/tg/ Song of Ice and Fire Houses
A page to record the glorious histories of fa/tg/uy Houses in a Song of Ice and Fire and their various plots and pitfalls.
House Stonewell
- Realm - Dorne
- House: House Stonewell of Rockspring
- Words: "Drink your Last"
- House Arms: A fist clenching a bloody sword rising out of a pool of water.
- Founding: Age of Heroes
- Defense 22
- Influence 4
- Lands 12
- Law 13
- Population 17
- Power 32
- Wealth 15
- Hall
- Hills and Lake
- Elite Guards (13) (Gladiators)
- Trained raiders (6)
- Trained infantry (7)
- Trained archers (6)
- Godswood
- Artisan (smith)
The Stonewells trace their heritage back to the first men to cross the arm of dorne, they have stayed in the hills ever since. The coming of the andals, the rhoynar's thousand ships, and all the centuries hence have left that shadows of their ancient glory, but unchanged. They keep the old gods and look nothing like the children of the andals or rhoynar. Devoutly loyal to the red dragons, the forgotten house broods in its hills and plots revenge.
Current Liege: Lord Martyn 'the Mad' Stonewell: driven insane by the death of all his legitimate sons - he rants, raves and demands revenge while screaming the names of the fallen.
Heir: Renar Stonewell Fates of the Mad Lord's sons
- Manfyrd Stonewell(25): Slain by Lyn Corbray while trying to avenge Lewyn Martell's death
- Arthur Stonewell(23):Impaled by a lance in the charge that broke the Dornish lines
- Patryck Stonewell(20):Trampled by horses during the retreat and drowned.
- Eryk Stonewell(18):Killed by two knights of Royce after dehorsing them both.
- Jon Stonewell(14):Manfryd's squire, slain by an archer while trying to recover Manfryd's body.
Founded in the Age of Heroes the Stonewells have experienced nothing but decline ever since, with the brief exception of Daeron's conquest during which they sided with Daeron. When Daeron came down the passes and into Dorne to conquer the region his army needed water, the smallfolk of dorne refused to give the location of oasis and his army was in grave danger. Finally one smallfolk revealed the location of a massive oasis, properly a small lake. When they came of the hilly dessert valley where the lake was said to be they were shocked to see a scene that looked like it was from a north. A village and hall in the old first man fashion, and a massive if old and drooping weirwood on an island in the center of the lake. Daeron had north men in his train and he quickly consulted with them on the proper social graces. The Stonewells had not been visited by another house in centuries, and had not seen a king since the coming of the Andals. They were most flattered to see a might king as a supplicant to their humble hall. Daeron ate of their bread and salt, and was a model guest, giving them gifts of steel in replace their bronze weapons. he told them of what had come of the rest of Westeros and asked them of the history of their house. When he heard their sad tale of woe and decline, he was saddened. But then he told them he was king of all of Westeros but Dorne, and he was here in Dorne to end that exception. He asked if they would rather fade away in their remote spring valley or if they would like to ride with him and if their proud history was to come to an end, let it end in glorious battle. The Stonewells had no love for the Rhoynar who called themselves princes of Dorne, they accepted. And in the grove of the weirwood tree they knelt before their new king and swore eternal loyalty to the young dragon. in the war to come the Stonewells were an important part of Daeron's army being native scouts trackers and guides in addition to be totally fearless. Though with the death of Daeron their brief moment of glory ended, ever after despite where Dorne or the realm went when the Targyarians called the Stonewells rode to war.
The effective ruler of House Stonewell is Martyn's bastard son Ser Renar, who survived the trident only to be sold as a gladiator in slaver's bay and has only recently escaped. He brought 100 fellow gladatiors with him as elite companions led by his three most trusted friends: The Stronghawk is a boy of unknown origin, but he likes to think he is descendant of some great Volentene triarch. He is skilled with short sword and dagger. Grahz was taken from the hills above Mereen as a child, been fighting in the pits since he was 12, skilled with an axe and shield, he is extremely aggressive. Xanbo is a very skilled archer from the Summer isles, how he came to fight in the pits is he has never said.
And a cry went, a cry that the Old Sun was dead. Lewyn Martell had fallen, Prince of Dorne and Whitecloak all the same. Lyn Corbray slew him, it is said, Lady Forlorn cleaving through his armor. An arrow had taken him early, it was whispered, and he had faced Corbray already wounded. Yet he had led the spears forward anyways. "Lewyn!" "Lewyn!", cried some, in anger or despair, we could not tell. The men under Fowler and Blackmont surged forth, meaning to reclaim his body. Yet the attack was repulsed, and then horns sounded. Twas the Knights of the Vale, Lance's down, armor shining. On a good day the men of Dorne would have presented spears and repulsed them. Yet their Prince was dead, and they were caught out. First they bent, and then broke, the Trident running red with blood. Some still remained, here I recall Lord Manwoody, Skullmask on his face, standing in the river, spear shining, and banner planted. Yet he fell too, and no man stood then. No man could. The Royce men came, bronze armor blood red in the sun. With them rode knights in blue and red, and green banners bearing a black broken wheel. Some thought to rally, but then a scream like a banshee went up. Rhaegar had fallen, slain by the Lord Baratheon. Even as dread filled Dornish hearts, the Valesmen surged again. There was no staying the pursuit.
---from the journal of Lord Martyn Stonewell
House Clearwater
>Realm - Stormlands
>House - Clearwater
>Words - Braving the storm
>Defense - 40
>Influence - 43
>Lands - 28
>Law - 35
>Population - 34
>Power - 30
>Wealth - 35
>Possessions - Standard castle Hilly terrain on the coast, with a dense forest, road and river Port Maester Master artisan (castle forged weapons)
House Clearwater began in the Stormlands around the time of the Rhoynar invasion, and grew to become a respectable house Sitting on the coast of the Sea of Dorne, they focussed their efforts around the building of a great fleet with which to keep enemies of the stormlands at bay
>Marlyn Clearwater - The old lord of the house, Marlyn acquired a great prize for his family at the cost of its fleet, and a mistake that would haunt the house forever henceforth
>Lord Vans Clearwater - Now an old and sickly man, Vans stoop up to his position after an ancient Marlyn finally died, and led his house from ruin back into stability, reclaiming his lands and contributing to the storming of dragonstone and defeat of the Greyjoy fleet
>Pyle Clearwater - The heir to house Clearwater, Pyle has neglected his duties and sails the seas east of Westeros with a loyal crew, seeking fame and a fortune with which he could bring his house to its true formerly glory and crush those that laid his house to waste
The Clearwaters have often been driven back inside their ancestral walls as misfortune and disaster strike their lands and men Seabreak stands high on foothills bordering the Sea of Dorne, overlooking the harbour where a great fleet once lay Of moderate size for a castle, it has oft seen war as it’s lords flee within its walls, but has so far stood tall in the face of danger, braving the storm
The Clearwater fleet was once a sight to behold, a sea of great crimson sails and a source of true pride to their house This pride was lost when Marlyn Clearwater traded all but a handful for something he believed far greater than any fleet. Marlyn’s deal gained his house a Valyrian steel axe, mastbreaker
Like fate itself had patiently waited to spell their demise, war engulfed the kingdoms and Clearwater found itself woefully vulnerable As what little remained of their fleet sailed to meet with the Saltvine fleet, they were descended upon by the filthy turncloaks and decimated As the wars continued, Reachmen and the Dornish reaved across their lands, until an ancient Marlyn was finally slain by men of house Redwyne during Roberts Rebellion After Marlyn’s death at the hands of house Redwyne, the axe fell into the hands of his heir, Vans Clearwater, who would at last lead his vengeful stormlanders out of Seabreak and into the storming of Dragonstone, and then the crushing of the Greyjoy fleet in their revolt
Pyle Clearwater spent his years sailing the narrow sea and roaming Essos, hellbent on finding treasure or a means to raise the wealth to rebuild the great fleet and strike back at those who have sullied House Clearwater With his fathers decline, he must now bear the House axe, and find the means to justice that he seeks
Pyle’s gallivanting around the seas and essos in search of glory and fortune has left him detached from his elderly father, and mildly unprepared for the undertakings of leading his house in the wake of Vans’ efforts to restore normality after Marlyn’s blunders Whilst lacking in the experience and skills of running a house, Pyle’s time under a sail has left him a skilled captain, with friends and connections in the stepstones and cities across the narrow sea It is from these connections that he has been lead onto the trail of a great treasure in the east, and with it Lord’s greed for wealth and revenge has driven him ever-further from the house he is supposed to serve It has fallen on the Clearwater maester, Cearn, and the Lord’s younger brother Pann to keep the house afloat whilst their leader once again disappears onto the great blue, abandoning his home in search of treasure and revenge
>House Popell
>Few but fierce
>Defence - 24
>Influence - 26
>Lands - 17
>Law - 22
>Population - 10
>Power - 36
> Wealth - 20
House Popel were a cadet line of Clearwater without the sea legs of their leige house During the past wars, their people have been decimated time and time again by the Dornish, and they have yet to recover from the sheer size of the losses What remains after these wars is a bitter house who some say will froth at the mouth at the mention of Dorne and it’s inhuman occupants Their lord, Belan Popel, leads a capable force of infantry and archers, all of whom would jump at the chance to pay the Dornish back for their crimes
Belan, “the horned stag”, is said to be a brute of a man, and a maniac Having seen his house’s people slaughtered at the hands of their enemies, he has done all he can to arm those who can remain in preparation, so that when the next threat comes calling, they do not meet the same fate This sheer maddened focus on arming all who are able has harmed the house and it’s holdings, but produced a capable force where Clearwater still lacks one
>House Credence
>Defense - 32
>Influence - 24
>Lands - 4
>Law - 26
>Population - 18
>Power - 25
>Wealth - 11
House Credence sits in an island keep, keeping vigilant watch over the lands of themselves and their brother-houses The laws were made to be enforced, and credence work thoroughly to do so, combating piracy on the sea of Dorne around their home and inland crime that tries to capitalise on the long-lasting turmoil of the brother houses