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Oglaf is a fantasy comic that started as attempt to make porn but it almost instantly became a comedy instead.

The reason this webcomic is notable to the denizens of /tg/ is that it takes place in a fantasy world that works as though it were a campaign setting run by a /d/M. It has an ensemble cast, though the "main" character, Ivan, is an apprentice to a sorcerous who rules an empire as a skimpy evil-overlord through brutality, very sexy brutality.

It can be found here: http://www.oglaf.com.

Content Warning

Recurring Adventurers

  • Ivan the Slut: Last seen in the hands of the Yuan-Ti Nurses after going on his first magical adventure. Rest In Peace, you're not actually dead.
  • Kronar the Barbarian: A mighty and powerful warrior, feared for his prowess with sword and cock. Born to a race of gay barbarians who breed only with one another to keep their line free of "woman's taint." Gave birth to a daughter, to his initial shame, though he later accepted her as his son when the newborn killed a bunch of wolves with her bare fucking hands.
  • Dick-Ass Thief & Friends: A bodacious, curly-haired thief who goes around fucking the guardians of ancient temples in order to loot their treasures during the post-coitus glow, and her band of merry sluts who alternate between using sex to steal treasure and having sex for pleasure. Replace sex with killing for their 3rd-most enjoyed activity.
  • Siffy the Joyless: Not her real name, but that's the only proper noun she's ever been called by in the comics. One of the most competent murderhobos in the comic, she is strengthened by her inability to percieve or enjoy "fun."
  • Morrag the Immortal: Blessed with immortality, for all eternity, by the dead god Sithrak, Morrag possesses a great body of experience earned in her centuries of monster-hunting, demon-slaying, and god-killing. Unfortunately, the last god she faced ripped her head from her body and consumed the rest, leaving Morrag a bodyless head.

Recurring NPCs

  • Sorceress
  • The Labyrinth King
  • The Dwarves
  • Sandoval, the Xoan Ambassador
  • Lizard of Guilt: A tribute presented to the Sorceress by one of her many subjects. Directly responsible for the "death" of Ivan the apprentice.
  • Vampire "Doctor"
  • Monks of Luck
  • Those Two Clerics: Two clerics of Sithrak, the skull-faced God of A Painful and Horrible Afterlife. Their holy text is Sithrak's angsty teenage diary, or something similar. They firmly believe that Sithrak hates all living things and do their best to appease him by promoting his worship, or else terrible, terrible things will happen to you when you die.
  • Mistertique