Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Path to Glory
This is the page for the Age of Sigmar Path to Glory, based on the expanded version seen in the General's Handbook.
Why should I play this?
Because yes. Also, for the first time, you can play non-Chaos armies.
How to play
- Find at least another person who wants to do it.
- Use the stuff below to generate your army.
- Give names to units and heroes for maximum Your Dudes.
- If you already own every model you need for your warband, good for you. Otherwise, you have to spend some cash.
- Play with your friends.
Every time you win a game, you get D3 Glory Points. You also get a GP if you lose or draw, and in the army building phase you can get rid of any number of follower slots you got at the beginning to start with an equal amount of GPs. First who gets the amount of GPs needed to win the campaign (book suggests 10 GPs, but you can go higher and make it last longer) and then wins another game is the champion.
Also, after each battle you roll a D3 to get a bonus: on a 1 you get a new unit in your army, on a 2 you can roll for a champion reward and on a 3 you get a roll for a retinue reward.
First, you have to choose a faction and a General for your army. If you choose a Chaos army, you have to choose which god you want to follow. If you choose a Death Army, every unit must have the same faction keyword as your general (FLESH-EATER COURTS, SOULBLIGHT, DEATHRATTLE or DEATHMAGE General with DEADWALKER followers). The kind of General you choose also determinates how many units are in your retinue at the beginning of the campaign (bigger the General is, fewer units you get)
Any God
- Chaos Lord/Sorcerer Lord on Manticore - 4 units
- Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount - 5 units
- Lord of Chaos - 6 units
- Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut - 4 units
- Mighty Lord of Khorne - 5 units
- Tzeentch Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch - 4 units
- Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord - 5 units
- Harbinger of Decay - 4 units
- Lord of Plagues - 5 units
- Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount - 4 units
- Chaos Lord of Slaanesh - 5 units
Stormcast Eternals
- Lord-Celestant on Stardrake - 5 units
- Lord-Celestant on Dracoth - 6 units
- Lord-Celestant - 7 units
- Auric Runefather on Magmadroth - 5 units
- Auric Runeson on Magmadroth - 6 units
- Auric Runefather - 7 units
- Auric Runeson - 8 units
- Screaming Bell - 4 units
- Grey Seer, Arch-Warlock, Packmaster or Plague Priest - 5 units
- Skaven Warlord - 6 units
- Megaboss on Maw-krusha - 5 units
- Megaboss - 7 units
- Treelord Ancient or Spirit of Durthu - 4 units
- Branchwych or Branchwaith - 6 units
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist or Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon - 4 units
- Abhorrant Ghoul King - 6 units
- Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon - 4 units
- Coven Throne - 5 units
- Vampire Lord - 6 units
- Necromancer - 6 units
- Wight King - 6 units
These are the other units of your warband. You can choose them manually or roll a D6 to get random stuff, so we split the various tables.
Remember that if you take units from the "Any god" tables they still must take the mark of the god you chose at the beginning.
Any god - Units
- 1. 2 Chaos Spawns
- 2. 10 Warhounds
- 3. 16 Marauders or 5 Marauder Horsemen
- 4. 12 Chaos Warriors
- 5. A Chariot or Gorebeast Chariot
- 6. 5 Knights or 5 Chosen
Any god - Heroes
- 1. Chaos Spawn
- 2-3. Exalted Hero of Chaos
- 4. Dragon Ogor Shaggoth
- 5. Sorcerer Lord
- 6. Lord of Chaos
Khorne - Units
- 1. Khorgorath
- 2. 20 Bloodreavers
- 3. 10 Blood Warriors
- 4. 5 Skullreapers
- 5. 5 Wrathmongers
- 6. 3 Mighty Skullcrushers
Khorne - Heroes
- 1. Chaos Spawn
- 2. Bloodstoker
- 3. Bloodsecrator
- 4. Slaughterpriest
- 5. Skullgrinder
- 6. Aspiring Deathbringer or Exalted Deathbringer
Tzeentch - Units
- 1. 2 Chaos Spawns
- 2. 16 Marauders
- 3. 12 Warriors
- 4. 5 Chosen
- 5-6. 5 Knights
Tzeentch - Heroes
- 1. Chaos Spawn
- 2-6. Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord
Nurgle - Units
- 1. 2 Chaos Spawns
- 2, 4-6. 5 Putrid Blightkings
- 3. 12 Warriors
Nurgle - Heroes
- 1. Chaos Spawn
- 2-6. Rotbringers Sorcerer
Slaanesh - Units
- 1. 2 Chaos Spawns
- 2. 5 Marauder Horsemen
- 3. 12 Warriors
- 4-6. 5 Hellstriders
Slaanesh - Heroes
- 1. Chaos Spawn
- 2-6. Chaos Lord of Slaanesh
- 1. 3 Dragon Ogors, 3 Razorgors or 5 Centigors
- 2. Chaos Warshrine
- 3. Slaughterbrute
- 4. Mutalith Vortex Beast
- 5. Chaos Gargant
- 6. Chimera, Cockatrice or Jabberslythe
- 1. 10 Ungors
- 2. 10 Ungor Raiders
- 3-4. 10 Gors
- 5. 10 Bestigors or a Tuskgor Chariot
- 6. Beastlord or Great Bray-Shaman
- 1-3. 3 Bullgors
- 4. Cygor
- 5. Ghorgon
- 6. Doombull
Stormcast Eternals
- 1. 5 Retributors or 10 Liberators
- 2. 3 Prosecutors or 10 Liberators
- 3-4. 10 Liberators
- 5. 5 Judicators or 10 Liberators
- 6. 5 Protectors or 10 Liberators
- 1. 5 Gryph-hounds
- 2. 2 Concussors
- 3. 2 Tempestors
- 4. 2 Fulminators
- 5. 2 Desolators
- 6. Drakesworn Templar
- 1. Lord-Relictor
- 2. Lord-Castellant
- 3. Knight-Heraldor
- 4. Knight-Vexillor
- 5. Knight-Azyros
- 6. Knight-Venator
- 1-2. 5 Vulkite Berzerkers
- 3-4. 5 Auric Hearthguard
- 5-6. 5 Hearthguard Berzerkers
- 1-2. Grimwrath Berzerker
- 3. Auric Runesmiter
- 4. Auric Runemaster
- 5. Battlesmith
- 6. Auric Runeson
- 1-2. 10 Stormvermin, 5 Skryre Acolytes, 6 Giant Rats, 5 Plague Censer Bearers or 10 Night Runners
- 3. 10 Stormvermin, 3 Stormfiends, 2 Rat Swarms, 5 Plague Censer Bearers or 10 Night Runners
- 4. 10 Clanrats, 3 Stormfiends, 2 Rat Swarms, 5 Plague Monks or 3 Gutter Runners
- 5-6. 10 Clanrats, 3 Warplock Jezzail, a Weapon Team, 2 Rat Ogors, 5 Plague Monks or 3 Gutter Runners
You can't have two heroes of the same kind (including your General), so if you want to roll randomly you must reroll any double.
- 1-3. Skaven Warlord, Arch-Warlock, Packmaster, Plague Priest or Assassin
- 4-6. Skaven Warlord, Warlock Engineer, Packmaster, Plague Priest or Assassin
Monsters and War Machines
You can't have two monsters or war machines of the same kind, so if you want to roll randomly you must reroll any double.
- 1. Screaming Bell
- 2. Warp Lightning Cannon
- 3. Doomwheel
- 4. Hell Pit Abomination
- 5. Plague Furnace
- 6. Plagueclaw
- 1-2. 5 Brutes
- 3-4. 3 Gore-gruntas
- 5-6. 10 Ardboys
- 1-3. Warchanter
- 4-6. Weirdnob Shaman
You also get a free Sylvaneth Wyldwood to place on the field along with whatever you take.
- 1-3. 5 Dryads
- 4. 5 Tree-Revenants
- 5. 5 Spite-Revenants
- 6. 3 Kurnoth Hunters
- 1-2. Branchwych
- 3-4. Branchwraith
- 5-6. Treelord
- 1-2. 10 Crypt Ghouls
- 3-6. 3 Crypt Horrors
- 1-3. Varghulf Courtier
- 4. Crypt Ghast Courtier
- 5. Crypt Haunter Courtier
- 6. Crypt Infernal Courtier
You can't have two monsters of the same kind (including the general's mount), so if you want to roll randomly you must reroll any double.
- 1-3. Terrorgheist
- 4-6. Zombie Dragon
- 1-2. 3 Vargheists
- 3-4. 5 Blood Knights
- 5. 3 Fell Bats
- 6. Bat Swarm
- 1-3. 10 Zombies
- 4-5. 5 Dire Wolves
- 6. Corpse Chart or Mortis Engine
- 1-2. 5 Black Knights
- 3-4. 10 Skeleton Warriors
- 5-6. 5 Grave Guards