monster hunters in this game. A couple of units of Morboyz will take down anything from a Treelord to Nagash with maniacal glee
  • They are probably one of the most fun armies to paint, giving you plenty of naked flesh to experiment with tattoos and warpaint, and plenty of shading potential and drybrushing areas
  • You will certainly stick out from the ocean of stormcast, witch aelves, and Nighthaunts that dominates the current meta


  • the Kunnin Rukk has a stigma of being OP, stemming from the pre-nerf battalion bonus which turned Arrerboys into a hail of pure death
  • It's an army of naked orruks; they will die in droves
  • Unless your opponent brings a lot of large monsters, your Arrowboys & Big Stabbas will not use their full potential


The Bonesplitterz Battletome has all the Warscrolls, Battalions and Allegiance Abilities.

  • This should be supplemented with the Bonesplitterz Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
  • Matched Play points are in the General's Handbook 2019 and the respective Battletome.
  • Alternatively up to date warscolls can be found in the WH AoS app. Warscrolls on the GW website match those in the Battletome.

As with all factions, you'll want:

  • The core rules are either downloadable or in the Core Book.
  • Games taking place in a Realm need the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book.
  • If you want to take advantage of realm specific artefacts you'll need the Artefacts Of The Realms section from the Malign Sorcery book.
  • Matched Play Battleplans are split across the Core Book and General's Handbook 2019.
  • All books should be supplemented with any updates from the FAQs.

Allegiance Abilities

Battle Traits

If your army has a BONESPLITTERZ allegiance and you have chosen to take the BONESPLITTERZ allegiance abilities, it has the following rules:

  • Save rolls automatically pass on the result of a 6 regardless of if this would normally save. In essence, this means that Bonesplitterz always has a chance to save their green hides regardless of rend, though as usual only if they have a save, to begin with. Additionally, a special save against Mortal Wounds can be made for all models with this allegiance, passing on the roll of a 6.
  • If any BONESPLITTERZ unit kills a monster, they don't have to take a Battleshock test until YOUR next hero phase. Particularly handy if the enemy gets lucky with their turn priority roll. Furthermore, when a BONESPLITTERZ unit makes its close combat attacks and is within 3" of any Monster, it rolls an additional D6 before Piling In; on a 1-2 it can Pile In 6" rather than 3", on a 3-4 you can re-roll any failed wounds the unit directs at a Monster, while on a 5-6 any wound roll of a 6 or more the unit makes against a Monster causes an additional Mortal Wound!

Command Traits

A general of an army that has chosen to take BONESPLITTERZ allegiance abilities can choose one of the following Command Traits:

  1. Squirmy Warpaint: The General's warpaint lets him avoid Mortal Wounds of a 4+, rather than a 6. Useful in scenarios where you're looking to keep him alive, but there are better Traits that do more to support the whole army.
  2. Prophet of da Waaagh!: While the General is alive, you can re-roll the first failed Battleshock test by a BONESPLITTERZ unit each turn. Since most of da boyz have a so-so Bravery of 5-6, this can be a handy one to pick up, and will practically pay for itself against units such as Spite-Revenants.
  3. Great Hunter: If your General kills a Monster in the combat phase, they can immediately Pile In and attack again. Situationally useful, but can be handy for encouraging an opponent to send his Monsters forward without support.
  4. Killa Instincts: Any Wound roll of a 6 or more made by your General has its Rend value increased to -3. While this sounds great, the only Hero really built for combat (the Savage Big Boss) can already be given a weapon with -2 Rend. Worth considering against Stormcast, Slaves to Darkness and the like, but ultimately too unreliable to be your first choice.
  5. Waaagh-Monger: All friendly BONESPLITTERZ units add 1 to Charge rolls when within 10" of the General. Even with 2 wounds a pop and Warpaint your orruks still want to be stuck in as quickly as possible, and so this Trait always has a useful place. Becomes particularly hilarious/terrifying when combined with the Icebone Warclan.
  6. Monster Killa: Your General can choose the dice result when rolling on the Monster Hunters table. Handy against some armies such as Beastclaw and Sylvaneth, but there are better all-comers options.

