Magic: the Gathering RPG

A homebrew produced by the collective efforts of the /tg/ community, aiming to put the characteristic elements of the Magic: the Gathering card game and universe into a pen-and-paper RPG format. We hope to provide a system that allows the players to experience the universe as a planeswalker of their own creation or to explore a new world as a powerful mage of their own devising.
As a work-in-progress, expect the contents of this page to change fairly frequently until the game nears a more finalized form.
The System
Character Stats
Magic is a fairly complicated game and, as the name implies, has a heavy emphasis on magic. Therefore it needs a stat system to encompass all the many shapes and forms of magic use while also allowing for direct combat as well. This system looks to balance these in as simple a manner as possible while also giving a thorough amount of customization.
- Color Identity
- This is the color or combination of colors your character identifies him or herself as. It is determined by your background. At character creation you may choose up to three key events in your life prior to the awakening of your spark (or sometimes after) that are a core part of the character's psyche and history. It can be affected by things such as race, birth place, childhood events, where they have traveled, occupation, major event in their adult life, where and how they learned to perform magic, or even an event that caused them to ascend to the state of planeswalker. Regardless, the character's color identity is not permanent, and is able to change as players gain new sources or release old ones.
- Power
- This is the character's physical offensive power. It can be augmented by race, natural and manufactured weapons, enchantments, or other magics but this is the base value.
- Toughness
- This is the character's physical defensive power. It can be augmented by race, natural and manufactured armors, enchantments, or other magics but this is the base value.
- Life
- This is the character's Life total. When this value reaches zero the character is dead. The standard base value is 20 although the base value can be altered by some effects. Many spells drain or restore Life with their effects.
- Mastery
- This is how much Mana a character can call upon for a single spell from their Mana Pool. A character can not cast a spell without first drawing forth enough Mana. A character can empty their full Mana Pool in a single turn, but no individual spell or ability can use more than the Mastery of the mage allows.
- Channeling
- This is how much Mana a character has access to. A player may have a number of lands up to their channeling score which they can tap for mana. If a character's channeling would add more Mana than his or her maximum the character may choose for it to be added to the pool as excess Colorless Mana, but will ignite causing a mental backlash known as Mana Burn if not used before the end of the round.
- Speed
- This is the character's priority in spell casting as well as in turn order. A speed value equal to the opponent is needed to respond to a cast spell or action. This also describes movement.
- Focus
- This is how many permanent effects a character can maintain at any one time. Summoned creatures, conjured artifacts, and enchantments all count as permanent effects.
- Memory
- This is how many spells a character can have prepared for use at any given time. A used spell can be prepared again after a short rest, but a spell can only be changed after an extended rest. If an effect causes a character's Memory to decrease they must forget one of their prepared spells until their next short rest.
- Mana Pool
- This pool is filled with the Mana described by the character's Color Identity. It limits how powerful of a spell a character can cast as well as how much they can use before they must wait for it to be restored. A character may store one Mana of each color for each time that color appears in the character's color identity. An Artifact Identity provides 1 colorless Mana or 2 colorless Mana for use on artifacts only.
- Spells Known
- This is the list of all spells the character knows. Spells held in Memory must be drawn from here.
Character Generation (WIP)
PCs start with the following in their stats:
- Power: 1
- Toughness: 1
- Life: 5
- Mastery: 3
- Channeling: 3
- Speed: 1
- Focus: 1
- Memory: 4
You begin with 5 build points to spend on increasing your stats. Channeling, Speed, and Focus may be purchased for one point each. You may purchase Power, Toughness or memory by paying 2 bp for every one point in the stat. You receive two points of life for every 1 bp you spend on it.
We recommend GMs award about three points at the end of each session.
Combat Mechanics (WIP)
This aspect is still being heavily debated but will likely progress in a turn-based order according to speed with each character being able to cast spells, move, and/or attack. As for how many of these they can do and how much of each, this has not yet been determined (Perhaps one action per point of speed?).
- 1. A character may enter combat with no more mana in his mana pool than his Channeling attribute. Carrying more than that much mana prepared at all times is dangerous and can result in severe mana burn and fry-out the caster's brain.
- 2. Combat exists at two levels: between player and an individual creature or group of creatures and between player and another mage. (Note that some creatures rely on magic for battle, but they are still not of the same caliber as a true archmage and his arsenal of spells. Creatures with activated abilities may have trouble drawing enough mana to perform them on their own unless they are in a locale that provides that type of mana very freely. For example, a Shivan Dragon might use its fire magic to give it great power in the mountains but it would be much more limited in a swamp.)
- 3. Combat begins with each character in either ranged, close, or locked combat with each enemy depending on the situation battle begins in. A player may be in close combat with one creature but in ranged combat with another. Engaged combat is a temporary state and only lasts for the phase before returning to close combat.
- Ranged Combat: In Ranged Combat, the two combatants cannot target each other with spells or abilities that may only target creatures. They also cannot engage in direct combat of power and toughness. Instead of casting spells, a player may move in to close combat. (This represents a player in his seat, ready for a game of Magic.)
- Close Combat: In Close Combat, the two combatants can target each other as creatures or players. The characters can freely, as an action, enter engaged combat though other creatures or players that are also in close combat range can choose to intercept. While in close combat, a character must be focused and therefore can not draw mana as freely, giving a -2 penalty to channeling. A character or monster may move to ranged combat or attempt to engage another creature it is in close combat with. (This represents a player's commander on the field.)
- Locked Combat: In Locked or Engaged Combat the two engaged creatures or players are locked in a battle of sword and blade, tooth and nail, fire and fury, and skill and might. The attacking character or monster (the one who's turn it is) makes an attack roll against the defenders toughness, dealing excess to life. The defender may then immediately make a counter attack power roll dealing damage in excess of the attacker's toughness to its life (creatures with first strike function a little differently). After combat, if the attacker survives, it is repelled and forced back by the defender and placed off it's guard to re-raise it's defenses (The exception is if the creature has vigilance. Toughness is zero or the value it was reduced to until the end of the turn. Life lost remains the same unless the creature is regenerated.)
- 4. Combat proceeds with the character with the highest speed acting first. In the event of a tie roll opposing dice to determine the order. once the battle begins, turn order is set. Though you can choose at anytime to delay your turn, doing so changes your turn to that point in the rotation for the rest of the battle.
