Robin Cruddace

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The Cruddmeister himself
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The Cruddace has the ability to turn anything it touches into confusing, uninspiring, soul draining crap. It is has not been discovered whether this is done on purpose or it is just a general lack of talent, skill, apathy, work ethic, or just a general aura of suck but the effects can be devastating. There is one exception, for reasons unknown the IG or (Imperial Guard) seem to be immune to this effect. Some say they have actually gained vast power from The Cruddace and pray to him as a God. When anyone tries to point out the insipid work of The Cruddace there is a cry from the IG faithful “Do not speak ill of The Cruddace! The Cruddace has showered upon us great gifts at little cost so that we might smite our foes!”

One of the best examples of the terrifying might of The Cruddace is a once feared alien species called the Tyranids. These creatures were the scourge of known space and feared by all. All races thought they were on the move to devour the universe but they were not attacking to consume new worlds they were simply trying to escape The Cruddace… unfortunately for them they could not get away. It is said the Cruddace can even destroy across time reaching back to strip the life and essence of armies from millennia past. The primal fear of The Cruddace reaches into the future as well. Entire races cower at the thought of his touch in their near future.


Robin Cruddace is a codex writer for Warhammer 40k and Fantasy, and an utter treadhead. This means, of course, that there is one army he is very good at writing, but not too many others, and there is much wailing and misery over the utter hackjob he pulled on the tyranids, the army he was least suited for. It's also possible that he's not really a treadhead either - the guy's an Imperial Guard player, just like Ward is an Ultramarines player, so like Ward it's easy to see he definitely played a bit of favoritism with his own guys. On the other end of the spectrum, it appears he may have been in the camp of believers that Tyranids were overpowered with overpowered MCs, since that's what her nerfed the hardest, and then he took away all their equipment options so they couldn't even be accidental bargains somehow.

He also filled the Tyranid fluff with page after page of losing battles for Tyranids, rather than the enigmatic analysis on their rapid development and adaptability which they were previously known for (their crunch now makes them among the most rigid armies in the game). In fact, he has one story about how well the Tau were able to out-adapt the Tyranids by tricking them into disadvantageous evolutionary paths. The Tau won that battle by beating Tyranids at their own game. In the Tyranids' own codex. And then the Tau were killed off by Necrons.

We don't know what's wrong with Cruddace, but if he writes your army's codex, you better hope he likes your army.

That being said, he also made a bunch of the 8th edition Fantasy books, which were, for the most part, pretty good, and seem to be bringing Warhammer Fantasy into gasp balance.(Tomb kings are still at the arse end of useful).

It should be noted that "crud" is an often-used euphemism for "crap". Make of this what you will.

Wait, don't we already have an article on this guy?... oh shi-