Artefacts of Power

One HERO in an army that has chosen BONESPLITTERZ allegiance abilities, plus one HERO for every battalion selected, can choose one of the following Magical Artefacts:

  1. Glowin Tattooz: Add 1 to any Save rolls.
  2. Dragon Toof: One of your melee weapons inflicts double damage against MONSTERS with wound rolls of 5+. Best on Savage Big Boss with his 5 attacks and his Damage increases to 4 against MONSTERS.
  3. Weepwood Big Shiv: One of your melee weapons adds 1 to Attacks. Add another 1 each time the Weepwood Big Shiv kills a MONSTER. Can add a bunch of attacks, but the Shiv has to get the killing blow, so it could be hard to pull off.
  4. Dokk Juice: Can be used in the Hero phase. Roll a dice; on 1 the bearer suffers 1 a mortal wound, on a 2-5 heals D3 wounds, on a 6 heals D6 wound.
  5. Savage Trophy: +1 Bravery for all friendly BONESPLITTERZ models within 10" in the battleshock phase.
  6. Lucky Bone: Re-roll all run, hit-, wound-, save- and damage rolls of 1.

Arcane Treasures

A WIZARD in an army that has chosen to take BONESPLITTERZ allegiance abilities can pick an item from Arcane Treasures instead of Magical Artefacts:

  1. Ju-ju Wotnotz: If the bearer successfully casts a spell and the casting roll was a double, they can immediately attempt to cast another spell.
  2. Big Spirit Stikk: One of the WIZARD'S melee weapons gains +1 attack, or +2 attacks if all attacks are directed at a MONSTER.
  3. Mork's Boney Bitz: +1 to the WIZARD'S casting roll for every enemy MONSTER within 24".
  4. Da Great Zappa Squiq: The bearer knows one additional spell chosen randomly from the Lore of the Savage Waaagh!
  5. Big Wurrgog Mask: Once per game in your hero phase, pick a unit within 12", that is visible to the wearer. It suffers D3 mortal wounds. Can continue, if so, roll a dice. On a 3+ the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds again. On a 1 or 2, the wearer is slain. Continue until the wearer decides to stop, or is slain, or the targeted unit is wiped out.
  6. Mystic Waaagh! Paint: +1 to the WIZARD'S unbinding attempts, and increase of the range of unbind attempts to 36".

Notable Artifacts of the Realms

Lore of the Savage Waaagh

Every WIZARD in an army that has chosen to take BONESPLITTERZ allegiance can choose one of the following Spells: Most spells have an additional effect if the casting roll is a double (and was successfully cast). Only the unmodified results of the dice are used to determine this.

  1. Squiggly Curse: Casting value of 6. Select a HERO or MONSTER within 20" roll a D6 on a 1 the model suffers 1 mortal wound, on a 2-5 it suffers D3 mortal wounds, on a 6 it suffers D6 mortal wounds. If casting roll was a double, the target suffers additional D3 mortal wounds.
  2. Hand of Gork (or) Mork: Casting value of 6. Chosen BONESPLITTERZ unit doubles its movement and can fly. If casting roll was a double, triple the unit's movement.
  3. Brutal Beast Spirits: Casting value of 6. BONESPLITTERZ unit within 18" can add 1 all run, charge and hit rolls until next hero phase. If casting value was a double can select a different BONESPLITTERZ unit within 18" and add 1 to all run, charge and hit rolls.
  4. Bone Krusha: Casting value of 6. An enemy unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds; if between 6" and 12" suffers D3 mortal wounds; and if between 12" and 24" suffers 1 mortal wound. If casting roll is a double, double the number of mortal wounds, but caster suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  5. Kunnin' Beast Spirits: Casting value of 6. Pick a unit within 18", until next hero phase opponent re-rolls all hit rolls of 6 or more against that unit.
  6. Gorkamorka's War Cry: Casting value of 7. Pick a visible unit within 18". Roll a dice and add the caster's Bravery to the result. Do the same for the target unit. If your result is equal or higher than your opponent's result, the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds and is stunned. Until your next hero phase, that unit halves the distance it can move, run and charge, and it cannot be chosen to make attacks until after all other units have attacked.