- 5. During your turn's phases you may take the following actions.
- Channeling Phase: The character may add the next spell from their known spell list to their memory. The character may restore a number of Mana up to his Channeling score to his Mana Pool. If he is in close combant with any enemies, this number is reduced by 2. The character may exceed his maximum by adding colorless mana to his mana pool, but doing so will ignite the Mana stored within and it all must be spent by the End Phase or Mana Burn will cause a damaging backlash that deals damage equal to the remaining quantity of Mana.
- Upkeep: The character may choose to maintain pervasive effects up to his Focus score. Creatures given Focus are refreshed and reinvigorated to action again.
- Main Phase: A character may take a number of actions equal to his speed score. Actions include moving into a different combat zone, directing summoned creatures, or casting a spell. If the character is in close combat, he may also engage in battle. If the character is in long range combat, he may also attempt to flee.
- -Moving: A character can move freely from the close combat to the ranged combat zone or from the ranged combat to the close combat zone once per turn. If a character or creature does so, they cannot Flee or Engage in the same turn.
- -Directing: Once per turn the character may direct his controlled monsters to move, engage, or cast a spell via an ability. A character may direct any number of creatures as a single action but all .
- -Casting: The character may cast a number of non-instant spells up to his Focus score minus his sustained pervasive effects. The character may not cast any spell which requires more Mana than he can muster at once. The Converted Mana Cost of the spell must be equal to or lower than the character's Mastery score. A spell may be responded to by any enemy that has a speed equal to or greater than the character who's turn it is or an ally. A resolved spell becomes null for the rest of the day and is considered 'in the graveyard'.
- -Engaging: Once per turn, a character or creature may Engage an enemy and enter Locked Combat. If you target another character, they may direct a controlled The attacking character or monster (the one who's turn it is) makes an attack roll (dice equal to power) against the defenders toughness (dice equal to toughness), dealing excess to life. The defender may then immediately make a counter attack power roll dealing damage in excess of the attacker's toughness to its life (creatures with first strike function a little differently). After combat, if the attacker survives, it is repelled and forced back by the defender and placed off it's guard to re-raise it's defenses (The exception is if the creature has vigilance. Toughness is zero or the value it was reduced to until the end of the turn. Life lost remains the same unless the creature is regenerated.) If either creature's life is reduced to zero, it is destroyed (If the attacker has Trample and caused overkill, it may make another power roll against another target's toughness but on any success deals the remaining damage from the previous attack).
- -Fleeing: The character skips the rest of his turn. This must be the first action taken in the phase. All pervasive effects end and all creatures are unsummoned. If the character takes less than 5 damage and is not engaged in combat by his next turn, he escape from combat. If the character has at least 2 Speed more than any other combatant, he escapes immediately.
- End Phase: If the character has more spells held in Memory than his Memory score, he must forget spells until he no longer does. Any reduction to any character or creature's power or toughness is removed at this time. Effects that end at end of turn end now.
- 6. Instant spells may be cast during any phase, even if it is not your own turn, provided there is enough Mana within the Mana Pool. The caster must have a speed equal to or greater than the controller of a targeted spell to respond to it (The exception is Split Second spells which can respond to any spell and cannot be responded to).
Out of Combat Skills (WIP)
Whenever a character attempts to perform an action with some uncertainty of success, a skill check is performed. There is a skill for each two color combination.
- WU - Diplomacy and Bargaining
- UB - Subtlety and Deception
- BR - Intimidate and Overpowering
- RG - Athletics and Animal Handling
- WG - First Aid and Healing
- WB - Thievery and Appraisal
- UR - Creativity and Crafting
- BG - Resourcefulness and Survival
- WR - Inspiration and Leadership
- UG - Innovation and Understanding
As a benchmark for what the standard of reference to determine success might be, you can use the following:
- Easy: 2-4
- Average: 6-8
- Hard: 10-12
- Challenging:14-16
- Incredible: 20-22
- Legendary: 24+
To determine sucess, the character rolls a number of dice equal to the number of color identities they possess that match the skill and compare it to a standard. For example, if a character had a color identity of [WUBB] and want to try sneaking past a night watchman [Subtlety, Average] he would roll three dice [one for the U and two for the BB in his color identity] and need to roll above a 7 to succeed. Some situations may be appropriate for more than one skill. In this situation, the character should use whichever skill is their strongest.
The Fluff
The Colors
The Colors of Magic are a core part of its unique design. Each color has it's own associations and functions. Here is a review of the role each plays in the Magic: the Gathering card game.
- White is the color of order, equality, righteousness, healing, law, community, peace, absolutism/totalitarianism, and light, although not necessarily "good". White's strengths are a roster of small creatures that are strong collectively; protecting those creatures with enchantments; gaining life; preventing damage to creatures or players; imposing restrictions on players; reducing the capabilities of opposing creatures, and powerful spells that "equalize" the playing field by destroying all cards of a given type. White creatures are known for their "Protection" from various other colors or even types of card, rendering them nearly impervious to harm from those things. Numerous white creatures also have "First Strike", "Lifelink", and "Vigilance". White's weaknesses include a focus on creatures, its unwillingness to simply kill creatures outright (instead hobbling them with restrictions that can be undone), and the fact that many of its most powerful spells affect all players equally—including the casting player.
- Blue is the color of intellect, reason, illusion, logic, knowledge, manipulation, and trickery, as well as the classical elements of air and water. Blue's cards are best at letting a player draw additional cards; permanently taking control of an opponent's cards; returning cards to their owner's hand; and countering spells, causing them to be discarded and the mana used to pay them wasted. Blue's creatures tend to be weaker than creatures of other colors, but commonly have abilities and traits which make them difficult to damage or block, particularly "Flying" and to a lesser extent "Shroud". Blue's weaknesses include having trouble permanently dealing with spells that have already been played, the reactive nature of most of its spells, and a small (and expensive) roster of creatures.
