In the cold darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only sorrow. The Divine Empress of Mankind has lain in deathless sleep for 10,000 years, frozen in a coffin of gold and crystal provided by Horus' final act of love, surrounded by blood-red roses and vigilant knights. In her slumber, the Imperium has fallen into chaos: treachery, sorrow and forbidden desire are the rule if the day, and the Space Marines, brave women and pure of heart shaped by the Empress' mercy into living weapons barely hold back the forces of darkness - from without, as well as from within their tortured hearts.The proud but indomitable orks carve a trail of destruction through space, chiseled muscles glistening with the blood of defiled maidens, and the servants of chaos -shaped by dark powers into terrible and beautiful forms spread pain wherever they go. - The OP Post
Lovedagger is a tongue in cheek version of the Warhammer universe if it was aimed at the stereotypical female geek instead of the male kind.