Common keywords in these warscrolls are DESTRUCTION, ORRUK and BONESPLITTERZ.

Common rules

  • Totem: Some units in the faction can have models with totems, these give +2 to the Bravery characteristic of that unit if they are within 3" of an enemy model.
  • Thumpers: Some units in the faction can have models with Thumpers, these give +2 to charge rolls of that unit.
  • Bone Shield: Some units are equipped with bone shields, these give +1 to the save characteristic in the combat phase (turning a +6 save into a +5 not adding +1 to the save result, so no synergy with warpaint).
  • Infantry Movement: Everything not riding a boar has a somewhat fast movement of 5".
  • Boar Movement: Everything riding a boar has a movement of 9".


  • Savage Big Boss: 6 wounds, 5" move, 6+ save, 7 bravery, A single weapon option at 1"|5|3+|3+|-1|2. His command ability allows a BONESPLITTERZ unit within 10" to trigger an extra attack during that turn on a to-hit result of 6+ (Note: not only in the combat phase, shooting and hero phase too!). Additionally, after he has attacked in the combat phase, you can select another BONESPLITTERZ unit within 10" to pile in and attack giving you two attacks in a row. Overall a pretty good choice for a general, he specializes at really buffing a specific unit, and his command ability works amazingly well with the 'bellowing tyrant' destruction allegiance ability giving +1 to hit to a unit resulting in an extra attack on 5+. He is pretty brutal in combat himself especially with battle-brew resulting in a +2/+2 to-hit/to-wound however with a +6 save, even with 6 wounds, he is going to die pretty fast. Normally you'll want to try and keep him back and use his amazing command ability then occasionally charge him in to use his double pile in to finish off a unit without giving them a chance to attack back.
  • Maniak Weirdnob: 6 wounds, 9" move, 6+ save, 7 bravery, Two Weapons, his staff at 1"|1|4+|3+|-|d3 and his boar at 1"|2|4+|4+|-|1 re-rolling wounds on the charge. He has a standard mage magic template at one spell one unbinding, no bonuses, however once per battle he can re-roll one failed casting roll. His unique spell is where he really shines through. Bone Spirit, at a casting value of FOUR combined with his once a battle re-roll it will almost always go off. This allows all BONESPLITTERZ units within 10" to re-roll hits of 1; however, if your casting result was a double, it becomes re-roll all failed hit rolls. This falls somewhere between a solid aoe buff to a game-winning spell on doubles. Combined with the Savage Big Boss's command ability, you can almost expect more hits than attacks. However suffers from the general problem with most bonesplitterz heroes; at 5-6 wounds and 6+ save, he probably isn't sticking around for long.
  • Wardokk: 5 wounds, 5" move, 6+ save, 7 bravery, One Weapon, his 'stikk' at 1"|1|3+|4+|-|d3. He has a standard mage magic template at one spell, one unbinding, no bonuses. He has no unique spells. His special thing is the ritual dance which automatically triggers at the start of each hero phase. Roll a d6: 1-2: a BONESPLITTERZ unit within 10" heals d3. 3-4: a BONESPLITTERZ unit within 10" can re-roll saves of 1 until your next hero phase. 5-6: a BONESPLITTERZ WIZARD within 10" can add 1 to casting and unbinding rolls. Ultimately as a mage he is lacking, healing in AOS is generally bad, even in a faction with nothing lower than 2 wounds, re-rolling saves in a faction with almost universal 6+ saves has a low success rate, and giving himself or some other mage a +1 to cast as the 5-6 result seems almost like a bad joke. Ultimately maybe stick away from this guy. However, he can be good just for casting the bonesplitterz unique spells.
  • Wurrgog Prophet: 6 wounds, 5" move, 5+ save, 8 bravery, 3 Weapons, firstly his staff at 2"|2|4+|3+|-1|d3, next his knife at 1"|2|4+|4+|-|1 and finally his squiggly beast at 1"|d3|4+|5+|-|1. He has a slightly above average magic profile of two spells, two unbinding, no bonuses. He is your other candidate for general with a command ability; Prophet of da Waaagh!: A BONESPLITTERZ unit within 15" can attack as if it were the combat phase, they can attack again later as normal. Also anyone that attacks the prophet in the combat phase gets -1 to hit and has a classic, unique spell; Fist of Gork: Casting value 8, target an enemy unit within 18", roll a dice for each model within that unit, on each 6, or 5 if the casting result was double, that unit suffers a mortal wounds. On average the unit has to have at least 12 units to make this on par with an arcane blast, however on doubles or against a huge unit this can get pretty crazy and with two spells you can cast both. Ultimately as a mage he is ok but nothing amazing, but he really shines with his command ability.