- Black is the color of power, ambition, greed, death, corruption, selfishness, and amorality; it is not necessarily evil, though many of its cards refer directly and indirectly to this concept. Black cards are best at destroying creatures, forcing players to discard cards from their hand, making players lose life, and returning creatures from the dead. Furthermore, because Black seeks to win at all costs, it has limited access to many abilities or effects that are normally available only to one of the other colors; but these abilities often require large sacrifices of life totals, creatures, cards in hand, cards in library, and other difficult-to-replace resources. Black is known for having creatures with the ability "Intimidate", making them difficult to block. Lesser black abilities include "Deathtouch" and "Regeneration". Black's main weaknesses are an almost complete inability to deal with enchantments and artifacts, its tendency to hurt itself almost as badly as it hurts the opponent, and difficulties in removing other Black creatures.
- Red is the color of freedom, chaos, passion, creativity, impulse, fury, warfare, lightning, the classical element of fire, and the non-living geological aspects of the classical element earth. Red's strengths include destroying opposing lands and artifacts, sacrificing permanent resources for temporary but great power, and playing spells that deal "direct damage" to creatures or players, usually via applications of fire. Red has a wide array of creatures, but with the exception of extremely powerful dragons, most are fast and weak, or with low toughness, rendering them easier to destroy. Some of Red's cards can turn against or hurt their owner in return for being more powerful for their cost. Red also shares the trickery theme with Blue and can temporarily steal opponents' creatures or divert spells, although generally not permanently. Many of Red's most famous creatures have the "Haste" trait, which lets them attack and use many abilities earlier. The ability to raise a creature's power temporarily is also common among Red's creatures. Red's weaknesses include its inability to destroy enchantments, the self-destructive nature of many of its spells, and the way in which it trades early-game speed at the cost of late-game staying power. Red also has the vast majority of cards that involve random chance.
- Green is the color of life, instinct, nature, reality, evolution, ecology and interdependence. Green has a large number of creatures, which tend to be the largest in the game for their cost. Many of its spells make them stronger temporarily. It can also destroy "unnatural" artifacts and enchantments, increase a player's life total, get extra lands or other mana sources into play, and produce the other four colors of mana. Green creatures often have "Trample", an ability which lets them deal attack damage to an opponent if blocked by a weaker creature. Green's weaknesses include its difficulty destroying creatures directly; a distinct shortage of flying creatures (though some of its creatures have "Reach", making them able to block flying creatures); and a lack of strategic options other than its signature large creatures.
In addition to being used to describe the personality and the abilities of the character, Color Identity also grants bonuses to particular stats:
- White gives a bonus to Focus. White is the color of protection, valor, and restoration and sustains many effects at once.
- Blue gives a bonus to Memory. Blue is the color of intelligence, logic, and knowledge and knows many great secrets.
- Black gives a bonus to Mastery. Black is the color of greed, ambition, and power and draws forth strength at any price.
- Red gives a bonus to Speed. Red is the color of impulse, reaction, and aggression and gets in and out of trouble quickly.
- Green gives a bonus to Channeling. Green is the color of growth, nature, and sustenance and provides an endless flow of life.
Character Races
There are many races in the Magic multiverse and they come from a multitude of different planes. Some races are more likely to be associated with certain colors than others and are indicated with the shorthand letter for that color after their name. Be sure to check with your group before choosing some of the more exotic species.
In addition to species, players may want to add a template to make their character's origin more interesting or change their color identity, or they may choose to use one of the many odd and unusual styles of spell casting found within the countless planes. (Bonuses and penalties are tentative. May be removed later. Will put in a table format when I get around to it.)
Name | Subraces | Color Affinity |
Bonuses | Description |
Angel | - | W | Flying OR +5 Life | Holy beings of white mana. They fly through the sky on Ivory wings. |
Anurid | - | U/G | +1/+1 | Frog like beasts of some little intelligence. They are often cruel and judgmental. |
Ape | - | R/G | +1/+1 | The savage apes of the wild, many are quick to anger and slow to forgive. |
Birdfolk | Aven | W/U | Flying | The Aven are an eagle culture of the skies that are equal parts military and mysticism. |
Catfolk | Panther Tiger Leonin |
G R W |
+1 Speed +2/+0 +1 Speed |
The Panthers of the jungle stalk their pray as packs of hunters. The powerful tigers fight for might leaving the lush jungle only to prove their strength. The Leonin are a proud Savannah race of Lion-like warriors. |
Centaur | - | R/G | Trample | Bestial men with the lower quarters of a horse, they charge into the fray with reckless abandon. |
Cephalid | - | U | -1/-1, +2 Memory | Octopoid species of the Otarian seas, they watch the land and carefully manipulate events to their liking. |
Construct | Golem Myr |
A A |
+5 Life -1/-1, +1 Speed, +1 Focus |
Rarely sentient, the occasional man shaped creation is gifted with the flicker of a soul. A bird like race of tiny observers of a world where the line between organism and construct is blurred. |
Demon | - | B | Flying OR Intimidate | Fearsome and greedy creatures, they lust for power and gather worshipers who seek their own. |
Djinn | Djinn Efreet |
U/B R |
Flying +1/-1, +1 Speed |
A race of fickle trickster, the Djinn are as mysterious and elusive as the wind. The powerful Efreet live within metal towers above fiery planes, venturing forth to other planes to seek new fortunes. |
Dragon | - | R | Flying OR +1 Channeling | As ancient as the multiverse itself, Dragons are mighty and powerful creatures. |
