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Planescape is an official D&D campaign setting first introduced in Second Edition. The setting centers around exploring an original multiverse cosmology. One of the more famous aspects of the setting is the distinctive artwork of Tony DiTerlizzi (you can see some of his art in the gallery section of the article).

Planescape Multiverse map

Planescape cosmology


Don't let its slow flaying shadow fall on you

According to the rules of the Multiverse, Sigil is the center of it.

Sigil itself is a planar megalopolis built on the inside of a torus (imagine a tire lying on its side with buildings all around the inside surface). From anywhere on the Outlands (the most neutral of the Outer Planes), Sigil can be seen floating above the great stone Spire, but since the Spire is infinitely high, the only way in or out is through the portals that manifest themselves inside of doorways, windows, and any other kind of bounded space. Because of this, Sigil is also called 'The Cage'.

Portals like those in Sigil exist all over the multiverse, linking distant planes to each other, but the concentration is highest in the Cage. This phenomenon makes Sigil one of the most coveted locations in the multiverse. Gods and fiends would love to take over, but Sigil is guarded by a being called the Lady of Pain, whose diligence bars would-be conquerers from entering the city. Those within the city that displease the Lady find themselves either flayed alive by her shadow or cast into Mazes from which few ever escape.

Prior to the events of the Faction War adventure, Sigil's political and philosophical system is dominated by fifteen factions, all vying for the most believers (see Factions, below).

Inner Planes

These are the "material" planes, where reality is more objective than subjective. Each of the inner planes are theoretically infinite in size, and considered adjacent to each other at every point, with the exception of areas that are warded specifically to be isolated from other dimensions.

The Inner Planes have their own gods and realms (see Powers under Outer Planes, below), but no god has undisputed ownership of any of the inner planes. They seek to influence inner planes by invasion or conquest, or by subverting the natives, but none of the Powers can assert their dominion by fiat of their divine will such as with the Outer Planes... which makes the inner planes just as weird and mysterious to Outsiders as we find the Outer Planes.

Prime Material

This is the plane where nearly all of the Dungeons & Dragons story takes place, considered "home" to typical player characters. However, not every place in the Prime Material is accessible to every other place -- you can't walk from Oerth to Krynn, nor from Blackmoor to Waterdeep -- but it's unclear whether each campaign setting takes place in the same plane, perhaps different planets in the same cosmos, or if each campaign setting is a parallel "Prime Material plane" that require a jaunt through the Astral or Plane of Shadow in between. One thing that all Prime Material planes have in common is easy access to the other inner planes, and the presence of all material & ideological powers, even if it's not always balanced.


This plane is the closest to the Prime Material plane(s), so much so that sometimes even the most mundane observers can sense Ethereal inhabitants (often called "ghosts," not to be confused with the undead "spectres" or "phantoms"). It's used as a storage space by the most elementary of enchantments, and some magical tricks make use of the proximity of the ethereal plane to "sidestep" material objects to pass through them, or to cover large distances in short time. Travellers on the ethereal plane can perceive the Prime Material as a foggy, faded and translucent landscape.

Elemental Planes

You are here. You probably wish you weren't.

The Elemental Planes are dedicated to one particular idea of objective reality, without any philosophy. The landscape, the inhabitants, and any native objects found there are composed of solely one substance. This substance may be in many states, animate or inanimate, rigid or fluid, but anything found here that is not made of this substance was brought by an extraplanar visitor, and will probably be destroyed or eroded if left alone.

The Primary Elemental Planes

The material that composes these planes are the most familiar elements, from classical alchemy: Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Theoretically infinite in size, it is still possible to travel between them by mundane travel; how to reach the "borders" of such infinite planes is a mystery. Each plane is dedicated to their material, and the sentients that inhabit these planes are called "elementals" en masse, although the term is usually used for those entities that have extremely simple forms and are summoned to the Prime Material as labour. You will also find life that approximates Prime Material plants and animals, although Elemental Plane natives will be quick to point out that Prime Material animals are mixed copies of their purer flora and fauna. You will also find on each of these planes a race of vaguely Arabic sorcerous giants, usually at war with those of other elemental planes (the two most familiar species are 'djinni' from the plane of Air and 'efreet' from the plane of Fire).

Survival on any of these planes is difficult, as life from the Prime planes and many Outer Planes need a mix of elements to survive. The plane of Air is the only source of something to breathe, although some may find the bottomless falling disorienting, and the plane of Earth is the only source of something to stand on if you count being buried alive as "standing." The plane of Water is comfortable if you had gills and blubber, and the plane of Fire is delightfully warm for the split second before you are reduced to a cinder.