  • Savage Orruks: Your main fodder, and only nonfaction specific battleline option. Comes in lots of 10 at 2 wounds, 5" move, 6+ save, 5 bravery, a choice of either Chompa at 1"|1|4+|3+|-|1 or Stikkas at 2"|1|4+|4+|-|1 and your entire unit must have the same weapon. They also have Boneshields and options for thumpers and totems. Their boss gets +1 attack with either weapon, and their unique thing is re-roll 1s to-wound at 20+ and re-roll failed to-wounds at 30+. Ultimately they are more or less for fodder and battleline requirements, and their size bonuses are sorta meh. They are pretty good at absorbing wounds at 2 wounds, each even with a 6+ save, and are useful at stalling.
  • Savage Orruk Arrowboys: Your main shooters. Comes in lots of 10 at 2 wounds, 5" move, 6+ save, 5 bravery, ranged bows at 18"|2|5+|4+|-|1 with a -1 rend if shooting at monsters and melee arrows at 1"|1|4+|5+|-|1. The boss gets a mostly unused melee weapon of 1"|1|4+|3+|-|1 and gets +1 to bow shots. They have options for thumpers and totems. These guys are channeling the spirit of dakka getting +1 attacks if there are 20 or more of them, making running 30+ mandatory. These guys easily win the award for best infantry archers in the game, with proper support from the big boss, Maniak Weirdnob, and their battalion they can shoot twice per turn, 90 shots each, hitting on 4+ and triggering an extra attack on 5+ and re-rolling 1s. Expect about 100 outgoing wounds from that, gets pretty nasty pretty fast. Just remember at 5 bravery and a threshold of 20 for extra attacks and a 6+ save, even some light incoming damage can cut their effectiveness in half.
  • Savage Orruk Morboys: More specialized versions of the savage orruks, they have the same profile but with +1 bravery, can only take Chompa, and an additional weapon at 1"|1|4+|4+|-|1, the boss still gets +1 attacks with his chompa. These guys give up the Bone shield, but can still take thumpers and totems. Instead of getting size bonuses however they get +1 to hit as long as a monster has died, regardless of side, or who killed it. Additionally, each hero phase a Morboy model can attempt a 'Deff Ride'; target a monster within 3" of a model from this unit and roll a d6 and on a 4+ the monster takes 1d3 damage. The model that attempted the deff ride is slain unless he managed to kill the monster with his deff ride. While in some ways preferable to the general savage Orruks not being battleline even with allegiance and being over-specialized really hurts these guys viability, and while they might be a cool thing to bring in VS certain monster heavy comps they are a bit hard to fit into your standard list. A real shame for a cool model with a neat rule.
    • 2.0 and GHB 2018 has changed this. Morboys are now BATTLELINE in Bonesplitterz and cost the same as normal Savage Orruks. It seems now the tables have turned with Morboys being more useful than the savage shield orruks (more attacks, gaining a passive bonus from dead monster, better bravery).