Dryad | - | G | +1 Channeling | Daughters of the goddess Gaea, they carry the spirit of the earth mother to far corners of the world. |
Dwarf | Dwarf Duregar |
R/A W/R |
+1/+1 +0/+2 |
A race of craftsman and barbaric warriors, they hail from mountain fortresses. Similar to their brethren above, the Duregar build cities in the stone tunnels far below hidden from the other races. |
Elemental | Flamekin Maro |
B/R G |
+1 Channeling +1 Channeling |
Primal spirits conceived of fire, the vibrant Flamekin partake in all the joys of life while those that fade into Cinders spread the terrors of death to mortals. Disciples of the Mother Goddess Gaea, they are beings composed not of flesh and blood but of wood and sap. |
Elf | Keldon Llanowar Lorwyn/Shadowmoor Skyshroud |
R/G G W/B/G G |
+1/+1 +1 Channeling +1 Mastery +1 Memory |
Faerie | - | U/B | Flying, -1/-1, +1 Channeling | |
Giant | Giant Cyclops |
W/R R |
+2/+2, -1 Channeling +2/+2, -1 Memory |
Gnome | - | G | +1 Speed | |
Goblin | Akki Boggart Kyren Mogg |
R B/R/G R R |
+1 Channeling -1 Focus, +2 Speed +1 Speed +1 Speed |
Gorgon | Gorgon Lamia Medusa |
B/G W/G U/G |
+1 Mastery +1 Speed +1 Memory |
Homarid | - | U | +1 Channeling | |
Human | Human Metathran Auriok Nerok Moriok Vulshok Sylvok |
W/U/B/R/G W/U W/A U/A B/A R/A G/A |
+1 Colorless Mana +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only |
Illusion | - | U | +1 Speed | |
Imp | - | B | Flying, -1/-1, +1 Speed | |
Kithkin | - | W/U/R | +1 Focus | |
Kitsune | - | W | +1 Speed | |
Kobold | - | R | -2/+0, +2 Channeling | |
Loxodon | - | W/G | Trample | |
Merfolk | Merrow Otarian Rootwater Saprazzan Vodallian Zendikaran |
W/U/B U U U U U |
+1 Memory +1 Channeling +1 Memory +1 Channeling +1 Channeling +1 Speed |
Minotaur | - | R/W | Trample | |
Nantuko | - | G/B | +1 Speed | |
Nezumi | - | B | +1 Speed | |
Orochi | - | G | Poisonous, +1 Speed | |
Satyr | - | G/R | +1 Focus | |
Shapeshifter | Lorwyn/Shadowmoor Lupil |
U U/B |
Changeling, +1 Speed Changeling, +1 Memory |
Sphinx | - | U/W | Flying, -2 Focus, +2 Memory | |
Soratami | - | U | +1 Mastery | |
Treefolk | - | G | -2/+2, +1 Channeling | |
Troll | - | G | Regenerate | |
Vedalken | - | U | +1 Memory, +1 Focus, -1 Channeling | |
Viashino | - | R | +2/+0, +1 Speed, -1 Memory |
Name | Color Affinity |
Bonuses |
Bloodfire | Changed to R | +1 Mastery, -1 Channeling |
Elemental | As original plus R | +1 Channeling, -1 Focus |
Horror | As original plus B | +1 Mastery, -1 Speed |
Illusion | Changed to U | +1 Speed, -1 Channeling |
Mirran | As original plus A | +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only, -1 Mastery |
Mutant | As original plus G | +1/+1, -1 Focus |
Nim | Changed to B | +1 Mastery, -1 Memory |
Phyrexian | Changed to B/A | +2/-2, -5 Life, +1 Mastery, +1 Memory, -1 Channeling |
Shapeshifter | Changed to U | Changeling |
Spirit | As original plus W | Flying, -1 Memory |
Vampire | Changed to B | +1 Memory, -1 Focus |
Zombie | Changed to B | +1 Channeling, -1 Speed |
Unique Magic Styles
Name | Color Affinity |
Bonuses |
Archmage | Changed to W/U/B/R/G | +2 Mastery when Casting Multicolor Spells, -1 Mastery |
Artificer | Changed to A | +2 Colorless Mana for Artifacts Only, -1 Channeling |
Battle Caster | Changed to W/R | +1/+1, +5 Life, No Channeling Penalty in Close Combat, +1 Speed -1 Focus, -1 Mastery, -1 Channeling, -1 Memory |
Blood Warlock | Changed to B/R | -5 Life, +1 Mastery |
Biomancer | Changed to U/G | -1/-1, +2 Mastery when Casting Creature Spells |
Chaos Mage | Changed to R | +2/+0, +1 Speed, -2 Focus |
Cleric | Changed to W | +2 Mastery when Casting White Spells, -1 Mastery |
Dementia Mage | Changed to B | +1 Focus, -1 Memory |
Druid | Changed to G | +2 Mastery when Casting Green Spells, -1 Mastery |
Enchanter | Changed to W/U/B | +1 Focus, -1 Mastery |
Evoker | Changed to G | +1 Channeling, -1 Focus |
Illusionist | Changed to U | +2 Mastery when Casting Blue Spells, -1 Mastery |
Kanji Mage | No Change | +1 Memory, -1 Channeling |
Mage | No Change | No Change |
Mystic | Changed to W/U | +1 Channeling, -1 Speed |
Necromancer | Changed to B | +2 Mastery when Casting Black Spells, -1 Mastery |
Pyromancer | Changed to R | +2 Mastery when Casting Red Spells, -1 Mastery |
Reality Sculptor | Changed to U | +1 Focus, -1 Speed |
Shaman | Changed to R/G | +1 Channeling, -1 Memory |
Sorceror | Changed to U/R | +1 Speed, -1 Memory |
Spell Shaper | No Change | Spontaneous Casting (Favored Spell), -1 Memory |
Wizard | Changed to U | +1 Memory, -1 Speed |
Magic has dozens and dozens of planes that have been described over the years. Though many players will want to create their own planes, many will also want to visit some of the more iconic places. Many of these planes can also be used as hub world or home worlds for the players to establish themselves in and for them to return to over and over as a haven from their exploration of the more dangerous planes. (Descriptions to be added later.)
The Æther
- Æther - The Void, the Blind Eternities, the World Between Worlds. The substance which fills the space between planes. Rath's overlay interfered with the Æther itself. This is also where the Eldrazi originated from.
Natural Planes
- Alara - A single massive plane broken into five smaller planes, each with a different culture and ecosystem:
- Esper: All lifeforms on Esper have become artifact creatures through infusion with etherium.
- Grixis: Grixis is dominated by demons and necromancers.
- Jund: Jund is ruled by the laws of predation, with dragons at the top of the food chain.
- Naya: Nayan peoples worship the gargantuans who flourish on their plane.
- Bant: Citizens of Bant live in a feudal system presided over by angels.
- Aranzhur - A little known of plane. It is one of the outpost cell realms of the Infinite Consortium, a many plane-spanning organization of black market traders that smuggle goods across the planes.
- Arkhos - A plane where day and night intermingle according to something resembling dream logic, represented in Future Sight by the card "River of Tears".
- Azoria - Homeworld of the planeswalker Ravidel, and one of the planes caught in the Shard of Twelve Worlds. It and Dominaria are the only two planes identified as being in the Shard. Despite the name, it has no known connection to the Azorius Senate of Ravnica. During a battle between the planeswalkers Freyalise and Tvesh Szat the young oceanic plane was scoured of all life.
