Retribution of Scyrah

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(ATTENTION - Retribution players, please add short descriptions of the units below and what they're good at etc.)

The elf faction. Unlike most factions in WarmaHordes, the Retribution of Scyrah isn't a nation but an extremist organization that believes human magic has given their gods cancer. Only recently has it been given official backing from one of the elf great houses, making them more of a standard army than a crazed terrorist cell.

The history of the Elves in the Iron Kingdoms

Unlike most settings, elves are not the first race in Immoren. Menoth's creation of humans inspired a group of other gods to try their hands at it. Unlike Menoth, who wanted servants and warriors, the elf gods wanted children and so took extra care in their making. As a result, the elves advanced much faster than humans, spreading all over western Immoren and creating the Empire of Lyoss. At their height, they built the Bridge of Worlds in their capital city Nyshyl. The intent was that the gods could use the Bridge to cross from Urcaen into Caen and live amongst their people. Like most attempts to communicate directly with gods through mortal ingenuity, it failed big time.

Once the gods crossed the bridge, it exploded, obliterating the capital city of Lyoss and the surrounding countryside. The gods and the surviving elves migrated west. Along the way, volunteers from the Dawnguard of Nyrro chose to guard the rear of the refugee column, sacrificing their lives almost to the last. The elves constructed eight cities dedicated to each of their gods, who would live in great temples at the center of each city. Apparently not learning their lesson the first time, the elves resolved that their new nation, Ios, would be just as grand and beautiful as Lyoss.

Over the centuries, elves started to age and die of natural causes. Political unity fell apart. Worst of all, the gods announced that they would leave Caen. They said that living outside the Veld had caused them to weaken and in turn that weakness spread to their people. They met one last time and then left Ios; their meeting hall has been perpetually sealed as a holy place. In the aftermath of the gods' departure, a prophet named Aeric claimed to have received a vision of the gods telling him to lead his people out into the wilderness. After their departure, Darsael was expunged from historical records, as if the people wanted to forget about the city and Nyssor's people. They would later become known as the Nyss.

Hundreds of years later, the clergy of Nyrro claimed that their god had returned. Many joined, but some were skeptical, especially because the clergy were refusing to give details of Nyrro's return and his messages. Eventually it was discovered that the clergy were not just lying, but engaging in horrific rituals that included living sacrifices. The Dawnguard, infuriated that the priests of their god had fallen so low, hauled them out and executed them. Since then, Eversael has been abandoned as a haunted city and the Dawnguard have abandoned their worship of Nyrro.

Then came the Rivening. All the priests of the elven gods went nuts at once. When the madness ended, all the surviving priests except Scyrah's had lost their magic. Elven scholars believe that the loss of Ayisla, the goddess of reincarnation, is why babies are being born without souls. They also observed the human resistance against the Orgoth and discovered that the humans could wield magic. This magic appeared to disturb the cosmological balance and was attributed as increasing the incidents of elven soullessness.

But there was good news (hurray!): Scyrah came to Shyrr, walked into the Fane of Lacyr, and never came back out (hurray?). Her priests said very little about her until they announced that she was dying. Displeased by the lack of action of their politicians, two sects have formed: the Seekers and the Retribution of Scyrah. The Retribution's mandate is to end human magic and its practitioners to save Scyrah's life. It was swiftly outlawed, but not eradicated.

The Retribution has gained followers over the centuries, and one of their advance scouts, Eiryss, has brought news to Ios: Ghyrrshyld of House Vyre, long thought dead, is the eldritch Goreshade, he has Nyssor's sword, and the Khadoran government has Nyssor himself.

Forces of the Retribution


  • Adeptis Rahn -
  • Dawnlord Vyros
  • Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper -
  • Garryth, Blade of Retribution -
  • Ravyn, Eternal Night -

Light Myrmidons

  • Chimera -
  • Gorgon -
  • Griffon -
  • Aspis -

Heavy Myrmidons

House Shyeel

  • Hydra -
  • Manticore -
  • Phoenix -

House Vyre

  • Banshee -
  • Daemon -
  • Sphinx -


  • Dawnguard -
    • Invictors -
    • Sentinels -
    • Destors -
  • House Shyeel Battlemages -
  • Houseguard -
    • Halberdiers -
    • Riflemen -
  • Mage Hunter Task Force -
  • Stormfall Archers -
  • Soulless Escort -


  • Arcanist -
  • Dawnguard Destor Thane -
  • Dawnguard Scyir -
  • House Shyeel Magister -
  • Mage Hunter Assassin -
  • Ghost Sniper -
  • Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios -
    • Eiryss, Angel of Retribution -
    • Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander -
  • Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen -
  • Nayl -
  • Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios -
  • Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber -
The games and their factions of Privateer Press
Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss - Cryx - Cygnar - Khador
Mercenaries - Protectorate of Menoth - Retribution of Scyrah
Hordes: Circle Orboros - Legion of Everblight
Minions - Skorne - Trollbloods
Other games: Monsterpocalypse