  • Savage Orruk Boarboys: Pretty much what it says on the tin, take a Savage Orruk, and put him on a boar, however only battleline with a BONESPLITTERZ allegiance. Comes in lots of 5, 3 wounds, 9" move, 6+ save, 5 bravery, the same weapon choices of either Chompa at 1"|1|4+|3+|-|1 or Stikkas at 2"|1|4+|4+|-|1 and again the whole unit must use the same weapon choice, but they additionally gain the boar attack of 1"|2|4+|4+|-|1 re-rolling failed to-wound rolls on the charge for the boar. They also have bone shields, options for thumpers and totems, and the boss gets +1 attack with their chompa or stikka. However where they differ from regular orruks is they don't get the size bonus, additionally to compensate for not really needing the range on the spears they deal 2 damage to monsters. Additionally, they get a neat rule; 'Hit & Run' this lets them retreat and charge on the same turn. This enables you to get around tar pits/change your target easily/always trigger the boars re-rolls, ultimately a straightforward rule but one that has many tactical uses. May not be the best-mounted units in the world, but a nice addition that can keep an opponent on their feet.
  • Savage Boarboys Maniacs: These guys are everything morboys want to be, they are better version of Boarboys, and to top it of they are also battleline with a BONESPLITTERZ allegiance. Comes in lots of 5, 3 wounds, 9" move, 6+ save, 6 bravery. They all have dual Chompas which gives them 1"|2|4+|3+|-|1 and re-rolling to-hits of 1 in addition to the boar weapon of 1"|2|4+|4+|-|1 re-rolling failed to-wound rolls on the charge for the boar. They also lose the bone shields but keep the option for totems and thumpers. They exchange the hit & run rule for 'Maniak Fury' This lets them pile in and attack a second time at the end of your own combat phases. This is an exciting change as it sort of plays like a ranged attack (good only on your turn), and sort of like a standard mounted charge bonus. However they become a pretty high priority as it only triggers at the end of combat phases so they can be whittled down beforehand. Ultimately if you are just running mounted units as high damage high-speed units, these are the better choice over the generic Boarboys, but the loss of hit&run really takes away the unique tactical opportunities of the Boarboys.
  • Savage Big Stabbas: These weird looking guys are the closest bonesplitterz gets to elite troops, don't let their flavor fool you, while they may be great at killing monsters they are pretty damn killy against everything else too. 4 wounds, 5" move, 6+ save, 6 bravery. Comes in lots of 2 (each model is 2 guys carrying one spear, but each unit is two of those) with a single weapon of 3"|2|4+|3+|-2|3. In addition they deal an extra d3 damage against monsters. Finally they die bitterly, dealing d3 mortal wounds to an enemy within 3" when a model is slain. These guys are pretty deadly almost approaching war-machine levels of damage however with a 6+ save and being melee sometimes they have trouble actually making it to the fight, however anything these guys get near is probably going down, and watch as your enemy tries to get away anything valuable before he kills them. They are shockingly good in oversized units and are probably the best option for any combat only buff or if for some reason you can't toss a ton of buffs onto a large unit of arrowboyz. Their other downside is they are made out of the same box as orruk/arrow/mor boyz and requires you two sacrifice 2 orruks for each stabbas, and each box can only make 2, making them very awkward to put together in a large quantity and you will end up with a lot of units of 8 mor/arrow/savage boyz.