- Bolas' Meditation Realm - An astral world accessible from Dominaria by powerful mages. The Elder Dragon Nicol Bolas used this plane to contemplate and to hold private meeting with his advisors while he was emperor of the land of Madara on Dominaria.
- Cabralin - A gentle and reclusive plane. Described as a peaceful plane with lots of rolling hills and fields.
- Cridhe - A world consisting only of a single island, the great Clan Tree of Cridhe contains all the plane's Mana. In ancient times the tree was killed by a man who sought to become a planeswalker causing the island to split in two and wars over the powerful magics released came to the peaceful world. But after centuries adrift, the islands met again and the last seed of the Clan Tree was planted to bring a new era of peace.
- Diraden - A plane that was covered in a magical shroud of perpetual darkness. This shroud cut the plane off from non-black mana and was destroyed, when Chandra Nalaar defeated Prince Velrav. The inhabitants of Diraden were known to practice blood magic.
- Dominaria - The Song of Dominia, and central plane of the multiverse. Dominaria is the Nexus of the Multiverse, being the focal point in Dominia with strong influence on other planes. It is the setting for the majority of Magic storylines. Dominaria is about two and a half times larger than Earth, with large but shallow seas. It has one natural moon called the Mist Moon. In the period between the fall of the Thran Empire and the end of the Phyrexian Invasion, Dominaria had an additional small and mysterious artificial moon, called the Glimmer Moon by natives and the Null Moon by planeswalkers. During the Ice Age, Dominaria was the primary plane in the Shard of the Twelve Worlds. A Dominarian year takes 420 days of 24 hours. The existence of the following continents has been acknowledged so far:
- Terisiare, which has broken into about six smaller landmasses after the Ice Age and the Thaw.
- Aerona, which is part of the Domains alongside a host of small islands.
- Jamuraa, which is actually a super-continent consisting of three connected subcontinents.
- Tamingazin, long and thin continent lying west of Terisiare and east of Jamuraa.
- Otaria, small continent west of Taminagazin and south-east of Shiv.
- Sarpadia, continent lying far south from Terisiare.
- An unnamed north-polar continent, with large peninsula called Upper Videnth.
- An unnamed south-polar continent.
- There are some other landmasses, although storyline experts are uncertain how they should be qualified.
- Tolaria, an island far from any continent.
- Caliman, a landmass of unknown size and place on the southern hemisphere.
- Corondor, often called a continent, but far smaller than any other continent.
- Shiv, always called an island, but is in fact larger than Corondor.
- There are also places of unknown location on Dominaria:
- Shimia
- Surr
- Vesuva
- Equilor - "The farthest plane" Equilor is an extremely old plane on the "edge of time." Everything on the plane feels like it's finished growing. The mountains are all worn down. Its inhabitants have hoarded knowledge for a hundred millennia, and know practically everything. Eventually they join the elders, who are part of the caves.
- Ergamon - A hostile and rarely visited plane. It is described as having colossal peaks and exotic fauna.
- Gastal - An abandoned plane of infinite wastelands.
- Ilcae - A dark corner of the multiverse where only the truly vile of planeswalkers ever venture to meet. None of any repute have ever let slip its location or its nature.
- Innistrad
- Iquatana - Home of the "Narcomoeba" from Future Sight, and of the Iquati, who created Narcomoebas as a replacement for their geneaological memory banks; this plane's atmosphere is full of AEther and its creatures tend to mutate into new forms. Iquatana's surface features a lot of sinkholes and chimneys. The chimneys vent out æther, which as a result makes up the bulk of the atmosphere.
- Ir - Home of the "Fomori Nomad" from Future Sight. It is rather obscure. A species of barbaric giants called the Fomori are said to be native to it's Turri Island. They built and still protect the fortress of Turri Island, due to the fact that it is said to be a "mana haven", and is often assaulted by planeswalkers. The mana is said to be particularly efficient in summoning creatures.
- Kaldheim - A cold plane of eternal ice, the chilling winds bring visions of strange meaning but steal memories and life from those that wander too long.
- Kamigawa - A rich and culturally diverse plane split into the spirit world of the Kami and the material world of the mortal races. It is far removed from the other planes and has a strong Japanese influence. There are five primary geographical locations on Kamigawa, each parallel to the five basic lands of Magic. Each area is guarded by a dragon spirit loyal to the material inhabitants of its location.
- Towabara - A massive plain, the name means "eternal field". Within the Towabara is the Araba, the "ruined land", a blasted place filled with craters from kami attacks. Eiganjo Castle is in the center of the Araba. It is the fortification of daimyo Takeshi Konda. The castle is assaulted by O-Kagachi in the Kami War and badly damaged. Towabara is gaurded by Yosei, the Morning Star.
- Minamo Academy - The Minamo Academy is a school that teaches powerful spirit and human magics. It is built upon the largest waterfall in Kamigawa. Minamo is led by the Soratami, who guide the headmaster and his faculty. They are often prayed to by staff of the school. Soratami are magic practicing moonfolk that live in the clouds above the academy. The school is besieged and ravaged by Hidetsugu, an ogre whose pupil was killed by a Minamo student. Minamo Academy is guarded by Keiga, the Tide Star.
- Takenuma - Takenuma is a large area of swampland. Here bandits and Nezumi (rat-folk) live. There are also a multitude of demon spirits who live in the darkest regions, leaving the place corrupted and void of sunlight. Here the most brutal battles are fought against the kami. Kokusho, the Evening Star watches over the vile swamps.
- Sokenzan Mountains - The Sokenzan mountain range is the largest in Kamigawa. Akki, cunning goblin creatures, live here, among bandits and renegade samurai called ronin. Godo, a famous warlord of the bandits, lives here. Hidetsugu, an O-Bakemono (powerful shaman ogre) summons Oni spirits here. Deep in the Sokenzan mountain range lay the Tendo Peaks, the steepest mountains in Kamigawa. The Heart of Frost, one of the Tendo Peaks, was haunted for some time by a Yuki-onna. The Sokenzan is guarded by Ryusei, the Falling Star.
