or /pol/ the rpg
(My)thic (Fa)ntasy (Ro)leplaying (G)ame is a game by racist lunatic and convicted murderer Varg Vikernes, aka the Burzum guy.
It turns out he is also a fan of old school tabletop rpg's. So I guess that's one point for all the religious nuts shrieking about the evils of dnd back in the 80's.
The game is what you would expect from Varg - A viking-age pastiche setting in which the evil jooz(Sicarri) are trying to exterminate the aryan race by flooding Europe(Pule) with Niggers(Koparmann). Also, thinly veiled Christians and Muslims are working to take over the world and kill one of the aryan gods and stick their guy on the throne instead. Women are much weaker than men and prone to dying in childbirth - just like in FATAL. Unlike FATAL, this game lacks spells that allow you to cum acid - which you will want to use on your own eyes because everything is in Papyrus and horrifically organized.
While a Modern Day Mythender-style romp where you smack down Yaweh, Jesus, and his angels could be a funtastic fedora fest, Varg's warped understanding of history, the english language, and humanity in general severely limit his ability to make a playable game. At least FATAL has the advantage of being free.