Don't let this get you down however. There is a creative way to compensate for this. When you build 2 Big Stabbas from the main Savage Orruk Box you are left with 16 Savage Orruk bodies. Take one of those 16, stick some more bony bitz ( which you will have plenty of considering the contents of the box ) on his face and some Shamanistic Bits on his Chompa or Sticka and you have yourself a free Wardokk!


From Battletome Bonesplitterz

Brutal Rukk (500pt. min.)
One Savage Big Boss, 2-5 units of Savage Orruks/Savage Boarboys.
A simple Battalion that lets the units within re-roll the dice when Running, or automatically moves an extra 6" if within 10" of the Big Boss. If you were going to take the units within anyway (and due to Battleline restrictions you likely were), there's very little reason not to invest in it if you can spare the points, since nothing in it is capable of shooting anyway. Leads to truly hilarious results of the naked-orruks-practically-in-your face on the first round variety when combined with the Waaagh-Monger traits.
Kop Rukk (640pt. min.)
2-5 Wardokks, 2-5 units of Savage Orruk Morboys.
A battalion for the less loved of bonesplitterz units... and doesn't do much to make them more desirable. Firstly the wardokks get +1 to casting if within 12" of 20 or more morboys, or +2 if within 12" of 30. If the casting roll is a double however, you must remove d3 MODELS from the nearest unit of Orruk morboys. Also if a unit of Morboyws is within 12" of at least TWO wardokks from this battalion, it gets +1 to wound. Interestingly enough, it doesn't SEEM like any of the morboys for either ability actually have to be part of the battalion. However, the battalion is pretty bad small casting bonuses from being near a ton of morboys and a bad result on what you hope for as a bonesplitterz wizard? Seems weird. Its a pretty expensive battalion too so give this one a miss unless your running a ton of morboys.
Kunnin' Rukk (520pt. min.)
One Savage Big Boss, 2-5 units of Savage Orruks/Savage Orruk Arrowboyz.
THE bonesplitterz Battalion. In the Hero phase one unit within 10" of the Big Boss may immediately take an extra action, whether that be moving provided its more than 3" away from an enemy, shooting, or Piling In and attacking as normal. And they can still act as normal later in the turn! The general strategy here is toss a ton of Arrowboyz in with your battle-line savage orruks and your general big-boss and watch as everyone ragequits against far too much dakka. However, if you want to run this in a purely melee setup combined with a Wurrgog prophet you can potentially attack up to 3 times a turn with a single unit of savage orruks or just zoom across the battlefield with 2 movement phases and 1d6 movement from rampaging destroyers. However keep in mind if you run in a movement phase from this ability you can't charge or shoot later, but you can run again later.
Teef Rukk (290pt. min.)
2-5 units of Savage Big Stabbas
A very simple battalion, in each hero phase pick an enemy monster, each unit within this battalion can pile in 6" and attack that monster. This makes the big stabbas utterly amazing at killing monsters. However you do need to start within 6" of a monster which can be a bit tricky as the monster is likely to either run away from any big stabbas or wipe them out before they can attack him. When it works, it really works though, and can often kill the monster freeing up your stabbas to attack something else. Additionally, you would rather just run one unit of these guys not the 2 required for this battalion.
Snaga Rukk (700pt. min.)
2 Maniak Weirdnobs, 2-10 units of Savage Boarboy Maniaks
A charge oriented battalion that doesn't actually benefit the maniak weirdnobs at all. In the hero phase one savage boarboy maniak unit can charge an enemy unit, you can re-roll charges if they are within 10" of a maniak weirdnob from this battalion. If the charge is successful roll a dice for each charging model that ends within 1" of an enemy. On a 4 the enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound, but on a 1 the charging unit suffers a mortal wound. This has the problem most 'charge in hero phase' battalions have, you either; aren't in a position to charge, got charged last turn, could charge last turn and there is no reason delaying it specifically for this ability. However its quite cheep and if your running these units anyway no reason not to throw them in this battalion, just don't play around it and use it if it comes up. It also becomes slightly better with the rampaging destroyers allegiance ability since you can move 1d6 before attempting to charge.


From Battletome Bonesplitterz

Savage Warclan (2850pt. min.)
1 Wurrgog Prophet, 1 Kop Rukk, 1 Snaga Rukk, 1 Brutal Rukk, 1 Kunnin' Rukk, 1 Teef Rukk
While it is a meta battalion and a 'war-clan' it doesn't really fit the template of the regular war-clans so is detailed here. Additionally all the other warclans can gain this ability.
The actual effect of this battalion is very simple, and sort of attempts to recreate the old warpaint ability. If you fail a save for any unit in the battalion, you can re-roll the save, but only pass on a 6, while this appears to be a regular 'save after the save' ability it allows you to use any bonus to save you might have. Also you don't actually need to have the warpaint ability from allegiance abilities to use this effect, so if you have, say the generic destruction allegiance abilities, you can still re-roll if you fail the save. In addition any unit in this battalion can re-roll warpaint saves for mortal wounds.