- Jukai Forest - A thick forest which harbors many varying kinds of kami. Here an order of monks train to tune themselves in with nature and the spirit world. Kitsune (fox-folk), live in the Jukai along with the Orochi (snake-folk), who tend to stay in the Western fringes. No one has ever discovered what lies to the West of the Jukai Forest, and all exploration attempts have failed. Jukai Forest is watched over by Jugan, the Rising Star.
- Karsus - A plane consisting entirely of twisting shattered remnants of some great construct of glass and steel. Magics function wildly here, often being reflected or absorbed by the strange remains of the machine at random.
- Kephalai - It has a totalitarian and bureaucratic government. Cities with gothic architecture, surrounded by large bodies of water are known to exist here. Kephalai seems to have a bazaar where items from other planes can be found, such as the Book of Kith and Kin from Lorwyn.
- Kinshala - A simple plane of nomadic traders and merchant towns. The handful of colonial nations subjugate most of the world and draw their resources back to the capital cities across the seas.
- Lorwyn/Shadowmoor - Lorwyn is a lush plane based upon celtic myths in a state of perpetual day and Summer. Unlike most planes, Lorwyn does not have any native human inhabitants. Every several eons, a natural event called the Great Aurora changes Lorwyn into a plane of perpetual night called Shadowmoor, a dark, sinister alternative reality to Lorwyn.
- Luvion - Little is known about this mysterious place. Supposedly a powerful planeswalker makes his home here and has discovered a way to never die.
- Mercadia - Mercadia is a plane, most notable for its unique mountain, shaped as a giant cone, growing wider as it gets higher, on the top resting a large city founded by the Thran. The dealings of the multitude of Mercadian merchants reaches every corner of the diverse locales of the world. This plane is riddled with improbabilities and inversions: Its largest city sits atop a huge inverted mountain, and goblins are at the top of the social order. Commerce is the lifeblood of Mercadia, and the elaborate diplomacy and trade agreements between the goblins and humans of Mercadia City and the merfolk of Saprazzo define the plane.
- Moag - A simple plane of little note, Moag is said to have a broad range of environments and cultures and to have been somewhat of a paradise plane. It was invaded and assimilated by the Phyrexians.
- Muraganda - A world with tropical jungles; mentioned on the Future Sight cards "Muraganda Petroglyphs" and "Imperiosaur", but not confirmed as the name of a plane until Planechase. It is a plane where simple efficiency is the key to survival in the harsh environment of gargantuan beasts.
- Nether Void - There are countless of these. They are planes without worlds in them. They may be left when a plane dies or a place where a plane has yet to be born. Presumably, Artificial Planes can be created in them.
- Pyrulea - It is composed of a densely forested sphere around a central star; the plane's inhabitants live on the interior surface of the sphere. What's more, the size of the plantlife is particularly enlarged. This plane is an example of a naturally occuring Dyson Sphere.
- Rabiah the Infinite - Rabiah is a collection of a thousand and one originally similar planes, all refracted off of the original Rabiah during the Thousandfold Refraction. The planes have since developed independently of each other. One, known as Dark Rabiah, has been taken over by sinister forces and is as evil a place as even Phyrexia. It is a world populated by many creatures and culture of Arabian myth, particularly the Djinn tribes.
- Ravnica - It is a large plane covered by a continuous, sprawling cityscape. Its flavor is based largely on East European cultures, myths, and folk tales. This plane is separated from others in the multiverse, making it impossible for Planeswalkers and ghosts to enter or leave. Ravnica is also the name of the plane's largest city. The plane has been governed by the Guildpact and ten guilds for more than ten millennia. Though it was later disbanded, the Guilds are still very influential. The City of Ravnica is the primary metropolis of the city-covered plane. The Center of Ravnica, the hub of the great city and the entire plane, is one of the only exposed areas of Ravnica’s original surface of any significant size. Because of this, the walkways of street level are not allowed to come between it and the sky. This site is the top of a mountain, with its base in the Undercity where Rakdos mining has changed it over the millennia into a giant column. Within this column is the Hellhole. At street level, it is flat, solid ground where many important halls and monuments are located.
- Regatha - The plane where the Order of Heliud was founded. It is known for a magical phenomenon called the Purifying Fire. The Purifying Fire is a magical fire of white mana that burns cool. It probes the soul of whoever enters the fire for sin and is a source of power for the Order of Heliud. It is able to destroy a mortal being or drain all power from a planeswalker, including the ability to planeswalk.
- Segovia - Segovia is a largely aquatic plane that is famous for its leviathans. It is smaller in size than other planes, so Segovian Leviathans are much smaller than leviathans from other planes and are the only inhabitants with any significant size. Everything there exists in miniature at about a 1:100 scale. The largest creature, a Segovian Leviathan, is about the size of a Domarian elephant. When planeswalkers visit this plane they are automatically shrunk down to scale. The people of Segovia watch sports such as chariot races in arenas called Hippodromes.
- Shandalar - Shandalar is a rogue plane, drifting through the multiverse instead of retaining a steady position or course. It is a relatively small plane and incredibly rich in mana. The magical energy is so prevalent, that it all is sentient, and the common people use minor spells as an everyday convenience.
- Tavelia - A mysterious plane only spoken of in whispers. Few know what dark shadows live there.
- Ulgrotha - Ulgrotha, meaning "Garden," was a small backwater plane, far from Dominaria, sometimes called the "Homelands" by its inhabitants. Its mana lines were destroyed ages ago when Ravi rang the Apocalypse Chime, causing the Great Destruction and ending the Great War between the Tolgath and the Ancients. Later the planeswalkers Feroz and Serra decided to become Ulgrotha's caretakers, and Feroz created a powerful magical barrier to protect the plane from interlopers. Some time after Feroz's death, however, the ban faded. Ulgrotha is home to Baron Sengir, a powerful vampire who controls a large swath of the plane through fear and black-aligned magic. Ulgrotha has at least one planar portal, which is located in the abandoned dwarven city under Castle Sengir. Where it leads is unknown, although we do know that Ulgrotha's dwarf population emigrated from beyond it and a great supply of mana flows forth from it.
- Valla - A plane of perpetual war covered by a phenomenon called the Immersturm.
