Scary Marines

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"Scary Marines"

What is "known" in the Imperium.

A juvenile name for a strange terror that serves the Emperor's best interest, the "Scary Marines" are also known by a number of other titles, "Spooky Marines," "Istvaan's Children," "Those that Lie Between," and a number of others. For the purposes of clarity, I shall refer to them by the title that the Ezariel Symposiums settled upon, "Legio Vereor."

They appear to serve the Emperor's purposes, conflicted reports have them in fact working for the Ordo Hereticus, though again with the inaccurate nature of information I have to draw upon, this is uncertain; though, with their capabilities and apparent lack of organization I doubt this.

In any case, the Legio Vereor are capable of doing extraordinary feats, moving across continents within seconds without trace, transportation, perhaps without even engaging in any action, having an aura of fear one would associate with Culexus, and an apparent invulnerability- though this may be propaganda.

I regret I have nothing else to give in this report gentlemen, that is not speculation- Though, due to their apparent power when being unobserved, we might refer to the tome "Liber Schrodinger"{DECLARED HERETICUS FOR SLAANESHI TAINT} for information on the observable creatures, though, again, for all we know they could be a mass hallucination, or some form of joke.

Scary Marines will often take over duties in the civilian populace.

The mailman, who has delivered irregularly to your door for the past seven years is suddenly replaced with the looming, chilling figure of the marine. He thrusts the letters at you, until you accept them, before going on to the next house.

The indulgent, decadent governor awakes, not to his mercenary house guard, but to the silent and chilling figure of the Scary Marines. After he stops panicking, they take him to breakfast, make him get cleaned up and proper, and forcibly sit him at his desk and stare at him until he gets back to the work of running his planet.

Off and on, in short flashes, as you walk to your place on the factory line, you could have SWORN you had seen eight feet of power armor, hunched over a boilerplate, carefully welding it shut- no wait, it's just Frank. It was always Frank. Had to be. Right?

The Chapter:

Befitting the rumors of their origin linked to the once loyal Night Lords, the chapter that more often than not finds itself due with the simple title of "Scary Marines" rely on tactics focused on breaking the enemy morale. However, unlike the treacherous Night Lords of Chaos, the "Scary Marines" rely on raw psychological warfare which in itself is rather "harmless", but with continued pressure can win the battle for them before it is even started.

The greatest weapon of all is the simple Fear of The Unknown. The fear of things that stray from the daily norm, the fear of shapeless things that move in the dark, the fear of an impending invisible doom. Man or Xenos, this simple truth holds strong. Where there Night Lord "brethren" use savagery, violence, torture, and other horrors, the "Scary Marines" use their own questionable presence within reach as their greatest weapon of slowly degrading enemy morale.

The "Scary Marines" are known and reviled for their tenancy and great ability to appear and disappear soundlessly. Many stories tell of screams arising in the middle of the night and a single witness finding one of their number slain, circled by great armored men seemingly sculpted out of the shadows themselves, and when the witness tries to get help, these men are gone. Leaving no dropped weapons, no evidence of struggle, and not even a body. Only a puddle of blood, and perhaps a single bootprint.

No place is safe, no place is private, and no defense is strong enough, and when this simple fact has settled itself in the minds of those stricken heretics and xenos, the Marines come forth en masse, coming out of homes and hidden alleyways, as if from the shadows themselves.


The Scary Marines favor a variety of very simple yet very disconcerting methods of instilling a great air of discomfort and a direkt feeling of being constantly watched on those targeted by them. Be it through the use of those few strong librarians their chapter holds, their near-legendary scouts, or just their own skill at stealth, the following are among the standard "tricks" the Scary Marines commonly employ:

-An "important" or otherwise well protected target finds upon waking from rest that every door in its dwelling are unlocked and open, and its favored weapon as been placed atop its chest.

-A low-to-mid level target wakes with a knife or other melee instrument in its hand, and drenched with blood. Should the blood be tested, it will be identified as the target's own.

-Several targets disappear from their locales, yet there are no signs of struggle nor signs of forced extraction. In fact, all the doors/windows are locked from the inside.

-The power to the city/district of the city suddenly go out, and upon reactivation, the bodies of several previously missing citizens are found in a very open or otherwise hard to reach place.

-Military/Civilian transmissions are suddenly cut short, and several scenes of dozens of ominous Scary Marines standing in the city's town square, outside guard sentries, atop important government buildings, and suchlike are shown.

Color scheme: The "Scary Marines" paint their power armor and that of their dreadnoughts a paint so black that it eats light, with the armor itself said to cast a shadow around the marine.

Whenever sighted, the eyes of their helmets are always pronounced, however if this is due to any modification or the psyche of the viewer is suspect.

All praises to the original writefaggots from the archived thread.