Warclan Battalions

All war-clans follow the same template, they have 1 required battalion but with some minor changes, and sometimes another unit is also required. Additionally, you can have 0-1 of other battalions and specific units. And any number of additional BONESPLITTERZ units. They all give abilities like regular battalions but additionally give Allegiance abilities, such as an artifact, command ability, or spell. Finally, if they contain all other 0-1 battalions and units they get the same ability of the 'Savage Warclan' battalion.

Bonegrinz Warclan

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Needs one 1 Kunnin' Rukk to start out, though said Rukk must include 4-10 units rather than 2-5. May then take 0-1 Wurrgog Prophet, 0-1 Kop Rukk, 0-1 Snaga Rukk, 0-1 Teef Rukk (can contain up to 6 units of big stabbas) and 0-1 brutal rukk. Any number of other BONESPLITTERZ units may be taken.

Whenever a unit of savage orruks, savage Orruk Arrowboys, or savage big stabbas is destroyed, roll a dice, on a 6 you can set up a replacement unit 6" from board edge and 9" from enemy models, this counts as its movement in the next phase. In addition, you can add +1 to bravery for every unit in this Warclan when a monster is destroyed for the first time.

Command Trait - A general in the Bonegrinz Warclan can choose this to be his command trait: Bring it down, Ladz: Any unit in the Warclan within 12" from the general can choose the result of the monster hunter allegiance ability.

Ultimately the least useful Warclan, however needing only the kunnin' rukk battalion, it sees a lot of use as just an extra battalion due to the popularity of the kunnin' rukk and the extra artifact. Additionally, it is unclear if the replacement battalion requires reinforcement points, but it is assumed that it does making it pretty useless in pointed play. Not anymore in the new edition reinforcement points are a thing of the past. MOAR BOYZ

Drakkfoot Warclan

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Needs 1 Wurrgog Prophet and 1 Kop Rukk to start out, though said Rukk must include 3-6 Wardokks rather than 2-5. May then take 0-1 Snaga Rukk, 0-1 Teef Rukk, 0-1 Brutal Rukk, and 0-1 Kunnin Rukk, all of which (except the Teef Rukk) may include a Wardokk. Any number of other BONESPLITTERZ units may be taken.

An Orruk Warclan that focuses, somewhat unusually, on Magic. A Drakkfoot Warclan passes any Casting roll on a Double, even if it's less than the Casting Value. It also offers magical defense as well as attack, allowing any unit to ignore an enemy spell cast against it on the roll of a 6.

Magic - Every wizard in the drakkfoot Warclan knows blood Waaagh! although only one may attempt to cast it per hero phase. Blood Waagh!: Casting value 8. If cast, pick a BONESPLITTERZ unit within 6". That unit can pile in and attack.

Between the Wurrgog prophet, the unique spell, and the ability to run a kunnin rukk you can get quite a few extra attacks per turn using this Warclan and is a pretty good reason to take the somewhat lackluster kop rukk

Icebone Warclan

Found in the Bonesplitterz Battletome.

Needs one Snaga Rukk to start out, comprised of 4-15 Savage Boarboy Maniaks rather than 2-10. May then take 0-1 Wurrgog Prophet, 0-1 Teef Rukk, 0-1 Kop Rukk, and 0-1 Brutal Rukk (which can have up to 2 additional Savage Boarboy units). Any number of other BONESPLITTERZ units may be taken.

Any boar mounted unit in this Warclan increases its to 11" from 9". In addition, any monster that suffers a wound from a unit in this Warclan in the combat phase can only be selected to attack after everything else has attacked.

Artifact of Power - ONE hero from this Warclan can instead choose Da Iceborn Skull. Da Iceborn Skull: all damage suffered is halved (rounding down) and the bearer heals 1 wound.