- Wildfire - Wildfire is a realm of djinns and efreets neighboring Rabiah. The Mages of the Emberwilde, also known as Embermages, are dedicated to this realm. Several portals to the plane of Wildfire exist in Bogardan, but the Emberwilde Order has made no move into Bogardan for fear of insulting the powerful entities that reside in its depths. Naar Isle is located on this plane. Ruled by the Emberwilde Caliph, the Emberwilde Order maintains trade with several of the Rabiahs and Suq'Ata, on Dominaria through the use of several naturally occuring portals that can be found scattered throughout the deserts. It is said that the beings of Wildfire are responsible for teaching the goblins of Dominaria how to harness fire magic, knowing full well that they would be unable to master the gift.
- Vatraquaz - Nothing is known of this plane.
- Zendikar - It is famed among planeswalkers for the many hidden treasures left by its ancient civilization and for its potent and unusual mana bonds. The plane is very dangerous, due in part to a natural phenomenon called the Roil that reshapes the landscape. Zendikar is inhabited by vampires, Kor, merfolk, goblins, elves, humans and minotaurs. The land was also the prison of the Eldrazi, mythical planeswalking beings of immense power. There are seven continents: Guul Draz, Tazeem, Akoum, Murasa, Ondu, Bala Ged and Sejiri. Another geographical feature to be noted are the large, floating polyhedron-shaped stones called hedrons that litter the landscape. Nobody is sure what they are for but their gravity-defying existence hints at the strange properties of gravity and mana on the plane. These ancient, rune-carved monoliths are strewn across Zendikar. Up to ten miles long, some of these stones drift in the sky; others are buried in the ground, some whole, some broken. They're remnants of a lost civilization, but their original purpose is unknown.
Artificial Planes
- Mirrodin - Originally called 'Argentum', it is an artificial plane constructed by Karn. It is the only artificial plane known to have survived the test of time and is stabilized by its five artificial suns. When the mad construct Memnarch was left in control he imported creatures from countless other worlds to create a diverse ecosystem in which to raise planeswalker sparks for harvesting. The only true natives of the world are Blink Moths. A unique effect of the mycosynth lattice of the world is that organic creatures become metallic over time and metallic creatures become organic. The phyrexian oil left here by Karn has since given rise to new Phyrexians.
- Phyrexia - Phyrexia is an artificial plane of entirely mechanical "life" created by an ancient planeswalker. The nine-layered plane of artifice was discovered and rebuilt by Yawgmoth, and he staged his millennium long plan of Dominarian invasion from here. It's fate since the end of the Phyrexian War and the return of Phyrexia remains unknown.
- Rath - An artificial plane constructed by Yawgmoth, it was designed to be utilized by the Phyrexians as a staging point to invade Dominaria. Created out of flowstone generated in the central Stronghold, the plane slowly expanded over centuries until it was the same mass as Dominaria itself, at which point it would transpose atop the target plane, carrying its armies directly into the field.
- Serra's Realm - Serra's Realm was an artificial plane of beautiful cloudy skies created by the planeswalker Serra from pure white mana as a heavenly ideal. Serra made it in the hopes that she could make a haven where suffering could be avoided forever. It was the original home of the famous Serra Angels, and existed in peace and worship of its creator for some time until Phyrexia invaded and it was collapsed into the powerstone core of the Weatherlight. At some point after the destruction of the Weatherlight, Serra's Realm may have come back into existence in some form.
The Planeswalkers
Planeswalkers are as old as the Magic: the Gathering game itself. In times of old they were nearly omnipotent god-like beings capable of travelling through the multi-verse at will. Now their powers are diminished to that of powerful mages, but they still possess the awesome ability to travel between the countless worlds. The typical interpretation is that the card game represents a battle between two powerful planeswalkers representing the players.
In your game, you may choose to have one or all of your players take the role of a planeswalker. In this case, they function as any other character but with one added Spell that does not require a Memory slot. This spell is called Planeshift.
Planeshifting can be performed once per week and allows the Planewalker to travel to the Æther, the world between worlds, or the Blind Eternities. Through this realm all planes are connected and a planeswalker's spark, the common name given to their unique talent, protects them from the horrifying energies of this realm. Even without knowing where they are going, planeswalkers can still find their way to worlds they have never seen before. With practice, they may even be able to return to a specific plane or bring others along with them. Planeswalking takes considerable time and concentration and cannot be achieved instantaneously. Another concern for the typical planeswalker is that the process consumes a large amount of their Mana, often leaving them defenseless upon arrival at their destination.
When planeshifting out of battle there is always the chance that a planeswalker might accidentally bring their foe along with them. If they are fighting another planeswalker then the residual magic trail they leave behind can also lead a foe right to them.
Each of the following five stats affects planeshifting in some way.
- Channeling: Channeling effects how much Mana Planeshifting consumes. Planeshifting costs Mana equal to [your maximum Mana+1-Channeling].
- Focus: To carry another person with you on your journey takes a great deal of Focus. You can bring one person or permanent effect with you for every Focus you have in excess of 1. Once Focus is above 5 you have a 50% chance to avoid bringing enemies when shifting out of battle. Once Focus reaches 10 you never bring an enemy and can choose not to leave a trail.
- Mastery: Planeswalking is a tiring experience for the mind and body, but with higher Mastery you can travel again sooner. You can use Planeshift once per [8-Mastery] days. At 10 Mastery you no longer have to wait between Planeshifting.
- Speed: With higher Speed you can activate a Planeshift more quickly. Planeshifting takes a number of rounds equal to [10-Speed]. At 10 speed this process is instantaneous.
- Memory: An excellent Memory for detail can help you find your way back to a particular spot. At Memory 1-2 you have a 50% chance to arrive on the desired plane. At Memory 3-4 you have a 70% chance to arrive on the desired plane and a 50% chance to arrive on the desired continent. At Memory 5-6 you have a 70% chance to arrive on the desired continent and a 50% chance to arrive in the desired region. At Memory 7-8 you have a 90% chance to arrive in the desired region and a 70% chance to arrive in the desired city. At Memory 9-10 you have a 90% chance to arrive in the desired city and a 70% chance to arrive in the desired building.
The Spells
The way the system has been designed, most printed cards in the Magic: the Gathering TCG should easily translate directly to usable spells. Summoned creatures function as servants of the summoner and targeted spells have the same effect.
- Spells that reference the hand are the exception. Draw a card will instead allow you to add a spell from your known list to those in Memory, though you must be sure to forget any spells in excess of your maximum at the end of the round.
