Ragara Mindel

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Revision as of 16:53, 25 November 2012 by 1d4chan>PratzStrike (Ragara Mindel, character for South Seas Exalted game.)
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  • Campaign: Sexyalted Exalted
  • Name: Ragara Mindel
  • Concept: Thief, thieftaker, smiling rogue
  • Caste/Aspect: Water
  • Motivation: Letting things cool at home, came to a new place to assist the family.
  • Positive intimacies:
  • Negative intimacies:
  • Anima:
  • Experience: 0 unspent/0 total

(Write experience points as "unspent / total", plx.)


(Write your background here. I like short, concise, to-the-point backgrounds that tell me all the important things you want me to know about your character. This space is meant mostly for character history, but try and talk a bit about his personality as well.)


5'10", long, unruly black hair, brown eyes. Fit and slender, but no obvious muscle. Tends towards either black leather on the job, and colorful jackets and pants when not.


Strength  ●●       Charisma     ●●●         Perception   ●●●
Dexterity ●●●●●    Manipulation ●●         Intelligence ●●●
Stamina   ●●●      Appearance   ●●        Wits         ●●●


Terrestrial Block Water
Linguistics ●●       Awareness  ●●● Athletics ●●●●●   Bureaucracy         Archery     ●
Lore        ●●       Craft           Dodge     ●●●●●  Investigation ●●●●● Medicine    
Occult               Integrity        Melee     ●       Larceny       ●●●●● Performance ●
Stealth    ●●●●●   Resistance       Presence  ●●      Martial Arts  ●●●●● Ride        ●
Thrown               War        ●     Socialize ●●●●    Sail                Survival    

Languages: High Realm, Low Realm, Seatongue

(Write aspect/caste and favored abilities in bold, please. Also, you do not have a free dot in every ability. I put them in for ease of comprehension.)


Stealth - Moving Unnoticed ● Athletics - Running ● Investigation - Detecting Clues ● Larceny - Unnoticed Pilfering ●


Reputation (Known Thieftaker, Unknown Thief) : ●●
Breeding: ●●●
Artifacts (Razor Claws, Chain Shirt, Mask, Hearthstone Amulet): ●●●
Resources: ●●●
Connections (Government): ●
Connections (Merchants) :
Connections (Outlaws): ●


  • (Athletics, Dodge, Martial Arts) First (Ability) Excellency : 1m/2 dice, Reflexive (1/2), Combo-OK, Instant. Add up to (ability) dice to rolls.
  • (Larceny) Trackless Walk Style: 2m, Simple, Combo-OK, One scene.
  • (Larceny) Observer Awareness Method: 1m, Reflexive, Combo-OK, Instant.
  • (Stealth) Distracting Breeze Meditation: 1m/2 successes, Simple, Combo-OK, One scene, Leader 4.
  • (Stealth) Deadly Mirage Ambush: 3m, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Instant, Leader.


Combo Name 1wp 0m+

  • Charm Name
  • Adamant Skin Technique
    Cause gem to explode.


Essence: ●●
Regeneration: (Twice the rating of your hearthstone(s) when active, 4/hour more when relaxed, 8/hour more when sleeping.)
Personal Essence Pool: 13/13 /
Peripheral Essence Pool: 14/28 /
Committed Essence: 14
(Write your essence pools as "current / maximum". Current should be lower than maximum if you have motes committed to artifacts or if you finished a session while not at your maximum essence. Commit from peripheral.)


Willpower: ●●●●●
Temporary: 0/0



Compassion ●●●
Conviction ●●
Temperance ●●
Valor      ●●

Virtue flaw: (Compassion)
Limit: □□□□□ □□□□□
Limit Break Condition:


(Here is where you write down all your stuff. You write your artifacts, too: name, fluff and stats. You have to specify, for each item, what background (resources, arsenal, artifact...) it came out of. Don't itemize your tacklebox; this isn't D&D.)

Manses and Hearthstones

(Write what hearthstones (if any) you have, and write some stuff about the manses too: a bit of description, where they are and so on.)


Dodge DV: (Dex+dodge+Ess)/2, round up
Dodge MDV: (Will+integ+Ess)/2, round down
Soak: 0A/0L/0B (Add armor and 0A/(Sta/2, round down)L/(Sta)B)
Pierced: 0A/0L/0B (Add half from armor and full from stamina.)
Hardness: 0A/0L/0B (armor only)


Example Attack (Speed X, Accuracy X, Damage XL, Parry DV X, Rate X, Tags X, Y, Z)
Clinch (Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage +0B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags C, N, P)
Kick (Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +3B, Parry DV -2, Rate 2, Tags N)
Punch (Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +0B, Parry DV +2, Rate 3, Tags N)


□ -0
□ -1
□ -1
□ -2
□ -2
□ -4
□ Incapacitated
□ Dying

(one Dying level per dot of Stamina)


(It's helpful if you write down how you spent your BP and XP.)

Shopping list

(It's also helpful (but optional) if you write out charms you intend to buy.)