This is a pretty underwhelming battalion but can be useful, the monster slowing ability can be a bit meh since it is pretty easily countered and dictates your attacks somewhat. However, the artifact it provides is amazing and the speed bonus is nothing to turn up your nose at. Ultimately just another battalion to take if you are already heading in this direction.

Army Building

Bonesplitterz is an army characterized by having high wound/Bad save models and a few really powerful strengths but a somewhat average middle-ground. Additionally, the allegiance abilities can be a bit hit or miss and sometimes just going for the regular destruction allegiance abilities can be preferable even when running a mono-bonesplitterz list.

Firstly you can't mention bonesplitterz without mentioning the arrow spam. A pretty easy strategy is going 30 archers, tossing them in a kunnin rukk and just let them shoot with the big bosses' command ability and bellowing tyrant on them. Its pretty cheesy but also a pretty damn solid reliable strategy with some ability to be countered (hint: the archers only have 5 bravery, and getting them down to 19 or fewer cuts their shooting almost in half).

Secondly, you can find quite a few ways in the bonesplitterz list to pile in multiple times per turn and even control who piles in where so getting one big unit of something painful and just slamming with them repeatedly can hurt anyone.

Finally, they are pretty mobile and cheap, so just tar pitting and go hunting with packs of boars can get you pretty far.

Some other things to take note of are:

  • You don't really need to run mono-bonesplitterz since running a few units of savage orruks or even some other battleline isn't a huge bother, and their allegiance abilities millage may vary.
  • Don't be intimidated by the fact that the warclans are huge meta-battalions you can pick them all up pretty cheap and can be a great place to start building your army


  • Greenskinz: a Warboss Command ability to give Orruk units within 12" +1 attacks with all of their melee weapons is always welcome in Orruk armies and giving him a Banner will let your re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly Orruk Units within 16". Considering that both Savage Orruk Morboys and Savage Boarboys ( Maniaks ) have 2 melee weapons will mean they can make two extra attacks per model. This can quickly get out of hand when combined with the Wurrgog Prophets command ability allowing them to attack a second time in the Hero Phase.
  • Ironjawz: Let's face it, you're gonna need something to effectively keep horde units at bay. These heavily armored cousins will do just that.
  • Gloomspite Gitz: Includes Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots, Troggoths, and the drunken Gargants.
  • Aleguzzler Gargants: Always take one if you are planning on spamming Morboys for a melee heavy list. Just throw this guy in a spot where he can die quickly and your entire army of Morboys will suddenly hit on 3's instead of 4's with all of their attacks due to their "Power of the Beast Spirit" ability. This neatly ties in with the Savage Big Boss's Command Ability Savage Attack, which allows a Bonesplitterz unit to make extra attacks on hit rolls of 6 or more.
  • Moonclan Grots: A few stabbas and shootas may help you out a bit but you'll most likely want their squigs to shred through most non-monster hordes. It's a good idea to bring Sporesplatta Fanatics as they block the enemy's line of sight protecting your boyz from ranged attacks.
  • Spiderfang Grots: Goes together like a lime and a coconut. Your ultimate source for lethal arachnids such as the spider riders and the monstrous Arachnarok.
  • Troggoths: When you need more dankness in your tribe, field a Dankhold Troggboss. The Troggoth Hag is also a good pick as both a caster and a persistent damage sponge.

Mercenary Companies

  • Blacksmoke Battery: The closest thing to Ork Kannonz in a neo-fantasy setting.
  • Greyfyrd:
  • Grugg Brothers: Twoz bettah than one, Boss! You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 if one of these Gargants is close to another. You can re-roll failed hit rolls instead if it's close to two others but this is impossible in matched play since you can only afford up to 2 Gargants at best.
  • Gutstuffers: If you want a way to field Ogors without having to break your allegiance, this is it.
  • Nimyard’s Rough-Riders:
  • Order of the Blood-Drenched Rose:
  • Rampagers:
  • Skroug’s Menagerie:
  • Sons of the Lichemaster:
  • Tenebrous Court: