Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Warscrolls Compendium/The Empire

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The Empire Tactica for the Age of Sigmar rule-set, so you can follow your god into the next world!

Why play The Empire?

Because you love gryphons that can still fly, manly men who have (and are in love with, apparently) cool mustaches and drowning your enemy a la imperial guard. Aside a few characters, the Empire can be played in many aspects like you'd play an IG army: your basic troops (going by the SDK system) are cheap-and see their utility enhanced by being deployed en masse- and so are most of your heroes (who buff your army to great extent). In the meanwhile you pack up some nasty guns like the Steamtank. Wanna drown the enemy in corpses but don't want to play vampire counts in fear of being accused of cheesemonger and sparkly faggot? Want to be a MAN? Want to pack some seriously big guns? Then serve the mighty God-Empero of Mankind KARL FRANZ!!



  • Battlemage on Pegasus:
  • Huntmarshal:
  • Master Engineer on Mechanical Steed: Awful. Almost as bad as the unmounted guy at melee and exactly as good at range, and incredibly unreliable movement.


  • Knights of Order:


  • Greatcannon:
  • Field Mortar Like a very powerful catapult, he can shoot things it can't see. Very accurate, and long range with a close Master Engineer. Also, it's very very powerful against great hordes (of 20+ models, it deals 2D6 Damage to them). Great choice against hordes, but has 10" minimum range and only one shoot, overall the Cannon and the Helstorm Rocket Battery are probably better options.

External Links

Rules are here [1]

Age of Sigmar Compendium Tactics Articles