Each of these four elemental planes also has an Elemental Lord, which has dominion over all the simple-form inhabitants of the plane and has staggering power and control over the material the plane is composed of. These are the closest that the Inner Planes have to "Powers," although no Elemental Lord receives supplicants from other planes (all of their followers are already in their plane, and unswervingly faithful), and their influence is limited to their plane any any vortexes (portals that are locked open) that may touch the Prime Material.

The Paraelemental planes

If you wish to pass from one of the primary elemental planes to another, you must pass through the intersections between the planes. These intersections are planes unto themselves, of material that is a mixture of the neighbouring materials. These Paraelemental planes are not uniform, but are gradiated mixtures as you get closer or further from primary elements. The paraelemental planes are:

  • Smoke, between Air and Fire
  • Ice, between Air and Water
  • Magma, between Earth and Fire
  • Oooze, between Earth and Water

There are no paraelemental planes between Air and Earth, nor Fire and Water -- unlike many Inner Planes, Air is not adjacent to Earth, nor is Fire adjacent to Water, you would need to pass through the Prime or three other Elemental planes to go from one to the other. This also holds true for each of the Paraelemental planes. The paraelemental planes have their own simple life-forms, and unique to them are four races of imps known as "mephits" that hopelessly aspire to be Lords of these bargain-basement elemental planes.

The Positive and Negative Energy Planes

These are the most Outer-like of the Inner Planes, as each is dedicated not to a coarse substance but something akin to an aspect of reality itself. However, Outsiders may find these planes more understandable but much more hostile than any of the other Inner Planes, as you will see below.

The Positive Material Plane is a boundless, bottomless, and overwhelming source of energy. Vital energy, motive energy, power, initiative, gumption, puissance... if wizards tap into the plane of Fire to create pyrotechnics, priests tap into this plane for their healing miracles. Just stepping in is enough to supercharge your body to heal itself immediately, and you will feel yourself becoming more powerful, more solid, which is good because the place is so brilliant you would be struck permanently blind if your eyes weren't regenerating from the local effects. Stay too long, and your body will become more powerful than your mere mortal (or even immortal!) frame can contain, and you will detonate. Any witnesses to your demise will attest it was beautiful, shortly before they explode too.

The Negative Material Plane is a boundless, bottomless, and overwhelming drain on energy. Death, inertia, void, draining cold, disintegration... every undead creature is linked to this plane, motivated to either steal life to feed the enless gnawing emptiness inside themselves, or to destroy life as it is abhorrent to the Negative Material that animates them. There is no light here, no heat, and any substance left here will disintegrate -- not erode like a Doomspeaker's ideal entropy, but waste away into nothingness. This includes anything material, magical or spiritual -- visiting here puts your very soul at risk!

The only life witnessed as native to these planes are the Xag-Ya and Xeg-Yi, which appear as balls of supernaturally hot or cold plasma. They seem to be sentient, since they react to language, but do not communicate themselves. If they meet each other, they will immediately rush to meet and mutually annihilate.

The Quasielemental Planes

Just as it's possible to travel between the primary Elemental Planes, it's also possible to travel by mundane means to the Positive or Negative material planes (why you would WANT TO is a mystery). At the intersection of the primary elemental planes and the Pos/Neg Material planes are the Quasielemental Planes

. Air Earth Fire Water
Positive Lightning Mineral Radiance Steam
Negative Vacuum Dust Ash Salt

The quasi-elemental planes have little to no native flora nor fauna, and anyone claiming to be a lord would be a colonist from another plane. It's possible that any native life that grows large or ambitious enough will gravitate towards the Pos/Neg Material planes, where they would disintegrate from getting too close.

Outer Planes

Map of Outlands and Outer Planes

There are seventeen Outer Planes, each formed from the moral and ethical alignments of the sentient beings in the multiverse. Most of the Outer Planes are divided into layers; the majority of portals deposit beings on the first layer of the plane. Many of the gods (or Powers) in the multiverse reside on the Outer Planes, in lands called realms that are under their direct control. The souls of those who worship these powers reform in their powers' realm upon death. If a being follows no power, their soul is instead drawn to the plane that most matches their alignment. Mortals also dwell on the Outer Planes; their alignment generally matches the plane they are on. Enough like-minded beings of another alignment can cause a portion of the plane to break off and appear on the plane that matches their alignment. The Outer Planes are:

The Abyss

Chaotic Evil. The Abyss has an infinite number of layers, each one unique and filled with hateful, unthinking evil. The tanar'ri (or demons, as they are known on the Prime Material Plane) dwell here.


