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Nagash in all his awesomtastic evilness.

Nagash is the First Necromancer and arguibly the most evil character to ever curse the Warhammer Fantasy world. Ever. He is also fucking badass and will go in hand-to-hand combat with the likes of Sigmar. His badassery sometimes interlope with how much of a fucker he is, in other words, he would have had no problems emigrating to Warhammer 40000 setting.


Nagash started as a hierophant consecrated to the gods of Nehekhara while his brother was the priest-king of Khemri. This was because, in Nehekhara, the fristborn sons of the nobles were given to the temples as preists and the second sons became the kings. Pissed off about this, he decided he wouldn't accept his fate and started investigations on how to increase his magical power. Unfortunately for the khemrians, he got his hands on some Dark Elf sorcerers who'd been taken prisoner. From them he learnt about the winds of magic and also figured out how to increase his own life expectancy. He then proceeded to brutally kill them and consume their souls when they'd outlived their usefulness. When someone can out-evil and out-betray Dark Elves, you know they're fucked up.

After awhile and many experiments which demanded human sacrifices, and sick stuff Nagash created an elixir which allowed him to stay alive, this elixir would be the basis for the creation of the Vampires. Nagash killed his brother, and sorta mummified alive his wife and then started a war on Nehekhara which ended in the complet annihilation of all life there. Unfortunately for him the skaven sabotaged his plans of world domination and he got chopped to pieces by the last king of his former nation.

His story, however, doesnt end here, he went back after a couple of centuries (the skaven had vaporized his remains so it took a lot of time for him to remake himself) and attacked the newborn Empire, during the final battle he fought in a duel with Sigmar, and nearly defeated him. Sigmar, realising what was at stake went on a Humanity Fuck Yeah! rampage and finally crushed Nagash's skull with his hammer, the spirit of Nagash fleed the battlefield and went back to his fortress were he recovered, having learnt that the world now has powers capable to match him. No one knows for sure what's he gonna do next but considering his profile it wont be anything pretty.

Why Nagash is so evil

While most evil characters on the game have done their share of bad deeds Nagash has an special place amongst them, the following lists illustrates how sick this fuck is:

  • Entombed his own brother alive and stole his wife.
  • Usurped Nehekhara's throne then starved and exploited his own subjects to death, along with nearly bankrupting the kingdom, to get his necromantic works done.
  • Turned said wife into an agony-ridden walking corpse and kept her that way for centuries. The process he used to accomplish this involved tricking her into drinking the blood of her murdered son. The son who was also Nagash's own nephew.
  • Captured the spirits of his enemies keeping them in eternal torment.
  • Started a war which destroyed many of the nehekharan cities and killed a great deal of the population.
  • Broke the convenant between the nehekharan gods and their people, this not only removed the divine powers of the nehekharans but after death they wont be able to go with their gods and had to stay in a nether dimension forever. Especially jarring if you remember that he used to be the High Preist of their religion.
  • Indirectly corrupted some of the nobility of Nehekhara, who became the first vampires.
  • Turned a whole tribe of his followers into ghouls.
  • Used his loyal vassals as tools in a terrible incantation to make himself a magic armour and then devoured his souls.
  • Started a new war against Nehekhara which costed more thousands of lives.
  • Used a horrible plague spell to annihilate the entire nehekharan civilization after losing the war against them.
  • Raised the nehekharan dead turning them into millions of undead minions with the idea of annihilating all life in the world.
  • Almost destroyed the Empire and nearly crippled Sigmar in a duel by using a poisoned blade.
  • Cursed the Vampires with a vulnerability to Sigmar's power after the assholes were too self-absorbed during the war with the Empire to help Nagash out.

While some of the deeds on this list may have been done by your Skaven or Chaos Lord there is a basic difference between them and Nagash, the former usually do this either to advance their entire race, clan, tribe or to appease and/or promote their gods. Nagash on the other hand didn't care about anyone, despised the gods and had no empathy for his people. He fucked up his own nation and a large section of the world for his own personal gain and, so far as the fluff goes, he has never cared or done anything for anyone other than himself, with his ultimate plan being quite literally to turn everything into undead with no will under his command.