Rated M For Manly
Rated M For Manly is one of /tg/'s more recent incarnations of Getting Shit Done. It all began when a namefag known as Red Star asked for pointers on 'Ass Pull' Mechanics, for a game like those over-the-top 70s action movies. Many an Anon replied, and eventually Rated M For Manly, a RPG card game of hilarious asspulls was born. In the first thread, OP took 150 of the Ass Pull Cards and wrote up some rules, which can be viewed in the thread. Those 150 cards exclude the Villain cards, the actual total is probably about 230. In one thread. Truly, /tg/ Gets Shit Done.
Once some Anons find the time and effort to post them here, it'll be a huge list. For now, it's just a couple though.
One In The Chamber
Whenever run out of ammo and get in a situation where you cant reload you can say that you actually had the magazine plus one. Get one free shot to defend yourself.
Critical Jam The hero is one his knees about to get a bullet to the skull...but wait! The villain's gun jams right at that exact moment and the hero takes the opportunity to attack! After activating this you get a turn to attack or run away before the enemy can respond.
Can turn any two Objects into a Weapon or Quest Item.
2 Days Left Until Retirement Basically a get out of death free card. Only instead of free, someone else takes the bullet for you.
Yippie-Kay-Yay Say a pithy one liner and do an action. The other guys playing judge how good the line was. get a bonus for how bad/fair/great the line was
Commando Your sheer awesomeness makes everyone miss you despite being a huge Austrian man. This prevents all damage for a set amount of playing time
I'm going to kill you last!
Pick an enemy in the scene. If he's the last one standing, you get a bonus to attack and damage.
So to start off a Hero needs a Badass name and occupation. The occupation determines all the skills a character has. normally a normal person rolls 1d6 for skill rolls, but your badass so all the skills associated with the occupation gets 2d6.
-Heroes start the game with 3 awesome points(these can be used for Anything.) -Draw 5 or 7 cards, up to the Director, the GM who's also in charge of the Villain, Lieutenant and Mooks.
-If a Hero's hand is gone, he is out of the scene and loses 1 Awesome Point, if they are out of Awesome Points and lose their hand, they die. (cards are like HP.) -The deck the Hero's draw from is one deck in the middle of the table, it has good and bad Ass Pulls.
-Cards can be played face up on the table to use the effects, or "burned" a one time use.
Enemies Mooks- Hp=1 Damage=1 Left Hand- Hp=10 Damage=2 Big Bad- Hp=varies Damage=Varies
Damage dealt to heroes is taken from either their hand or the cards on the field. Again when all are gone ya be dead.
A hero can "refresh" for 2 awesome points to pull a new hand and can if they want they can rejoin the scene.
The game is very narrative based story telling. The director sets the stage, and throws the endless minions at the heroes.
Awesome Points
So, Awesome Points are fucking awesome ! You can do damn near anything you want. For 1 point, you can draw an extra card. For 2, draw a new hand, or "refresh."
You can get Awesome Points in a lot of different ways, like bribing the Director, cheesy oneliners, creative problem solving, some cards themselves etc. There is no limit to how many Awesome Points a Hero can get.
The Plot thickens
So, what happens when the scene ends? Well, you discard your hand and draw a new one. If you have cards out on the table, leave them and draw to the max counting them.
Now, you're asking what happens when the deck runs out... well that's a fun question. When the deck runs out, it doesn't matter when, shit goes wrong and ends the scene. So a bomb going off, the enemy getting away, it's something BAD and sticks with the characters for a while, so possibly negatives for the next scene, or the max hand size is reduced for a time, etc. This can kill but its not necessary.
After this shuffle the deck and restart the timer. For more intense situations feel free to TAKE cards from the deck.