Lawful Neutral Evil. This is where the souls of those killed in senseless wars go, to fight among the armies of slain soldiers until they are killed a second time and merge with the plane. The first layer of Acheron is the most famous - an infinite realm of gigantic iron cubes, floating in the void, on which vast armies clash. The cubes occasionally collide, smashing anything caught between them to paste.


Chaotic Good. This is the plane of the elven and Greek powers. It is typified by vast rugged geography, immense forests, mountains that peak above the clouds, and other splendors of nature.


Lawful Neutral Good. Arcadia is a plane of law first and good second. Day changes to night with no pause, and vigilant militias of dead paladins patrol the perfectly-straight roads. The formians -- a caste race of ant-centaurs -- are native to Arcadia.


Lawful Evil. 'The Nine Hells' of Baator are the domain of the baatezu (or 'devils'). There are nine layers to the plane, each more terrible than the previous. Avernus, the first layer, is a land of scorched rock, constantly bombarded by fireballs that tumble out of the sky.

The Beastlands

Neutral Good Chaotic. Relatively few sentient creatures live on the Beastlands, compared to the number of animals dwelling here - everything from ants and cats to dinosaurs. Most of the plane is wide-open savannas, deep primeval forests, and unfathomable oceans.


Neutral Good Lawful. The Twin Realms are stacked in a unique way- imagine them as the floor and ceiling of a great cave, connected by enormous stalactites and stalagmites that merge into each other. Unlike many other planes, where travel between layers is accomplished with portals, the two layers of Bytopia can be reached by climbing one pillar until gravity reverses and one finds herself climbing 'down' to the other layer. The beings that dwell here are industrious, cheerful, and helpful, in other words, horribly boring unless you're evil (and thus can kill them without going out of character.)


Neutral Evil Chaotic. The 'Prison Plane' is where the souls of backstabbers and traitors dwell. There are many portals leading to the plane, but very few portals leading out. This is essentially Tartarus from Greek Mythology, hell; it's named the Tartarean Depths of Carceri. There is an infinite number of orbs which are like little planets in this plane. The Demodands are the bosses here.


Neutral Good. The Peaceful Plane is a land of soft fields, quiet woods, and calm waters. It is home to the guardinals, a race of animal-like celestials. It's also boring as shit because there is such a thing as too much good.


Neutral Evil Lawful. This plane is comprised of a series of immense double-ended volcanoes, floating in the void. Each volcano is its own layer. The yugoloths (or 'daemons') rule this plane in name, but there are several other powerful fiendish races that dwell here as well.

The Gray Wastes of Hades

Neutral Evil. The Three Glooms are desolate lands where all color is muted to shades of gray. Visitors soon find their own color fading away, and their ambition soon follows, leaving them empty husks, devoid of emotion. The yugoloths are a powerful force on this plane (they are in fact actually native to the Gray Wastes, it's just that the General of Gehenna decided to move most of Yugoloth kind to Gehenna, though the Oinoloth and those that followed him stayed put), but the night hags and their larvae trade are the real power here, but don't tell that to the Oinoloth unless you enjoy getting super-syphillis (because AIDs just isn't unpleasant enough) because the throne in his dark tower grants him total mastery of disease on the plane and lets him spring up plagues that make mummy rot look positively pleasant from the dirt. The tanar'ri and baatezu use the Gray Waste as their primary battlefield, as its metaphysical location is halfway between that of Baator and the Abyss.


Chaotic Neutral. Limbo Limbo Limbo chaos ever-changing NO NOT THAT listen berk it's like every mad power CRUMBLING FROM THE INSIDE flowers rusting HOPE SPRINGS DIAGONAL


Lawful Neutral. The Clockwork Universe is comprised of immense gears (some of which are miles in diameter), each revolving in tandem with the cogs that connect to them. This is the most orderly of all the Outer Planes. The modrons reign here, from the Tower of Primus at the center of the great gear Regalus.

Mount Celestia

Lawful Good. The Seven Heavens are comprised of seven ascending peaks on a great mountain. The Mount is surrounded by the Shining Sea, an endless ocean of sparkling holy water. The archons oversee Mount Celestia, from the lantern archons that guide new pilgrims to the throne archons that watch over all else.

The Outlands

Neutral. This is the smallest of the Outer Planes, though it is still technically infinite. The best-known features of the Outlands are the Spire and the sixteen gate-towns that lie in a ring around the "edge" of the plane (imagine a pancake with a pen stuck in the middle- Sigil floats above the Spire, and the gate-towns form a ring around the edge of the pancake). Each gate-town is tied to one of the other Outer Planes, and each contains a permanently open portal to that plane somewhere inside. The gate-towns reflect the plane they lead to, and most inhabitants share the alignment of that plane. Between the gate-towns and the Spire are nine rings (the Outlands' version of planar layers). At the ninth ring, where the gate-towns are, magical spells function more or less normally. As one approaches the Spire, higher-level spells cease to function, starting with ninth-level spells and descending, to the base of the Spire where no magical spells function. Beyond the gate-towns are the Hinterlands, a strange area where space and time break down, and further movement away from the Spire is severely restricted.


Chaotic Neutral Evil. The four layers of Pandemonium are nothing but an endless series of caves, cut through by a howling wind that never ceases. Exposure to this wind inevitably drives one insane. The first layer is the most open, and each below it becomes more cloistered. The final layer is nothing but a series of air-pockets inside the endless rock. The worst monstrosities of the planes are imprisoned here by the powers. It is said that the Lady of Pain once sent her enemies here before she gained the ability to create Mazes. Essentially, this is the Underdark on steroids, and everyone in it is crazy.


Chaotic Neutral Good. Ysgard is most famous as the home of the Norse powers, but many other creatures live here, including giants and bariaur (a sort of ram-centaur unique to the Outer Planes). The entire plane is comprised of floating islands of rock--some the size of continents--drifting in an open sky. The undersides of most of these earthburgs burn with a constant magical fire, though in some places the earthburgs float flaming-side up.



Athar sign

Nickname: Defiers, Lost

Philosophy: The "gods" are imposters and frauds. They are not truly divine.

Alignment: Any. Athar priests usually get power from the "Great Unknown", an unknowable true divinity they believe in.

Factol: Terrance, male human priest.

Sigil Headquarters: The Shattered Temple, former temple of the god Aoskar.

Main Plane of Influence: Astral

Believers of the Source

Believers of the Source sign

Nickname: Godsmen

Philosophy: The multiverse is a forge, and each life is a test. The point of life is to ascend to godhood and then to some mysterious beyond.

Alignment: Any. Godsmen priests suffer a small penalty due to a lack of complete faith.

Factol: Ambar Vergrove, male half-elf ranger.

Sigil Headquarters: The Great Foundry

Main Plane of Influence: Ethereal

Bleak Cabal

Bleak Cabal sign

Nickname: Madmen, Bleakers, the Cabal

Philosophy: There is no true "meaning" to the multiverse and no "true" beliefs. Any meaning in life has to come from within.

Alignment: Any non-lawful.

Factol: Lhar, male half-orc fighter.

Sigil Headquarters: The Gatehouse, an insane asylum.

Main Plane of Influence: Pandemonium.


Doomguard sign

Nickname: Sinkers

Philosophy: Entropy is inevitable and divine.

Alignment: Any. Priests cannot have the Healing or Creation spheres.

Factol: Pentar, female human ranger.

Sigil Headquarters: Armory.

Main Plane of Influence: The negative Quasielemental planes.


Dustmen sign

Nickname: the Dead.

Philosophy: This multiverse is not the real one; we're all dead. The goal is to overcome passion and emotion and achieve the nirvana of True Death.

Alignment: Any.

Factol: Skall, male lich wizard.

Sigil Headquarters: The Mortuary, where Sigil's dead are buried or cremated.

Main Plane of Influence: Negative Energy Plane.


Fated sign

Nickname: Takers, Heartless.

Philosophy: The Multiverse belongs to those who hold it. If you can take something, or earn it, you deserve it. Weakness is an excuse.

Members Alignment: Any, except Lawful Good.

Factol: Duke Rowan Darkwood, male human ranger/priest.

Sigil Headquarters: Hall of Records, Sigil's tax office.

Main Plane of Influence: Ysgard.

Fraternity of Order

Fraternity of Order sign

Nickname: Guvners

Philosophy: The Planes are governed by laws. Laws can be learned. Learn the laws, and you can rule the multiverse.

Members Alignment: Any Lawful.

Factol: Hashkar, male dwarf sage. He has had many amorous adventures.

Sigil Headquarters: The City Court.

Main Plane of Influence: Mechanus.

Free League

Indep sign

Nickname: Indeps.

Philosophy: No faction knows the whole truth, or should tell anyone what to do. Each person should be free to find his own truth. (Due to their beliefs, the Free League considers itself more an informal group of free-thinkers watching each other's backs than a faction.)

Alignment: Any.

Factol: None.

Sigil Headquarters: The Great Bazaar.

Main Plane of Influence: Outlands.


Harmonium sign

Nickname: Hardheads.

Philosophy: Everything should live in perfect peace and harmony - under the Harmonium's rule, that is.

Alignment: Any lawful.

Factol: Sarin, male human paladin.

Sigil Headquarters: City Barracks.

Main Plane of Influence: Arcadia.


Mercykillers sign

Nickname: Red Death.

Philosophy: Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.

Alignment: Any lawful. Thieves and known criminals not allowed.

Factol: Alisohn Nilesia, female tiefling wizard.

Sigil Headquarters: Prison.

Main Plane of Influence: Acheron.

Revolutionary League

Revolutionary League sign

Nickname: Anarchists.

Philosophy: The power structures and man-made laws of the multiverse are inherently corrupt. The Factions are keeping everyone from finding the real truth of the multiverse. The only solution is to tear everything down and rebuild with what's left.

Alignment: Any non-Lawful.

Factol: None. The Anarchists operate in "cells".

Sigil Headquarters: None.

Main Plane of Influence: Carceri.

Sign of One

Sign of One sign

Nickname: Signers.

Philosophy: Everyone is at the center of their own multiverse, and reality itself can be altered with the power of imagination.

Alignment: Any, except Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral.

Factol: Darius, female human diviner.

Sigil Headquarters: Hall of Speakers.

Main Plane of Influence: Beastlands.

Society of Sensation

Society of Sensation sign

Nickname: Sensates

Philosophy: Through experience, one gains knowledge. Once everything has been experienced, enlightenment can be reached.

Alignment: Any.

Factol: Erin Montgomery, female human priest.

Sigil Headquarters: Civic Festhall.

Main Plane of Influence: Arborea.

Transcendent Order

Transcendent Order sign

Nickname: Ciphers.

Philosophy: Action without thought is the purest. When you train your body and mind to act as one, you can become one with the Multiverse itself.

Alignment: any Neutral.

Factol: Rhys, female tiefling figter/mage.

Sigil Headquarters: Great Gymnasium.

Main Plane of Influence: Elysium.


Xaositects sign

Nickname: Chaosmen.

Philosophy: There is no order to reality. No truth except Chaos.

Members Alignment: any Chaotic.

Factol: Karan, male githzerai fighter.

Sigil Headquarters: The Hive, Sigil's least organised Ward.

Main Plane of Influence: Limbo.


The Clueless are not truly a faction; every prime that has recently arrived from his prime world and knows nothing about the planes is a Clueless. Being a Clueless is dangerous, in fact, as you could make a lethal mistake without knowing.

Published Planescape books

Core Books

  • Planescape Campaign Setting
  • Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I
  • Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix II
  • Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III


  • The Factol's Manifesto. Details the factions, their important members, and the factions' headquarters.
  • Faces of Evil: The Fiends. Details the major and minor races of the Lower Planes.
  • A Guide to the Astral Plane. Details the physical (well, quasi-physical) nature of the Astral and its inhabitants.
  • A Guide to the Ethereal Plane. Details the Border, Deep Ethereal, inhabitants, and includes rules for creating demiplanes.
  • Hellbound: The Blood War. Details the Blood War; includes an adventure and a comic with art by Tony DiTerlizzi.
  • The Inner Planes. Details the Inner Planes.
  • In The Cage: A Guide to Sigil. Details locations and personalities of Sigil.
  • On Hallowed Ground. Details the Powers of the Outer Planes, their realms, and their followers.
  • Planes of Chaos. Details the chaotically-aligned Outer Planes.
  • Planes of Conflict. Details the neutrally-aligned Outer Planes.
  • Planes of Law. Details the lawfully-aligned Outer Planes
  • A Player's Primer to the Outlands. Details the realms and locations of the Outlands; includes an audio CD with tracks representing information given by a mimir (a magical speaking skull).
  • Uncaged: Faces of Sigil. Details important NPC figures in Sigil.


  • The Eternal Boundary
  • Well of Worlds
  • In the Abyss
  • The Deva Spark
  • Fires of Dis
  • Harbinger House
  • Something Wild
  • Hellbound- The Blood War
  • Doors to the Unknown
  • The Great Modron March
  • Faction War
  • Dead Gods
  • Tales from the Infinite Staircase


Fire and Dust is a fairly good novel available free (and legally!) online.


Planescape: Torment was a PC game made by Black Isle Studios in the vein of Baldur's Gate, based primarily around Sigil and other areas of the Planescape setting. You play a pissed off amnesiac zombie, with a party of a wise-cracking skull, a chaste succubus, and an insane TV voiced by Homer Simpson. You get to kill a guy by arguing him out of existence. Over a million words of dialogue. Best PCRPG ever.

Links is the biggest fan resource on Planescape

An ironic Planescape comic strip