- Spells that cause discarding instead reduce a character's memory but that much for the round. Spells that effect the library are rare, but are the one of the cases where the cards do not translate perfectly, only being useful in certain situations.
- In this case, they would remove the spell from your known spell list until the end of the day, making you unable to add them to your memory through draw effects.
- Effects that target the graveyard will not function (though this may later be changed to be able to target any spell currently used and in the 'graveyard'.)
- Anything 'removed from the game' will be unable to be used for the rest of the day.
Though it is not necessary, it is encouraged for players to have the cards that represent their spells and permanents so that they can look at and be aware of their options during their turn to speed up play.
Keywords and Common Abilities
- Flying: A creature or player with flying cannot be intercepted by creatures without flying.
- Reach: A creature with reach may intercept enemy creatures with flying.
- Lifelink: Damage a creature does also heals its controller an equal amount.
- Trample: If something with Trample destroys a creature, that creature's controller will take the extra portion of damage remaining
- First Strike/Double Strike: Speed Bonus when attacking in combat. Their damage resolves first before a counter attack.
- Vigilance: Speed Bonus when defending in combat. A creature can attack and still be on its guard during the enemy's round.
- Shroud: A creature or player with shroud cannot be targeted by spells or abilities. This does not prevent them from being effected by area of effect or global spells.
- Hexproof: A creature or player with shroud cannot be targeted by enemy spells or abilities. This does not prevent them from being effected by area of effect or global spells.
- Poisonous: When attacking a player, they receive a poison counter. A player more poison point than half their maximum life dies. Poison points are removed at a rate of 1 per hour.
- Infect: Deals permanent damage to both Power and Toughness, though may wear off after time (end of battle). Also gives poisonous.
- Landwalk: If the defender has Mana of the described color in their Mana pool the creature cannot be intercepted. Alternatively, if combat takes place in the described locale, the creature can not be intercepted.
- Defender: This creature cannot attack, though it can still counter attack.
- Intimidate: This creature can only be intercepted by creatures that share a color identity with it.
- Provoke: This creature can target other creatures as well as players.
- Flanking: A creature without flanking gets a circumstantial -1/-1 penalty when blocking a creature with flanking.
- Shadow: This creature can only intercept and be intercepted by other creatures with shadow.
- Fading/Vanishing: This creature dissipates after a specified number of rounds.
- Morph: This creature can be summoned as an amorphous blob of no discernible type or color with 2/2 power and toughness for 3 mana. For it's Morph cost, it can later be transformed into its true form.
- Regeneration: At the beginning of each turn the creature or character's life increases by 5.
- Absorb: Whenever the creature or player takes damage it is reduced by the indicated amount.
- Echo: The controller must pay the creature's mana cost again the round after summoning it or sacrifice it.
- Deathtouch: This creature has a chance to destroy anything it attacks immediately. This does not effect players.
- Flash: As long as the spells owner has sufficient Mana, this spell can be played during any round, even those not their own.
- Mana Production: Creature's add their Mana to their controller's Mana pool. This can exceed their maximum capacity but they are diminished back to capacity at the end of the round.
- Annihilator: Damage to surroundings and chance to instantly destroy permanents or Mana in a character's Mana pool.
Artifacts and Equipment
An artifact spell, once learned, is always in the possession of the mage or artificer. However, carrying many artifacts can become cumbersome to one that does not specialize in their use and many choose to store them in extra-dimensional space or in the malleable form of flowstone or quicksilver sculpting steel to be called upon when needed. First, each artifact requires a certain amount of Mana just to activate (and summon in some of the larger cases). Most artifacts are not picky about what kind of Mana and only require a certain amount. Some may require even more Mana to generate an effect even after being activated. Once an artifact has been activated, it draws upon your Focus to maintain just as any other persistent effect does. Losing or releasing focus upon the artifact deactivates it, causes it to lose any charges it may have generated, and banishes it if it was summoned.
Equipment is the same as any other artifact, requiring Mana for activation. Once a piece of equipment is activated it must be attuned to it's wielder through the expenditure of more Mana. A powerful magic sword that you keep physically on your person can be used at any time, but it will only function as a mundane weapon like any other meager tool unless you activate and attune it. A character can be equipped with many weapons at once, holding one in each hand or briefly banishing and recalling them as needed. Their effects, as well as their focus consumption, are cumulative. A character may also have many armors simultaneously. Even though two armors may both classically be thought of being redundant, the mage or artificer can often reshape them into functionally identical pieces (For example a character might wear Argentum Armor as a breast plate and reshape Magebane Armor as a helmet and gauntlet while also wearing Lightning Greaves). Up to four armors may be worn simultaneously.
Suggested Spell List
- Holy Strength
- Healing Salve
- Condemn
- Honor Guard
- Lifelink
- Loyal Sentry
- Vigilance
- Demystify
- Circle of Protection
- White Knight
- Dawn Charm
- Cancel
- Unsummon
- Tome Scour
- Cloud Sprite
- Brainstorm
- Jump
- Robe of Mirrors
- Fugitive Wizard
- Spiketail Hatchling
- Ponder
- Piracy Charm
- Unholy Strength
- Terror
- Consume Spirit
- Cruel Edict
- Dark Ritual
- Duress
- Disentomb
- Black Knight
- Severed Legion
- Drudge Skeletons
- Midnight Charm
- Blaze
- Burst of Speed
- Shock
- Shatter
- Kindle Fury
- Pyroclasm
- Spark Elemental
- Stone Rain
- Power of Fire
- Raging Goblin
- Fury Charm
- Giant Growth
- Grizzly Bears
- Naturalize
- Regenerate
- Fog
- Canopy Spider
- Primal Rage
- Rampant Growth
- Llanowar Elves
- Scion of the Wild
- Evolution Charm
- Leonin Scimitar
- Voltaic Key
- Whispersilk Cloak
- Lightning Greaves
- Steel Overseer
- Gorgon Flail
- Sword of Vengeance
- Warlord's Axe
- Icy Manipulator
- Loxodon Warhammer
- Magebane Armor
- Ornithopter
- Rod of Ruin
- Bottle Gnomes
- Elixir of Immortality
Character Sheets
A card-like character sheet possibly for use with other cards to represent spells.
A more traditional page style character sheet. A custom card can still be created with your character's battle attributes on it as well.
External Links
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